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John Saunders


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Tournament: 54th British Championship (won by Penrose) (all 198 games, from the bulletin) Updated 20 February, 2025 11:51 AM
Venue: Examination Schools, Oxford • Dates: 7-18 August 1967 • Download PGN (includes 166 games from subsidiary events)

1967 British Chess Championship, 7-18 August • Examination Schools, Oxford 1966« »1968

1967 British Chess
Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  Total 
1 Jonathan Penrose London w35+ b6= w12+ w20+ b3= w4+ w2= b11+ b10+ w8= b7=
2 William R Hartston Enfield w7- b36+ w35+ b28+ w24+ w3= b1= w4+ b5= w10+ b6= 8
3 Andrew J Whiteley Oxford w8+ b19+ b15= w11+ w1= b2= b4- w10- w18+ b6= w14+ 7
4 Harry Golombek Chalfont w36+ b12= w14= b7+ w11+ b1- w3+ b2- w19+ w5= b8= 7
5 Peter N Lee Harrogate b26+ w11- b13= w23+ b15= w10= b17= w9+ w2= b4= b22+ 7
6 Peter H Clarke Peterborough b29+ w1= b10= w15= b20= w19= b13= w17= b22+ w3= w2=
7 Gerald Bonner Glasgow b2+ w20= b24= w4- b28= w26= b29+ w15= b13= w17+ w1=
8 Michael V Lambshire Twyford b3- w29- w32+ b35+ w14= b12= w21+ b19= w11+ b1= w4=
9 Michael A Stevenson Tettenhall b21- w16= b22+ w10= b13= b23= w26+ b5- b25= w18+ w19+
10 (James) Rodney Phillips NZL/London w25= b27+ w6= b9= w18= b5= w14+ b3+ w1- b2- w12= 6
11 Norman Littlewood Sheffield w34+ b5+ w28+ b3- b4- w29+ w18+ w1- b8- b14- w21+ 6
12 Michael J Haygarth Leeds b33+ w4= b1- w13= b26= w8= b22= w28+ b17= w15= b10= 6
13 Bernard Cafferty Birmingham w27= b30= w5= b12= w9= b21+ w6= b18= w7= b19= b15= 6
14 Adrian Swayne Hollis Oxford b22= w17+ b4= w24- b8= w28+ b10- w25+ b15= w11+ b3- 6
15 Robert Graham Wade Ilford w30= b32+ w3= b6= w5= b24= w25= b7= w14= b12= w13= 6
16 F Norman Stephenson Middlesbrough w19- b9= w18- b31= w27- b35+ w36+ b23= w24+ b30= b25+ 6
17 Philip C Hoad Chester w18= b14- w27+ b21+ w19= b25= w5= b6= w12= b7- w23=
18 Michael Macdonald-Ross London b17= w24= b16+ w29= b10= w20+ b11- w13= b3- b9- w30+
19 Michael J Basman Addlestone b16+ w3- b33= w36+ b17= b6= w24+ w8= b4- w13= b9-
20 David B Pritchard Godalming w31+ b7= w25+ b1- w6= b18- w23- b30= w21- b34+ w28+
21 Alexander M Davie Dundee w9+ b28- b23= w17- b33+ w13- b8- w32+ b20+ w26+ b11-
22 Alan T Ludgate High Wycombe w14= b25- w9- b27= w35+ b30+ w12= b24+ w6- b28+ w5-
23 Owen M Hindle Norwich w28- b31+ w21= b5- b34= w9= b20+ w16= b26= w25= b17=
24 Frank Parr Ewell w32+ b18= w7= b14+ b2- w15= b19- w22- b16- w31+ b26= 5
25 Mark H Horton Nottingham b10= w22+ b20- w33+ b29= w17= b15= b14- w9= b23= w16- 5
26 Leon P Burnett Weston-super-M w5- b35- w31+ b30+ w12= b7= b9- w29+ w23= b21- w24= 5
27 Peter R Markland Bolton b13= w10- b17- w22= b16+ w33= b28- w31= b32- w36+ w34+ 5
28 Simon Webb Oxted b23+ w21+ b11- w2- w7= b14- w27+ b12- b33+ w22- b20-
29 Philip J Meade Cheltenham w6- b8+ w30+ b18= w25= b11- w7- b26- b34= w32= b36=
30 Ronald Thomas Middlesbrough b15= w13= b29- w26- b36+ w22- b34+ w20= b31= w16= b18-
31 John L Seppings York b20- w23- b26- w16= b32= w34+ b33+ b27= w30= b24- w35=
32 Colin Gilbert Cwmbran b24- w15- b8- w34- w31= b36= w35+ b21- w27+ b29= w33+
33 (Derek) George Ellison Bolton w12- b34+ w19= b25- w21- b27= w31- b36+ w28- w35+ b32- 4
34 John B Hawson London b11- w33- b36- b32+ w23= b31- w30- b35+ w29= w20- b27- 3
35 Wladyslaw Tabakiernik Leicester b1- w26+ b2- w8- b22- w16- b32- w34- w36+ b33- b31=
36 Trefor F Thynne Teignmouth b4- w2- w34+ b19- w30- w32= b16- w33- b35- b27- w29= 2

