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John Saunders


BRITBASE - British Chess Game Archive

Varsity Chess Match - Cambridge University Players

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Shows year played, board number and individual results in brackets. Prior to 1892 players could play two or even three games in the session which counted towards the match score. 1940-1945 were unofficial matches - in some cases names appear twice, once for appearances in official matches and once for unofficial matches.

Name (Surname, Forenames) College  1st Year   2nd Year   3rd Year   4th Year   5th Year   6th Year  P W D L Pts %
Abraham, James Sydney Downing 1937/7 1938/6                    
Ainslie, Ian Murray St Catharine's 1933/3 1934/2                    
Akeroyd, Frederick Michael St John's 1963/5                      
Alexander, Conel Hugh O'Donel King's 1929/3 1930/3 1931/1 1932/1                
Alfred, Nathan King's 1999/8 2000/7 2001/7                  
Allen, Ashley William Graham Trinity 1889/4(½) 1890/1(0)         2 0 1 1 ½ 25.00
Allen, Raymund Cecil Edward Pembroke 1885/6(1½)           2 1 1 0 75.00
Almond, Philip Downing 1967/7                      
Andreev, Peter Trinity 2017/4                      
Anguelov, Iva St Catharine's 2001/8                      
Anson, Jane Trinity Hall 1978/8 1979/8 1980/8                  
Anthony, Gareth Trinity Hall 1982/6 1983/6 1984/5 1985/6                
Arblaster, Edmund Clare 1875/5(10)           2 1 0 1 1 50.00
Arculus, Leonard Trinity 1933/7                      
Atara, Omeet J St Catharine's 2023/8(1)           1 1 0 0 1 100.00
Atkins, Henry Ernest Peterhouse 1891/1(½) 1892/1(1) 1893/1(1) 1894/1(1)     4 3 1 0 87.50
Atmore, Walter Arthur St John's 1880/7(11) 1881/5(1)         3 3 0 0 3 100.00
Aturupane, D Harsha Trinity 1988/1 1989/2                    
Awad, Elias Steelo Magdalene 1948/7                      
Bach, Norman Mudie Pembroke 1923/3                      
Bailey, Richard Selwyn 1972/5 1973/4                    
Baker, Alan R Emmanuel 1990/7 1991/4                    
Ball, John David Lincoln Trinity 1965/3 1966/2                    
Bamford, Alec Joscelyne Emmanuel 1906/7(½)           1 0 1 0 ½ 50.00
Barnes, James Haydn St John's 1919/2(1) 1920/3(½)         2 1 1 0 75.00
Barrett, John Frederick Pembroke 1949/5 1950/5 1951/3 1954/2                
Bateman, Edward Hugh Trinity 1923/6 1924/7 1925/5                  
Bateman, Harry Trinity 1902/4(1) 1903/2(1) 1904/2(½)       3 2 1 0 83.33
Battersby, Richard St Catharine's 1896/5(0) 1897/3(½)         2 0 1 1 25.00
Bayliss, Reginald Wyke Peterhouse 1889/5(0½)           2 0 1 1 ½ 25.00
Beardsworth, Allan William Clare 1982/3 1983/4 1984/4                  
Beaumont, Kenneth St John's 1933/4 1934/7                    
Bee, John Matthias St Catharine's 1908/6(0) 1909/3(0) 1910/1(½)       3 0 1 2 ½ 16.67
Bell, Stephen David Emmanuel 1983/2 1984/2 1985/3 1986/1                
Benger, Michael (Dr) Corpus Christi 1932/4                      
Berry, Anthony John St John's 1979/6                      
Black, Max Queens' 1928/5 1929/4 1930/2                  
Blackwell, Richard Queens' 1986/7                      
Bland, David Russell Trinity 1944/7 1945/1                    
Blythe, William Henry Jesus 1878/4(01) 1879/2(0½)         4 1 1 2 37.50
Booth, Thomas Brindley Trinity 1945/4                      
Bottomley, Arthur Cousen Clare 1905/7(0) 1907/3(1)         2 1 0 1 1 50.00
Bowen, Anthony John Sidney Sussex 1961/3                      
Bracher, Alan Richard Pembroke 1968/7                      
Bridges, Ian Lucas King's 1948/4                      
Brilliant, Alexander Neil Selwyn 1966/7 1967/4                    
Broadbent, Edward Granville (Dr) St Catharine's 1942/3                      
Brocklesby, Edward Willingham Christ's 1935/7 1936/5                    
Bronowski, Jacob Jesus 1931/3                      
Brown, Bertram Goulding Trinity 1901/7(0) 1902/3(0) 1903/3(½) 1904/1(½)     4 0 2 2 1 25.00
Brown, George Spencer Trinity 1948/3 1949/4 1950/6                  
Brown, John Sidney Sussex 1908/5(1) 1909/2(0)         2 1 0 1 1 50.00
Brownson, Linda Newnham 1981/8                      
Brozel, Sacha Magdalene 2025/6(1)           1 1 0 0 1 100.00
Bryant, Walter William Pembroke 1888/7(10)           2 1 0 1 1 50.00
Bullock, Herbert Somerset Corpus Christi 1892/2(½)           1 0 1 0 ½ 50.00
Bullock, Hugh Desmond Pembroke 1941/5                      
