BRITBASE - British Chess Game Archive
Tournament: 29th Varsity Match • Venue: British Chess Club, 37 King Street, London • Date: Friday 29 March 1901
Download PGN • List of Varsity Matches • Back to 1900 • Forward to 1902 • last edited:
Monday December 11, 2023 11:38 PM
The 29th Varsity Chess Match between Oxford University and Cambridge University was held at British Chess Club, 37 King Street, Covent Garden, London, on Friday 29 March 1901.
1900« 1901 Varsity Chess Match »1902 | |||
Bd | Oxford University | vs | Cambridge University |
1b | Henry Fitzgerald William Lane (Worcester) | 0-1 | Eugene Ernest Colman (Trinity) |
2w | Frederick Augustus Babcock (Wadham) | 0-1 | Clement Christopher Wiles (St John's) |
3b | Harold Francis Davidson (Exeter) | ½-½ | Joseph Edmund Wright (Trinity) |
4w | James Reginald Wyndham Robinson (New) | 0-1 | Herbert Anthony Webb (Trinity) |
5b | William Mitchell Grundy (All Souls') | ½-½ | Frederick Kimberley Loewenthal (Trinity Hall) |
6w | Adolph Christian von Ernsthausen (Balliol) | 0-1 | Francis William Clarke (Pembroke) |
7b | Hubert William Ottaway (Lincoln) | 1-0 | Bertram Goulding Brown (Trinity) |
Venue: British Chess Club | 2-5 | Friday 29 March 1901 |
Main sources: Oxford-Cambridge Chess Matches (1873-1987), (compiled by Jeremy Gaige, Philadelphia 1987); Sergeant, Philip W, A Century of Chess (London 1934, referred to in the text as PWS); BCM, May 1901, ppn 198-199;;; Who Was Who 1897-2007; Wikipedia. All seven games are available in the download.
(1) Oxford captain Harold Francis Davidson
BCM, May 1901, p198-199: "The Inter -’Varsity Match.—The great event of the week was contested on 29th March, when the Inter-University match was played at the rooms of the British Chess Club. We gave a full account of the regulations which govern this annual match in our issue for May, 1900; we need not therefore repeat them now, as the present year’s match was governed by similar regulations. Judging by the results of the preliminary matches which the United teams had contested against various leading London clubs, Cambridge was regarded as having the stronger team, and this opinion was verified, as the Cantabs won by 5 to 2.
"The match was the 29th annual encounter between the two Universities, and Cambridge has now won 19 matches, with a total score of 162½ points; Oxford has won 9 matches, with a total score of 132½ points. One match (1883) was drawn with 4 points each. We give the following diagrams of interesting positions in the several games."
Saturday 23 March - Cambridge University 2½, Hastings 6½ (at Hastings)
Monday 25 March - Combined Universities 11, Metropolitan 10
Tuesday 26 March - Combined Universities 5, British CC 15
Wednesday 27 March - Combined Universities 6, City of London 16
Monday 1 April - Cambridge University 4, St George's CC 2
File updated
Date | Notes |
17 April 2022 | Original upload. Biographical details and match reports to be added later. |