N.B. Peter Clarke in BCM, October 1967, p289, took issue with the final round pairings: "What a deplorable end to the championship! It was not that the three top games were quickly drawn, it was that they should ever have been played. In the opinion of the players —and this has since been independently supported—the above pairings were quite incorrect and contrary to the rules laid down by the B.C.F. A protest was made, but the Controllers refused to budge. The expected pairings (they were even forecast by a local paper) were as follows: Lee-Penrose, Lambshire-Hartston, and Clarke-Golombek. Lee was the highest eligible player who wanted White and therefore “had” to meet Penrose; similarly, Lambshire was right for Hartston; Goiombek and I (both White in Round 10) then had to meet. Now it is obvious that Lee could have been a dangerous opponent for Penrose, while Hartston reckoned he had more prospects of beating Lambshire than me. It hardly mattered to me whether I played Hartston or Golombek. The above pairings give Bonner White when he was due for Black and Lee Black when he was due for White. And further down the colour situation was not satisfactory. I am not sure, for instance, that it was necessary to give Cafferty another Black (five years running, he tells me, he has finished with two Blacks)."

1967 British Ladies Chess Championship (n.b. incomplete crosstable - can anyone supply missing results?) 1966« »1968

1967 British Ladies Chess
Resid. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12  Total 
1 Rowena M Bruce 10 Plymouth
0   0       1 1 1 1 1
2 Dinah M Dobson (» Norman) 9 Northwood 1
        1 1 1 1 ½ 1
3 Miss Mary Henniker-Heaton 5 London    
1 1 1 0 1       1 7
4 Major (Patricia) Anne Sunnucks 12 Chester 1   0
  0 1   0 1   1 7
5 Miss Margaret E Lander 7 Gillingham     0  
1 ½ 1   1 1 1
6 Mrs Nancy C Elder 6 Dundee     0 1 0
0 1     1 1
7 Miss J Barker 4 Oxford   0 1 0 ½ 1
8 Miss Leah Margaret Hogarth 3 Glasgow 0 0 0   0 0  
9 Mrs Jane Sadler Rees 11 Northampton 0 0   1        
½ 0 1
10 Mrs Sarah Margaret Steedman 1 Glasgow 0 0   0 0       ½
11 Miss Cicely Mary Murphy 2 Whitchurch 0 ½     0 0     1  
12 Miss Julie Dobson 8 Wallasey 0 0 0 0 0 0 ½ 0 0 0 1

Anne Sunnucks led with 6/7, ahead of D Dobson and N Elder on 5 and R Bruce 4½, but then lost three successive games to M Henniker-Heaton, J Rees and N Elder in rounds 8-10.

1967 British Ladies Chess Championship Play-Off  1   2   3   4   Total 
Rowena Mary Bruce ½ 0 1 ½ 2
Dinah M Dobson ½ 1 0 ½ 2

Rowena Bruce and Dinah Dobson played a four-game play-off match (Northwood, end-October 1967) which ended 2-2 and the title was shared.

Photo of Julie Dobson, below left, is from the Liverpool Echo, Friday 3 March 1967.