Buncombe, William Pengelly (Rev) Non-Collegiate 1882/6(½1) 1883/4(11) 1884/4(½)       5 3 2 0 4 80.00
Burgess, Graham Kenneth Downing 1987/6 1988/6 1989/1                  
Burnell, Ernest William (Canon) Caius 1900/5(0)           1 0 0 1 0 0.00
Camp, Imogen A L
(also pl. for Oxford)
Queens' 2020/8(½) 2021/8(0) 2022/8(½) 2023/7(0)     4 0 2 2 1 25.00
Campbell, Colin Edmund Trinity Hall 1893/4(1)           1 1 0 0 1 100.00
Cannings, Robert Christopher Trinity 1986/6 1987/5                    
Care, Henry Clifford St John's 1914/6(0)           1 0 0 1 0 0.00
Carr, Francis Parker St Catharine's 1879/6(1½) 1880/3(11) 1881/2(00) 1882/1(11)     8 5 1 2 68.75
Chalk, William John Queens' 1920/7                      
Chapman, Charles St John's 1878/5(1) 1879/5(1)         2 2 0 0 2 100.00
Chapman, Terence Peter Douglas Churchill 1976/6 1977/5                    
Charlesworth, Kenneth Preston Emmanuel 1939/7 1946/1 1947/2                  
Charlesworth, Kenneth Preston Pembroke 1940/3                      
Chatto, James Thomas Chipperfield Trinity 1876/4(000) 1877/4(0) 1878/3(10)       6 1 0 5 1 16.67
Chepmell, Claude Herries Trinity 1885/7(½1)           2 1 1 0 75.00
Choong, Yita Hughes Hall 2018/3                      
Chubb, Ralph Nicholas Selwyn 1912/6(½) 1913/3(0)         2 0 1 1 ½ 25.00
Churm, Rohan King's 2000/8                      
Clarke, Francis William Pembroke 1901/6(1) 1902/2(0)         2 1 0 1 1 50.00
Clarke, Michael Robert Brierley Caius 1960/7 1961/5                    
Clarke, Richard William Barnes Clare 1930/7 1931/2 1932/2                  
Clements, Edwin Darnley St Catharine's 1944/3                      
Close, Hubert Michael St John's 1936/6                      
Coad-Pryor, Eric Augustus Trinity 1911/4(1) 1912/3(1) 1913/1(½) 1914/1(½)     4 2 2 0 3 75.00
Coates, Victor (a.k.a Arthur Cootes) Sidney Sussex 1926/4 1927/2                    
Cock, John Crowle Jesus 1956/7                      
Cohen, Aron J Queens' 1995/6 1996/5 1997/4 1998/4 1999/7              
Cohen, Laura Jane Rachel Newnham 1985/8 1986/8                    
Cole, James Downing 2018/7 2019/7                    
Collings, Stanley Norman Emmanuel 1942/2                      
Collins, Malcolm Frank Selwyn 1955/4 1956/3 1957/2 1958/2                
Colman, Eugene Ernest Trinity 1900/4(0) 1901/1(1)         2 1 0 1 1 50.00
Conlon, Joseph Christ's 2000/6 2001/6 2002/3 2003/4 2004/1              
Cooley, Oliver Trinity 2002/7 2004/6 2005/6                  
Cooper, Andrew Colin Trinity Hall 1973/7 1974/5 1975/7                  
Cooper, John Grantley Caius 1973/6 1974/2 1975/3 1976/2                
Cooper, William Arthur King's 1908/7(1) 1909/4(0)         2 1 0 1 1 50.00
Coulson, Charles Alfred Trinity 1931/4 1932/5                    
Coulson, John Metcalfe Christ's 1932/7                      
Coward, John Rycroft Caius 1950/7                      
Coxon, Penelope Anne Newnham 1982/8 1983/8 1984/8                  
Craddock, James Marston Magdalene 1933/2 1934/1 1935/1                  
Cristinacce, David St Catharine's 1996/6 1997/6                    
Crocker, Philip J Downing 1991/5                      
Crosbie, Robert Edward Harold Pembroke 1907/6(0)           1 0 0 1 0 0.00
Crouch, Colin Stamford Christ's 1977/4 1978/4 1979/2                  
Crowley, Edward Alexander (Aleister) Trinity 1896/4(1) 1897/1(0)         2 1 0 1 1 50.00
Cullen, Harold Rigby Caius 1898/7(1)           1 1 0 0 1 100.00
Daniels, Mark Sidney Sussex 1913/6(0)           1 0 0 1 0 0.00
Davie, Alexander Munro Pembroke 1965/5 1966/3 1967/2                  
Davies, Paul Russell Caius 1978/7                      
Davis, Michael Trinity 1957/4 1958/3 1959/1 1960/2                
Dean, John St Catharine's 1936/3 1937/3 1938/2 1939/1                
Dearing, Edward
(also pl. for Oxford)
Peterhouse 2001/4 2002/1 2003/1                  
Devonshire, Albert Frederick Trinity Hall 1933/5                      
Dinnis, Francis Ramsay St John's 1891/6(½)           1 0 1 0 ½ 50.00
Dix, Ralph Carlyle St John (Capt) Clare 1919/4(1)           1 1 0 0 1 100.00
Domnick, Andreas St John's 2002/6 2003/7                    
Dowdeswell, Roland Melville Emmanuel 1923/5 1924/4                    
Duke, Edward Hungerford Pembroke 1886/7(00) 1887/7(11) 1888/6(0)       5 2 0 3 2 40.00
Dyke, Percyvall Hart King's 1893/5(1) 1894/2(½) 1895/1(1)       3 2 1 0 83.33
Dyson, Andrew Charles Louis Trinity 1984/1 1985/2 1986/2                  
Eales, Richard Geoffrey Christ's 1970/3 1971/2 1972/2                  
Eckersley-Waites, Adam Queens' 2006/3 2007/5 2008/3                  
Ede, Ernest Elton St Catharine's 1913/4(0)           1 0 0 1 0 0.00
Edge, John Pembroke 1934/6                      
Edwards, Herbert Charles Selwyn 1921/7                      
Eke, Matthew A Trinity 1984/7 1985/5                    
Ellison, Wallace Drykin Christ's 1933/1                      
Everson, John Andrew Pembroke 1957/6                      
Ewbank, Alan Maurice St John's 1921/5 1922/3 1923/2                  
Ewing, David John Ferguson Emmanuel 1963/7                      
Exell, Arthur Wallis Emmanuel 1922/7 1924/3                    
Ferguson, Mark Queens' 1996/3 1997/3 1998/1 1999/3                
Fernandez, Daniel Howard Queens' 2015/2 2016/1 2017/2                  
Fersht, Alan Roy (Sir) Caius 1965/4                      
Finn, Peter Girton 2019/6                      
Fisher, Robert (Rev) Trinity Hall 1875/7(101)           3 2 0 1 2 66.67
Fletcher, Roger Selwyn 1959/4 1960/3                    
Foister, Steven Alan Michael St Catharine's 1991/6 1992/5 1993/7                  
Foster, Alfred William St John's 1898/5(½)           1 0 1 0 ½ 50.00
Foster, Eric St John's 1942/6                      
Foster, Henry Evans Trinity 1909/6(1) 1910/3(1) 1911/1(0)       3 2 0 1 2 66.67
Foster, John Porter Trinity 1895/7(0)           1 0 0 1 0 0.00
Fotheringham, Alexander Emmanuel 1897/7(½) 1898/4(0) 1899/4(1)       3 1 1 1 50.00
Fotheringham, David Ross (Rev) Queens' 1895/5(1)           1 1 0 0 1 100.00
Fox, Eustace Neville Pembroke 1928/6                      
Fox, Geoffrey Charles Trinity 1964/4 1965/2                    
Franklin, Alison Margaret Downing 1987/8 1988/8 1989/8                  
Franklin, Samuel G A Trinity 2013/1 2014/2 2016/3                  
Friedland, Jonathan Samuel Corpus Christi 1979/7 1980/7 1981/5                  
Frostick, Clive Anthony Trinity 1980/6 1981/4 1982/7                  
Furlonge, Geoffrey Warren (later Sir) Emmanuel 1924/5                      
Gallagher, Daniel
(also pl. for Oxford)
Pembroke 2021/3(0) 2023/4(1)         2 1 0 1 1 50.00
Garner, David Peterhouse 2003/6                      
Gibson, James Thornton Clare 1883/6(1) 1884/6(0) 1885/5(00) 1886/6(0)     5 1 0 4 1 20.00
Gilbert, John Robert St Catharine's 1946/4 1947/6                    
Glauert, Michael Barker Trinity 1944/4                      
Glauert, Otto Clare 1903/5(1)           1 1 0 0 1 100.00
Goh, Cameron Emmanuel 2024/7(1) 2025/3(0)         2 1 0 1 1 50.00
Goh, Lai Hee Emmanuel 1903/6(1)           1 1 0 0 1 100.00
Goldstein, Sydney St John's 1923/7                      
Good, Irving John Jesus 1938/7 1939/5                    
Good, Irving John Jesus 1940/1                      
Goodman, Louis Corpus Christi 1940/5                      
Graw, Christopher Sidney Sussex 2011/4                      
Gray, Denis John Pereira (Sir) St John's 1955/5 1956/4 1957/1                  
Greenhalgh, William Rawson (Rev) Pembroke 1904/6(1) 1905/4(1) 1906/1(1)       3 3 0 0 3 100.00
Greenwood, Donald William Christ's 1936/7                      
Grieve, Harry St Catharine's 2020/5 2021/1 2022/2                  
Griffiths, Ryan-Rhys Wolfson 2017/1 2019/2 2020/3                  
Gruslys, Vytautas Christ's 2012/2 2013/5                    
Gunston, William Hewison St John's 1876/6(01) 1877/3(01) 1878/2(11) 1879/1(1½) 1880/1(11)   10 7 1 2 75.00
Gwinner, Herman George Trinity 1883/7(½0) 1884/7(01) 1885/2(00) 1886/1(1) 1887/1(1½)   9 3 2 4 4 44.44
Hague, Benjamin St Catharine's 1994/7                      
Hand, Freddie Trinity 2023/3(0) 2024/2(½) 2025/2(½)       3 0 2 1 1 33.33
Handley, Jeremy John Arthur Selwyn 1952/7 1953/3 1954/3                  
Harley, Andrew David Selwyn 1987/4 1988/4                    
Harley-Mason, John Trinity Hall 1941/6 1942/5                    
Harris, Kimberley Louis Harris Queens' 1979/5 1980/5 1981/7                  
Hart, Frank Alan Pembroke 1954/5                      
Hart-Dyke, Percyvall - see Dyke, Percyvall Hart                        
Hartnett, Roland Downing 1929/7 1930/6                    
Hartston, William Roland Jesus 1966/1 1967/1 1968/1 1969/2                
Harwood, John Queens' 1946/5 1947/4                    
Hassabis, Demis Queens' 1995/7 1996/4 1997/5                  
Hastings, Jonathan Downing 1993/6 1994/4 1995/4                  
Hayes, Alfred Robert Trinity Hall 1873/7(0)           1 0 0 1 0 0.00
Henderson, Gavin Nigel Downing 1969/7                      
Herrick, Herbert John Charles St John's 1925/3 1926/2                    