Julie DobsonThe British Ladies’ Championship Play-Off
by Dinah Dobson
[CHESS, December 1967, Vol.33 No.545-6, p101]

The play-off for the British Ladies Championship between Mrs. R. M. Bruce of Plymouth and myself took place in Northwood [NW London] over the last two weekends of October. Four games were played and it had previously been agreed that if there were a tie, the title would be shared.

Game 1

My opponent opened 1 c4 followed by 2 g3—an unexpected move. In previous games to my knowledge, she has always opened 1 e4, 1 g3, 1 f4 or 1 Nf3. My response was not the best and I was lucky to draw.

Game 2

This game I won after 62 moves and hours play. Having refused a draw on move 19, I was helped by the fact that my opponent failed to get in ...e5 or ...b5 which, I believe, is essential in this opening.

Game 3

I gave up the exchange for bishop and two pawns and this I believe was correct—but unfortunately my follow-up was disastrous!

Game 4

By this time we were both suffering from lack of sleep. My opponent played a Centre-Counter in response to my 1 e4 and on move 9 offered me a draw which I was pleased to accept.

We then shook hands and opened a bottle of champagne!

1967 BCF Major Open: (1) Baruch H Wood 9½; (2-3) Peter C Griffiths, Daniel Wright 9; (4) David Sherman 8; (5-7) T John Beach, John W Naylor, James E Scholes 6½; (8-12) Charles Ambrose Scott Damant, Raymond J Gamble, Gerry M Hayes, John M Ripley, John N Sugden 6; (13-19) D M Andrews, Richard A Beach, James R Boyce, Percy B Cook, J R Holland, Robert P Ross, Reginald Graham Thimann 5½; (20-26) Harry Booth, Peter M Collins, Robert G W Elwell, Michael Philip Furmston, Ronald F A Harman, Bernard Kooiman, James Rushton 5; (27-30) Norman J Davies, Gordon R Evans, John H Jones, R Williams 4½; (31) W Bainbridge 4; (32) Wilfred Evans (Chorleywood) 3½; (33) Tim D Harding 3.

1967 British Junior (Under-21) Championship: (1) Leslie S Tate (Newcastle) 8½/11; (2) Gareth Aneurin Jones (Cardiff) 8; (3-4) Julian Francis Thomas Kirk-O’Grady (Alderley Edge), Nicholas J Patterson (Belfast) 7½; (5-8) Terry D Baldwin (London), Michael A Boyce (Twickenham), Richard G Eales (Chester), Jerome Valentine Ripp (Immingham) 7; (9-15) R Alan Barton (Derby), John J Carleton (Sutton Coldfield), William A Linton (Sunderland), Robert S McFarland (Coventry), Chris J P McSheehy (Southampton), Alan H Perkins (Leeds), Philip V Wade (Leeds) 6½; (16-22) Graham P Burton (Manchester), Brian R Eley (Bolton-on-Dearne), Terance W Hart (London), Norman A Hutchinson (Brigg), D C Rowe (London), J P Spencer (Manchester), Timothy S Wickens (Ilkley) 6; (23-27) Philip J Gregory (Stoke-on-Trent), Paul S N Kendall (Nantwich), Brian Turner (Stockton), Louis de Veauce (Pirbright), Stephen Welbourne (Scarborough) 5½; (28-36) (Maurice) Nicholas Crombie (Oxford), Michael M Daube (Oxford), Michael D Gyton (Wembley), Martin Harold Hawley (London), H Trevor Jones (Beckenham), Robert G Jones (Coventry), Robert Paul Lidbetter (London), Charles H J Orton (Aylesbury), P M Stevenson (Wallasey) 5; (37-38) Colin D Leach (London), G L Porter (Sheffield) 4½; (39-41) Roger Hardy (Bridlington), J L Harris (Wimbledon), Hector Andrew Hamilton Steen (Bedford) 4; (42-43) C R Cope (Mansfield), C L Hall (Bristol) 3½; (44) Alan M Eames (Hillingdon) 3.