Herrick, James Andrew Pembroke 1926/5 1927/3 1928/2                  
Hessenbruch, Arne Darwin 1989/5 1990/4 1992/8                  
Hewitt, Eric Norman Trinity 1921/6                      
Hewson, George Edmund St Catharine's 1924/6 1925/4                    
Hill, Kenneth Arthur Lulham Emmanuel 1921/2 1922/1                    
Hillyard, Graham Duncan Caius 1977/7 1978/5                    
Hinden, Jonathan Trinity 1959/6                      
Ho, En Huei Danielle Murray Edwards 2015/8 2017/8                    
Hoad, Philip Charles Trinity 1938/5 1939/3                    
Hoare, Frederick Russell Trinity 1909/5(0) 1910/2(0)         2 0 0 2 0 0.00
Hodge, David Trinity 2002/4 2003/5 2004/2 2005/3 2006/2 2007/1            
Holford, John Morley Trinity Hall 1928/7 1929/6 1930/5                  
Holland, Edward Queens' 1991/2 1992/4 1993/4 1994/5                
Holland, Emilia Pembroke 1994/8 1995/8 1996/8                  
Holloway, Nigel John Trinity 1970/7 1971/6                    
Holmes, Richard Frank Queens' 1981/3                      
Holzegel, Gustav Hughes Hall 2007/6                      
Hon, Andrew Clare 1992/2 1993/3 1994/1 1995/5                
Hooper, Wynnard Clare 1874/7(011)           3 2 0 1 2 66.67
Hope, James Edmund Frank Clare 1931/5 1932/6                    
Hopewell, Barry Trinity 1966/5 1967/3                    
Horrocks, John Arthur (Rev) Selwyn 1904/4(½) 1905/3(½)         2 0 2 0 1 50.00
Hough, William Pembroke 1906/6(0)           1 0 0 1 0 0.00
Hoyle, Fred Emmanuel 1934/5                      
Humphreys, William Herbert Christ's 1907/2(0) 1909/1(1)         2 1 0 1 1 50.00
Hunt, Daniel Jesus 2013/4                      
Hunt, Harriet St John's 1998/3 1999/2 2000/1 2003/2                
Idelson, Ian Vladimir Clare 1948/6                      
Iles, John Owen Caius 1913/7(0) 1914/7(0)         2 0 0 2 0 0.00
Illingworth, Leonard Trinity 1907/1(½) 1908/1(½)         2 0 2 0 1 50.00
Ivell, Nicholas Wilson Magdalene 1982/2 1983/1 1985/1                  
Iyengar, Ilya Emmanuel 2012/8                      
Jacobs, Joseph St John's 1875/6(01)           2 1 0 1 1 50.00
Jakubovics, Nicholas Girton 1992/3 1993/5 1994/3                  
James, Edward Bankes Caius 1890/7(½) 1891/5(½½) 1892/6(1)       4 1 3 0 62.50
Jennings, William Henry Mudge Corpus Christi 1878/7(1)           1 1 0 0 1 100.00
Johannes, Ronald Leslie
(also pl. for Oxford)
Emmanuel 1973/5                      
Johnson, Hugo Boyes Pembroke 1945/7                      
Johnston, David [Dafydd] R St Catharine's 1976/5                      
Jones, Andrew R Queens' 1993/2 1994/2 1995/3                  
Kalavannan, Koby St Catharine's 2021/2(0) 2022/3(½) 2024/1(0)       3 0 1 2 ½ 16.67
Kalton, Nigel John Trinity 1967/6 1968/4                    
Kanamori, Akihiro King's 1972/4                      
Kearney, Elfric Leofwin St Catharine's 1877/7(00)           2 0 0 2 0 0.00
Keene, Raymond Dennis Trinity 1968/2 1969/1 1970/1 1971/1                
Kelly, Brian Trinity 1998/2 1999/1 2000/3                  
Kelton, Percy St Goar Queens' 1906/4(0)           1 0 0 1 0 0.00
Kennedy, (Robert) Colin Queens' 1958/7 1959/3                    
Kerr, Brian Leslie Caius 1965/7 1966/4                    
Kerridge, Michael Trinity 1983/3 1984/6                    
Keynes, John Neville Pembroke 1873/5(½½) 1874/2(1½1) 1875/1(11) 1876/1(01) 1877/1(½0) 1878/1(11) 13 7 4 2 9 69.23
Khazagerova, Isabella Fitzwilliam 2011/8                      
Khoo, Selina Murray Edwards 2010/8                      
Khoo, Teresa Churchill 2006/6                      
Kieran, Rosalind Newnham 2002/8 2004/7                    
Kirk-O'Grady, Julian Francis Thomas Peterhouse 1970/6                      
Kitto, Francis Ernest Appleyard King's 1934/4 1935/2 1936/1 1937/1                
Klein, Bernhard Downing 2004/4 2005/5                    
Knott, Simon John Bradley Trinity 1978/6 1979/3 1980/2                  
Kourtseva, Julie Newnham 2008/8 2009/8                    
Kraushar, Peter Maximilian Christ's 1955/7                      
Kruger, Stefan Trinity 1953/2                      
Küchler, George William Sidney Sussex 1882/5(1½) 1883/3(1) 1884/2(11)       5 4 1 0 90.00
Kueh, Audrey Trinity 2012/4                      
Kumar, Vedantha Clare 2012/7                      
Lai Hee Goh - see Goh, Lai Hee                        
Lamport, Derek Thomas Anthony Pembroke 1957/7 1958/6                    
Landau, Basil Vivian Queens' 1945/2                      
Lane, William Woodhouse Emmanuel 1904/7(½) 1905/6(0) 1906/3(1)       3 1 1 1 50.00
Lawson, David Douglas Alexander
(also pl. for Oxford)
Trinity 1985/7 1986/5 1987/2                  
Leahy, Arthur Herbert Pembroke 1879/7(0)           1 0 0 1 0 0.00
Leathem, George St John's 1903/4(0) 1904/3(½) 1905/1(1)       3 1 1 1 50.00
Lee, Jon David Trinity 1989/7 1990/6 1991/3                  
Lee, Raymond Graham Sidney Sussex 1966/6                      
Lee, Richard Christ's 2010/7 2011/7                    
Leese, Eric Leslie King's 1933/6                      
Leon Cazares, Gustavo Selwyn 2017/5 2018/5 2019/5 2020/7                
Leslie, Alex Emmanuel 2025/1(0)           1 0 0 1 0 0.00
Lester, Hubert Bell Queens' 1889/7(1½) 1890/2(0) 1891/2(0)       4 1 1 2 37.50
Lewis, Lionel William Pelling Peterhouse 1893/7(1) 1894/4(1)         2 2 0 0 2 100.00
Linnell, Peter Arnold Trinity Hall 1973/2 1974/3                    
Littlewood, Paul Edwin Christ's 1975/4 1976/3 1977/2                  
Lloyd, David Edward Caius 1954/6 1955/2 1956/1                  
Lloyd, Henry John Trinity 1882/4(0½)           2 0 1 1 ½ 25.00
Lloyd, Kenneth William Selwyn 1958/4 1959/2 1960/1                  
Lob, Hyman King's 1907/7(0) 1908/4(0)         2 0 0 2 0 0.00
Lodge, Thomas Trinity 1903/7(1) 1904/5(1) 1905/2(0)       3 2 0 1 2 66.67
Loewenthal, Frederick Kimberley Trinity Hall 1901/5(½)           1 0 1 0 ½ 50.00
Longsdon, William Hook Trinity 1881/7(01)           2 1 0 1 1 50.00
Lord, John William Trinity 1876/7(110)           3 2 0 1 2 66.67
Ludgate, Alan Templeton Selwyn 1964/2 1965/6 1967/5                  
Lynch, Arnold Charles Emmanuel 1935/6                      
Maccoby, Ephraim Meyer St John's 1914/4(1)           1 1 0 0 1 100.00
Mackenzie, Colin Pembroke 1983/7                      
Macko, Miroslav Trinity 2021/5(0) 2022/4(½) 2023/1(0)       3 0 1 2 ½ 16.67
Mah, Karl Pembroke 1999/4 2000/2 2001/1                  
Makower, Richard Samuel Trinity 1898/6(½) 1899/5(½)         2 0 2 0 1 50.00
Malcolm, David Caius 1953/7                      
Mallison, Harold Vincent Trinity 1920/2                      
Mardle, Denis Victor Christ's 1950/4 1951/2 1952/2                  
Marriott, Francis Henry Charles Emmanuel 1946/6 1947/7 1948/2                  
Martin, Basil Kingsley Magdalene 1919/5(1)           1 1 0 0 1 100.00
Martyn, Rafe Corpus Christi 2012/1 2013/2 2014/3 2015/4 2016/5 2018/2            
May, Thomas Hughes Delabere Trinity 1874/5(½11) 1875/3(11½) 1876/3(000)       9 4 2 3 5 55.56
McClement, Andrew Trinity 2013/7 2014/6 2015/6                  
McKelvie, Neil Queens' 1951/4 1952/3 1953/1                  
McLean, Lachlan King's 1897/5(1) 1898/2(1) 1899/2(1)       3 3 0 0 3 100.00
Meade, Philip James Queens' 1959/5 1960/4 1961/1 1962/6                
Medhurst, Brian Trinity 1957/5 1958/5                    
Mellersh, Eric Leslie Selwyn 1912/7(½)           1 0 1 0 ½ 50.00
Mendelson, Andrew Wolfson 1994/6                      
Mestel, Andrew Jonathan Trinity 1975/2 1976/1 1977/1 1978/1                
Mills, Kenneth Frederick Thomas St John's 1919/6(1) 1921/4(0)         2 1 0 1 1 50.00
Milner-Barry, Philip Stuart (later Sir) Trinity 1926/3 1927/1 1928/1 1929/1                
Misyura, Ilya Trinity 2025/8(1)           1 1 0 0 1 100.00
Mitchell, Ronald Langley Trinity 1927/7 1928/3 1929/2 1930/1                
Mitlin, Leonid Emmanuel 1944/5                      
Monk, Joseph C St John's 1992/6                      
Moore, Noel Ernest Ackroyd Caius 1949/7                      
Morgan, Ben Magdalene 1998/7 2002/5 2004/3                  
Morgan-Browne, Hubert Trinity Hall 1887/6(01) 1888/5(0) 1889/3(00)       5 1 0 4 1 20.00
Morley, Frank King's 1880/4(1) 1881/3(11) 1882/2(0½) 1883/1(½½) 1884/1(0)   8 3 3 2 56.25
Morris, Alan Neville Fitzwilliam 1974/7                      
Moskovic, David Queens' 1998/5 1999/6 2000/5 2001/5                
Mothersill, Joy Rachel Christ's 1993/8                      
Murphy, Conor Christ's 2017/6 2018/1 2019/3 2020/2                
Mycroft, Richard Jesus 2004/5 2005/4 2006/4 2007/4                
Naish, William Vawdrey Emmanuel 1894/6(1) 1895/3(0) 1896/1(0) 1897/2(0)     4 1 0 3 1 25.00
Nath, Saheli Queens' 2013/8                      
Neumann, Bernard Hermann Fitzwilliam 1935/3                      
Neville, Francis Henry Sidney Sussex 1873/4(10)           2 1 0 1 1 50.00
Newman, Maxwell Herman Alexander St John's 1920/6 1922/4                    
Nicholson, John Graham Pembroke 1975/6                      