1967 British Under-18 Championship: (1-3) Jeff Horner (Bolton), Graham Speed (Mitcham), Peter J Waters (Braunton) 8/11; (4-5) Ronald L Johannes (London), James E O’Dell (Epsom) 7½; (6-9) Jonathan G Enticknap (London), M A Smith (Bolton), Ronald Hanno Watson (London), (Arthur) Howard Williams (Pontyclun) 7; (10-14) (Louis) Alan Edwards (Leicester), Nigel J Holloway (Plymouth), Paul A Hutchinson (Brigg), Rory M R O’Kelly (London), Christopher Gordon Trinder (Hockley) 6½; (15-16) C P Hudson (Ipswich), Mike J O’Hara ((Bolton) 6; (17-29) L Butcher (London), Thomas M Deaville (Newcastle), R G Gray (Woking), Paul Hershman (Southend), J Lloyd Powell (Sheffield), Nigel B Ramsey (Burton-on-Trent), H Russell (Stoke-on-Trent), Alan G Trangmar (Beckenham), Paul D Venn (Wallasey), Philip G Wade (Stalybridge), Robert D Waugh (Edinburgh), David E Wood (Woodford Green), Robert Woodford (Birmingham) 5½; (30-33) David O Collier (London), Richard J Miles (Newport, Gwent), Alan J Potter (Romford), P J Smith (Bristol) 5; (34-41) J T Berry (Glasgow), Gerald M Brace (Newport, Gwent), Alan Charlton (Nottingham), P J Dillon (Reading), Anthony E Holdford (Newcastle-under-Lyme), Barrie Hopley (Widnes), Peter Hulse (Stoke-on-Trent), M R E Jones (Belfast) 4½; (42) Peter W Blundell (Liverpool) 4; (43) M O’Neill (Glasgow) 3½; (44) M Bidgood (Gedling) 3; (45) Trevor G Gill (Gedling) 2½; (46) Peter M Czerniewski (Cardigan) ½ (withdrew after x games).

1967 British Under-16 Championship: (1-3) Martyn J Corden (Bolton), Peter Karmaz (Bolton), Seth Saverymuttu (Gosport) 8/11; (4-6) Robert Bellin (Great Yarmouth), Stuart J Hutchings (Bristol), Robert K Jackson (Sutton Coldfield) 7½; (7-10) Peter J Acton (Bletchley), Geoffrey J Brindle (Bolton), Chris Campbell (Edinburgh), Gordon Campbell (Chelmsford) 7; (11-17) Richard Bailey (Wirral), Roger W Howley (Rochdale), Richard Charles Leese (Sutton-in-Ashfield), George A Leyton (Wembley), James P L Lumsden (Ayr), P L Morris (Sutton Coldfield), Anthony F Warren (Leicester) 6½; (18-30) Martin J Burbridge (Leicester), C J Elliott (Chester), Cyril L Foster (Bolton), G Graham (London), G I Hackett (Wakefield), Geoffrey Hall (Sutton Coldfield), Paul J Kiszel (Mansfield), Keith Maudsley (Blackburn), Howard J Price (Purley), Duncan W Reed (Pudsey), Peter F Rosman (Pinner), Roger Rance Smith (London), Roger Webb (Oxted) 6; (31-35) Hugh Lanning (London), D R Lewis (Whitchurch), Norman D Marks (Purley), A Race (London), Alan P Rouse (Wallasey) 5½; (36-45) Nicholas Robert Devereaux Berman (Oxford), Richard Campbell (Edinburgh), W J Collins (Belfast), I Harvey (Ayr), John A Hodgson (Oxford), R J D Norman (London), Jonathan P Stoye (Oxford), Peter W Walsh (Dundee), David C Wilson (Belfast), Rowland G E Wymer (Oxford) 5; (46-54) Phillip D Alder (Newport, Gwent), John Hagan Pryce Bayley (Prestatyn), James Cooksey (Mansfield), M Harkness (Belfast), Christopher R Haynes (Hayes, Middx), C Jones (Dundee), R Perry (Mansfield), Russell N Rose (London), M E Sheridan (Oxford) 4½; (55-61) N Edmonds (Crewe), A Gardner (Bolton), Neil Graham (Kirkby-in-Ashfield), Ian C McNee (Birkenhead), Richard C T Parry (Nuneaton), Richard G Record (Oxford), M D Smith (Worksop) 4; (62) V Harrison (Loughborough) 1.