Nicholson, Joseph Shield Trinity 1874/6(110) 1877/6(0)         4 2 0 2 2 50.00
Niman, Stuart Howard Trinity 1982/5 1983/5                    
Nixon, Thomas CM Sidney Sussex 2005/2 2006/1 2007/3                  
O'Donovan, John Francis Jesus 1937/4 1938/3 1939/2                  
Ogden, Charles Burdett Magdalene 1873/2(00) 1874/3(110)         5 2 0 3 2 40.00
Oozeerally, Tariq Hassen Magdalene 2008/7                      
Orton, Louisa Christ's 1997/8                      
Ostle, William Scott Jesus 1900/7(1)           1 1 0 0 1 100.00
Outwater, John Ogden Trinity 1942/7                      
Pagden, Michael Ashley Pembroke 1979/4 1980/3 1981/1                  
Paish, Anthony George Conrad Caius 1952/4 1953/5                    
Parker, Herbert Francis Emmanuel 1896/6(½)           1 0 1 0 ½ 50.00
Parker, Jonathan Emmanuel 1995/2 1996/1 1997/1                  
Patterson, Nicholas James Trinity Hall 1968/3 1969/4                    
Pell, Barney Trinity 1990/5                      
Pennycuick, David Bruce Clare 1959/7 1960/5 1961/2                  
Penrose, Lionel Sharples St John's 1919/3(1) 1920/1(1) 1921/1(0) 1922/2(0)     4 2 0 2 2 50.00
Penrose, Oliver King's 1950/1 1951/1 1952/1                  
Pepper, John Edward Trinity 1925/6 1927/6                    
Percival, John Hope Trinity Hall 1892/7(1) 1893/3(0)         2 1 0 1 1 50.00
Perry, Arthur Leslie Roy St John's 1941/3                      
Perry, Reginald Walter Peterhouse 1919/7(1)           1 1 0 0 1 100.00
Petr, Jan Trinity 2021/4(1) 2022/5(1) 2023/2(½) 2024/3(0)     4 2 1 1 62.50
Phillips, Alan Magdalene 1947/3                      
Pinter, Gabor Queens' 2009/3 2010/1 2011/1                  
Pixton, Aaron Churchill 2009/1                      
Pollitt, Arthur Clare 1939/6                      
Pollitt, Arthur Clare 1940/2                      
Powell, Annie St John's 2005/8                      
Precious, Clifford Maxwell St John's 1920/4 1921/3                    
Price, Gwilym Clare 2019/4(1) 2023/5(1)         2 2 0 0 2 100.00
Prichard, Arthur Illtyd Queens' 1902/5(1)           1 1 0 0 1 100.00
Prior, Richard Henry Trinity 1890/4(1)           1 1 0 0 1 100.00
Qiang Yi Queens' 2004/8                      
Quin, Walter Tyrrell King's 1895/6(0) 1896/3(1)         2 1 0 1 1 50.00
Quist, Sven Homerton 2010/4 2011/5 2012/6                  
Ramaiya, Arushi Jesus 2024/8(½)           1 0 1 0 ½ 50.00
Ramsay, Allen Beville King's 1894/5(0)           1 0 0 1 0 0.00
Ratnesan, Ranesh Jesus 2024/5(½) 2025/5(1)         2 1 1 0 75.00
Rawlinson, Thomas Stobart Sidney Sussex 1945/6                      
Raymond, Edward Lancelot Christ's 1881/4(½½) 1882/3(½0) 1883/2(0) 1884/3(½)     6 0 4 2 2 33.33
Rayner, Emmanuel Trinity 1977/3 1978/3                    
Reade, Reginald Colebrooke King's 1876/5(00) 1879/4(01) 1880/5(11)       6 3 0 3 3 50.00
Regan, Natasha King's 1990/8 1991/8 1992/7                  
Reid, Peter St Catharine's 1931/7 1932/3                    
Reifenberg, Ernst Robert Trinity 1948/5 1949/3 1950/3                  
Reilly, Timothy Jesus 1993/1                      
Rennie, John C Fitzwilliam 2006/7                      
Reynolds, David Ian Wishart Emmanuel 1963/6 1964/5                    
Rhodes, Geoffrey Irving Selwyn 1940/4 1941/1                    
Richardson, John Edward Jesus 1941/2 1942/1                    
Richardson, John Edward Jesus 1946/2 1947/1                    
Rittenberg, Max Mark Lion Caius 1902/7(½)           1 0 1 0 ½ 50.00
Rivington, Christopher Thurston Trinity 1940/7 1941/4                    
Robbins, Trevor William Jesus 1969/5 1970/5 1971/5 1972/3                
Roberson, Peter Churchill 2008/2 2009/5 2010/3 2011/2                
Roberts, Elizabeth Jesus 2007/8                      
Roberts, John Drew (Rev) Sidney Sussex 1885/1(1)           1 1 0 0 1 100.00
Robertson, J Stuart Trinity 2008/4 2009/7 2010/5                  
Robinson, Henry Edwin St Catharine's 1886/5(0) 1887/5(½) 1888/4(0) 1889/2(0) 1890/3(½1)   6 1 2 3 2 33.33
Roe, Philip Lawrence Christ's 1962/5                      
Roebuck, Ian King's 1963/4                      
Rohrmeier, Martin Darwin 2005/7 2006/8 2008/6                  
Rose, Basil Jesus 1940/6                      
Rosenberg, Daniel King's 1996/7 1997/7                    
Rosselson, Leon Fitzwilliam 1954/7 1955/3 1956/2                  
Roth, Klaus Friedrich Jesus 1944/1                      
Rothbart, Bernard Maurice Jesus 1971/7                      
Rouse Ball, Walter William Trinity 1873/6(10) 1874/4(10) 1875/2(100) 1876/2(10) 1877/2(01)   11 5 0 6 5 45.45
Rowe, Duane Wolfson 2007/2                      
Rudd, Jack Girton 1998/6 2001/2                    
Rushbrooke, Remy Clare 2024/6(½) 2025/4(1)         2 1 1 0 75.00
Salimbeni, George Jesus 2012/5                      
Sams, Richard John Fairfax Corpus Christi 1976/7 1977/6                    
Samuels, Henry Alec Magdalene 1951/6 1952/5                    
Sandbach, Wilfrid Edward King's 1928/4 1929/5 1930/4                  
Sanderson, Peter Darrell Sidney Sussex 1953/6 1954/1 1955/1                  
Sandford, William Courtenay Queens' 1890/5(1) 1892/5(1)         2 2 0 0 2 100.00
Sathyanandha, Saravanan Trinity 2015/7                      
Saunders, Frederick James Christ's 1909/7(½) 1910/7(1)         2 1 1 0 75.00
Schott, George Adolphus Trinity 1887/3(1½) 1888/1(01)         4 2 1 1 62.50
Schubert, Guy Edgar Trinity 1941/7                      
Schultz [Scott], David Bernard Magdalene 1935/4 1936/2 1937/2 1938/1                
Scibior, Adam Trinity 2012/3 2013/6 2017/7 2018/4                
Scott, David Bernard - see Schultz                          
Scott, Lawrence Prestwich Trinity 1931/6                      
Scovell, Frederick George Queens' 1891/7(1) 1892/3(½)         2 1 1 0 75.00
Shafi, Declan Pembroke 2020/6 2021/6 2022/6                  
Sharp, Jeremy P Downing 1988/2 1989/4 1990/1                  
Sheldrick, George Michael Jesus 1962/2 1963/1 1964/6                  
Shepherdson, John Cedric Trinity 1945/5                      
Sherman, Philip L Trinity 1925/7 1926/6                    
Sherrard, Hugh William (Rev) Non-Collegiate 1883/5(00) 1884/5(1½) 1885/3(½1)       6 2 2 2 3 50.00
Shridhar, Mitesh Churchill 2011/3                      
Simon, Robert Michael (Sir) Caius 1873/3(00)           2 0 0 2 0 0.00
Singh, Kanwar Dalip Pembroke 1905/5(0) 1906/2(0)         2 0 0 2 0 0.00
Singh, Sukh David Queens' 1987/3 1988/5 1989/3 1990/2                
Smart, Ian Christopher Trinity 1963/3                      
Smith, George Ernest St John's 1914/5(0)           1 0 0 1 0 0.00
Smith, Neil Henderson Caius 1920/5                      
Snowden, Harold John Queens' 1893/6(1) 1894/3(½) 1895/2(1)       3 2 1 0 83.33
Softlaw, Harold Goodlake Trinity Hall 1898/3(0) 1899/3(1) 1900/2(1)       3 2 0 1 2 66.67
Sommerville, Johann Peter Caius 1974/4 1975/5 1976/4                  
Southwell, Frederick Edmund Glanville St Catharine's 1910/6(½) 1911/3(0)         2 0 1 1 ½ 25.00
Soyres, de, John Caius 1873/1(00) 1874/1(½½1)         5 1 2 2 2 40.00
Stainer, Archibald Leo St Catharine's 1897/6(0)           1 0 0 1 0 0.00
Stansfield, Ronald Grubb Clare 1935/5 1936/4 1937/6                  
Stead, Herbert Alfred Emmanuel 1902/6(0)           1 0 0 1 0 0.00
Stean, Michael Frank Trinity 1973/1 1974/1 1975/1                  
Stefanovic, Ognjen Trinity 2021/7(½) 2022/7(0) 2023/6(½)       3 0 2 1 1 33.33
Stephenson, Robert Cecil Caius 1890/6(½) 1891/3(0)         2 0 1 1 ½ 25.00
Stevens, Gilbert Henry Caius 1910/4(1) 1911/2(½) 1912/1(½)       3 1 2 0 2 66.67
Stocker, George Bertram King's 1877/5(0½)           2 0 1 1 ½ 25.00
Stower, Bertram Herbert Russell Queens' 1906/5(0) 1907/5(1) 1908/2(0)       3 1 0 2 1 33.33
Strauss, David Jonathan St Catharine's 1968/6                      
Sugden, James Fearn Trinity Hall 1878/6(11) 1879/3(10) 1880/2(1½) 1881/1(0)     7 4 1 2 64.29
Sugden, John Neil St John's 1968/5 1969/6 1970/4 1971/4                
Sulaiman, Shah Muhammad Christ's 1910/5(½)           1 0 1 0 ½ 50.00
Sumner, Cecil Carol Winton (Rev) St John's 1896/7(½)           1 0 1 0 ½ 50.00
Sunderland, Leonard Samuel Clare 1961/7 1962/3                    
Swinnerton-Dyer, Henry Peter Francis Trinity 1946/7 1947/5 1948/1 1949/1                
Tarnofsky, Victor Downing 1954/4                      
Tattersall, Creassey Edward Cecil Trinity 1897/4(1) 1898/1(1) 1899/1(1) 1900/1(1)     4 4 0 0 4 100.00
Taulbut, Shaun Mark Downing 1978/2 1979/1 1980/1                  
Tayar, Jonathan Homerton 2020/4                      
Tayler, Roger John Clare 1949/6 1951/7                    
Taylor, Charles Edward Trinity 1889/6(½)           1 0 1 0 ½ 50.00
Taylor, John Dudley Caius 1956/6 1957/3 1958/1                  
Taylor, Peter Picton Trinity 1981/6 1982/4                    
Taylor, Stephen John Trinity 1974/6                      
Thomas, Andrew Rowland Benedick St John's 1924/2 1925/2 1926/1                  
Thompson, Gerard F Trinity 1988/7                      
Thornton, Mark Hardman Sidney Sussex 1987/7 1991/7                    