1967 British Under-14 Championship: (1) John Denis Martin Nunn (London) 9/11; (2) Laurence D Marks (Purley) 8½; (3-4) Donald T Marr (Edinburgh), John Keith Orrell (Manchester) 7; (5-8) A Chapman (Swindon), Geoffrey P Lawrence (Plymouth), Christopher G O’Reilly (Wellington School), Ian L Snape (Orpington) 6½; (9-10) C Barrett (Kidlington), John W Phipps (Oxford) 6; (11-15) Andrew Jan Daniel Baruch (Dundee), Philip S Griffin (Stoke-on-Trent), Anthony John Miles (Birmingham), Christopher D F Miller (Nottingham), Duncan T Milroy (Southwell) 5½; (16-19) Walter D Eve (Anfield), Paul S Farrelly (Oxford), Michael Farthing (Long Eaton), Matthew Joseph Reisz (London) 5; (20) David Witko (Arnold, Notts) 4½; (21) Michael L Hancock (Stoke-on-Trent) 4; (22) Ian A McNab (Dundee) 3½; (23) Hugh Flinn (Edinburgh) 3.

1967 British Girls’ Under-18 Championship: (1) Kathleen Patterson (Glasgow) 5/5; (2) Manel Saverymuttu (Gosport) 4; (3-6) Elaine Calland (Liverpool), Ruth Donnelly (Glasgow), Diane L Rees (Wallasey), S Thomas (Liverpool) 2½; (7) P Williams (Bicester) 2; (8-9) M Manderson (Glasgow), Marjorie Moore (Glasgow) 1½; (10) Christine Elder (Dundee) 1.

First Class: (1-3) N Andrews, Charles Reuben Gurnhill, Alan B Slomson (Leeds) 8/11; (4-5) G S Briggs 7½, Roy Woodcock (Nuneaton) 6½; (6-10) Michael L Baumber (Keighley), E V Foulds, Richard P Lorch, Alfred Milner, C M Read 6; (11-13) Anthony J Doherty (York), Truman Victor Parrott (Harrow), Philip Layton Vasil 5½; (14-18) G Alec M Boswell (Liverpool), Ernest George Exell, Alan Edgar Nield, George L Sutton, Malcolm R Whall 5; (19) Otto Schalscha 4½; (20-21) S Gladstone, H B Howard 3; (22) N M Stewart 1.

Special Five-day, First Week: (1) Paul Eric O Durrant 4½; (2-4) M J Griffiths, Roy Shilton, P C Wood 3½/5; (5) E Stevenson 3; (6-9) Roger V H Butters (Stafford), A P Dacey, R E A Jackson, B B Partridge 2½; (10) D Llew Jones (Llandyssul) 2; (11-12) R Quaye (London), A Sime 1½; (12-13) W A Dixon, John Blair Wilson Robertson (Ayr) 1.

Special Five-day, Second Week: (1) Graham Chesters jnr 4½/5; (2-5) D Blake, Iolo C Jones, Keith Michael Oliff, Walter R Rayner 3½; (6-10) A R A Baker, Graham Chesters snr, Nigel W Dennis, R Quaye, P A Thomas 2½; (11-13) Roland E Graf, Roy A Wagstaff, Kenneth J Wyld 2; (14-15) D Llew Jones (Llandyssul), T Llew Jones (Llandyssul) 1½; (16) John Blair Wilson Robertson (Ayr) 0.

1967 British Chess Championship (source: The Times)
(photo: The Times)

File Updated

Date Notes
3 April 2018 Added two games from the 1967 British Under 14 played by John Nunn (Chapman v Nunn and Nunn-Miles). Sourced from a ChessBase article published on 3 April 2018.
24 February 2020 Deleted one duplicate game: Kemp-Trinder was a duplicate of the correct PD.Venn-C.Trinder. My thanks to Andy Ansel for drawing my attention to this.
7 July 2021 Added three games from the British Ladies Championship Play-Off, plus Dinah Dobson's report of same, crosstables updated and a photo of Julie Dobson added.
18 December 2022 Added three games: (1) W.Linton 0-1 R.Eales (U21); 92) J.Kirk O'Grady 1-0 M.Hawley (U21); (3) P.Thomas 0-1 G.Chesters (Five-Day 2nd Wk). My thanks to Gerard Killoran for submitting via the English Chess Forum.
13 September 2023 Added a further seven games played by Peter C Griffiths.