Thursby, John Ormerod Scarlett Trinity 1881/6(1½)           2 1 1 0 75.00
Tomlinson, Basil Queens' 1950/3                      
Topham, Richard Stoney Christ's 1886/3(½) 1887/2(0½) 1888/2(0½) 1889/1(0)     6 0 3 3 25.00
Tovey, Symons Sympson Trinity 1880/6(1½)           2 1 1 0 75.00
Townsend, Michael Paul Downing 1980/4 1981/2 1982/1                  
Trangmar, Alan Garth Trinity 1972/7 1973/3                    
Turner, Arthur James Caius 1911/5(0) 1912/2(0)         2 0 0 2 0 0.00
Turner, Matthew Sidney Sussex 1995/1 1996/2 1997/2                  
Tyomkin, Mykhaylo Corpus Christi 2008/5 2009/6 2010/6 2011/6                
Van der Velden, Bram King's 2014/7 2016/7 2017/3                  
Van Dijk, Rein Henri Trinity 1951/5                      
Varley, Gilbert Christ's 1894/7(0) 1895/4(0) 1896/2(0)       3 0 0 3 0 0.00
Veitch, James Malcolm Mitford St John's 1945/3                      
Veitch, James Malcolm Mitford St John's 1946/3                      
Verhoeff, Abraham Fitzwilliam 1949/2                      
Vernon, Maurice Arthur Trinity 1927/5                      
Vigus, James Clare 1999/5 2000/4 2001/3 2002/2 2003/3 2005/1            
Volovich, Julia Trinity 2025/7(0)           1 0 0 1 0 0.00
Wadsworth, Matthew Queens' 2019/1 2020/1 2022/1                  
Wakeford, Edward Kingsley Trinity 1913/2(0) 1914/2(1)         2 1 0 1 1 50.00
Walker, David John Trinity 1984/3 1985/4 1986/3                  
Walker, Peter Pembroke 1955/6 1956/5                    
Walker, Wilfred Christ's 1942/4                      
Wallden, Petros St John's 2003/8                      
Walsh, James Clare 2018/6                      
Walsh, Steven James Franklyn Jesus 1962/7                      
Walters, Leonard Charles St Catharine's 1944/2                      
Wang, Maria Selwyn 2016/8                      
Wann, Peter George Peterhouse 1964/7                      
Warburton, Cecil Christ's 1886/4(00) 1887/4(0) 1888/3(0)       4 0 0 4 0 0.00
Watkins, Allen St John's 1911/7(1) 1912/5(0)         2 1 0 1 1 50.00
Watts, David John Sidney Sussex 1986/4 1987/1 1988/3                  
Weaver, Ronald Cherry Corpus Christi 1926/7 1927/4                    
Weaving, Richard Churchill 2013/3 2014/4 2015/3                  
Webb, Christopher Anderson Jesus 1944/6                      
Webb, Herbert Anthony Trinity 1901/4(1) 1902/1(1) 1903/1(1)       3 3 0 0 3 100.00
Webb, Roger Jesus 1972/6                      
Webster, Peter A N St John's 1989/6                      
Wei, Naomi Trinity 2019/8                      
Weisberg, Hyman Christ's 1913/5(0) 1914/3(0)         2 0 0 2 0 0.00
Weller, Jean-Luc Churchill 2014/5 2015/5 2016/6                  
Wells, David Graham Trinity 1960/6 1961/4 1962/1                  
Werner, Andreas Wolfson 2006/5 2007/7                    
West, John Elliott Downing 1922/6 1923/4 1924/1 1925/1                
White, Stuart Jesus 1998/8                      
Wiles, Clement Christopher St John's 1899/7(1) 1900/3(1) 1901/2(1)       3 3 0 0 3 100.00
Williams, (Arthur) Howard Downing 1969/3 1970/2 1971/3 1972/1                
Williams, Johann Corpus Christi 2024/4(0)           1 0 0 1 0 0.00
Willis, Henry Gaye Clare 1875/4(1½)           2 1 1 0 75.00
Willson, Alan John St John's 1952/6 1953/4                    
Wilson, Jonathan G Trinity 1990/3 1991/1 1992/1                  
Winbow, Graham Arthur St John's 1964/3 1965/1                    
Winter, William Clare 1919/1(1)           1 1 0 0 1 100.00
Wise, Mervyn Edward Pembroke 1937/5 1938/4 1939/4                  
Wong, Zi Jing Fitzwilliam 2009/2                      
Wood, Christopher Baruch Emmanuel 1961/6 1962/4 1963/2 1964/1                
Woodhouse, Coventry Ernest Pembroke 1907/4(1) 1908/3(½)         2 1 1 0 75.00
Wooldridge, Duncan Wakeman St John's 1911/6(0) 1912/4(½)         2 0 1 1 ½ 25.00
Wright, Joseph Edmund Trinity 1899/6(0) 1900/6(1) 1901/3(½)       3 1 1 1 50.00
Wu, Li Churchill 2008/1 2009/4 2010/2                  
Wyndham, Paul Ian Trinity 1922/5 1923/1                    
York-Andersen, Anna St John's 2014/8 2018/8                    
Young, Edward Corpus Christi 1891/4(11) 1892/4(½) 1893/2(1)       4 3 1 0 87.50
Young, Frederick Mortimer Trinity 1882/7(1) 1885/4(1) 1886/2(11)       4 4 0 0 4 100.00
Young, Gregory Queens' 2016/4                      
Zapoleon, Louis Bernard Fitzwilliam 1934/3                      
Zhou, Yang-Fan Churchill 2014/1 2015/1 2016/2                  
All material © 2019-2024 John Saunders