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15th Monarch Assurance Isle of Man International
23 September - 1 October 2006
Last updated:
Tuesday, April 29, 2014 6:41 PM
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Round 3 - 25 September 2006
Left: Sole leader Mateusz Bartel. Right: All draws in this photo -
Areschenko v Gormally in the foreground, then Greenfeld v Kobalia.
then Khenkin v Ikonnikov - the sort of game which gives the draw a bad
John Saunders reports: Akopian's game looked a little complicated - did he get away with something again? Mateusz Bartel is the sole leader on 3/3 after defeating Alex Shabalov. I'm not quite sure what happened in this game - it doesn't look won for Bartel at the end... I shall seek an answer. Quite a number of draws amongst the leading players. But not all draws are of equal interest. Khenkin-Ikonnikov has a claim to being the most boring long game I've ever had to key in, ever. I went into a catatonic coma around move 60 trying to work which of a pair of rooks went to which square. Both players have awful scrawly handwriting and one of them didn't both trying to resolve ambiguous rook moves. And that's all they were moving - rook move after rook move. Impossible to decipher and not a great game to play through - avoid it or risk mental illness. However, do please play through Greenfeld-Kobalia and Areschenko-Gormally - both draws but both very interesting.
Peter Wells ticked me off for depriving you of the last couple of moves of his win against Joanna Dworakowska. "They deserve to exist!", as he put it. I'm not sure how I came to truncate his masterpiece but the missing moves have been restored in the games download.
Greenfeld,A (2551) - Kobalia,M (2647) [D45]
Monarch Assurance Isle of Man Port Erin IOM (3.6), 25.09.2006
d4 d5 2 c4 c6 3 Nf3 Nf6 4 Nc3 e6 5 e3 a6 6 b3 Bb4 7 Bd2 0-0 8 Bd3 Nbd7
9 0-0 [9 Qc2 Bd6 10 Ne2 was the continuation in Huzman-Kasparov,
Euro Club Cup 2003 - a famous game in which a little-known Israeli GM
beat the world no.1.] 9 ..Bd6 10 Qc2 b6 [10 ..h6 11 e4 dxc4 12
bxc4 e5 13 c5 Bc7 14 Na4 exd4 15 h3 Re8 16 Rab1 Nh5 17 g3 Rb8 was played
in Kuzubov-Kobalia, at last year's Monarch Assurance tournament.] 11
cxd5 cxd5 12 e4 dxe4 13 Nxe4 Be7 14 Neg5 g6 15 Nxe6!? [Now the fun
really starts.] 15 ..fxe6 16 Ng5 Bb7 17 Bxg6
[At this point, you would half expect the annotator to write 'and wins' and then move on to the next game. But Black finds a desperate resource to keep the game going.] 20 ..Ne3!? 21 Qxf5? [It turns out that Black's last move was just a bluff. The point of the move was that, after 21 fxe3 Qxg8 Black is threatening mate on g2 and thus buys time to do something about the attacked rook on f5. But White could have continued 22 d5! which blocks the mate threat and also opens up a lethal attack on the long diagonal. The best Black can do is 22 ..Rf6 23 Bc3 Rc8 24 Rad1 Ne5 but now 25 Qe2! wins.] 21 ..Nxf5 22 Nxd8 Rxd8 23 Be6 Nxd4 [White has rook and three against the two knights but Black seems to be able to defend.] 24 Bc3 Nf6 25 Bxd4 Rxd4 26 Rad1 Rh4 27 Rfe1 Bc5 28 Re2 Kg7 29 Bh3 [Rather an artificial move.] 29 ..Bf3 30 gxf3 Rxh3 31 Kg2 Rh5 32 f4 Rh4 33 Kg3 Rg4+ 34 Kf3 Rh4 35 Kg3 Rg4+ 36 Kf3 Rh4 37 Kg3 1/2-1/2
Areshchenko,A (2641) - Gormally,D (2513) [B33]
Monarch Assurance Isle of Man Port Erin IOM (3.7), 25.09.2006
1 e4 c5 2 Ne2 Nc6 3 Nbc3 Nf6 4 d4 cxd4 5 Nxd4 e5 6 Ndb5 d6 7 Bg5 a6 8 Na3 b5 9 Nd5 Qa5+ 10 c3 Nxd5 11 exd5 Ne7 12 Nc2 h6 13 Be3 Bd7 14 f4 Nf5 15 Bd2

(2359) - Wells,P (2480)
Monarch Assurance Isle of Man Port Erin IOM (3.21), 25.09.2006
Round: 3 Bd White Result Black --No-- 1 Akopian, Vladimir....... 2713 (2) ½ - ½ Landa, Konstantin....... 2584 (2) 1 17 2 Neverov, Valeriy........ 2556 (2) ½ - ½ Krasenkow, Mikhal....... 2635 (2) 23 6 3 Bartel, Mateusz......... 2561 (2) 1 - 0 Shabalov, Alexander..... 2604 (2) 21 11 4 Zatonskih, Anna......... 2432 (2) ½ - ½ Malakhatko, Vadim....... 2594 (2) 39 13 5 Khenkin, Igor........... 2586 (1½) ½ - ½ Ikonnikov, Vyacheslav... 2587 (2) 16 15 6 Greenfeld, Alon......... 2551 (1½) ½ - ½ Kobalia, Mikhail........ 2647 (1½) 26 3 7 Areshchenko, Alexander.. 2641 (1½) ½ - ½ Gormally, Daniel W...... 2513 (1½) 4 30 8 Korneev, Oleg........... 2638 (1½) 1 - 0 Kuzubov, Yuri........... 2554 (1½) 5 25 9 Arkell, Keith C......... 2479 (1½) ½ - ½ Efimenko, Zahar......... 2632 (1½) 34 7 10 Volkov, Sergey.......... 2628 (1½) 1 - 0 Williams, Simon K....... 2473 (1½) 8 36 11 Al Sayed, Mohamad N..... 2492 (1½) 0 - 1 Socko, Bartosz.......... 2621 (1½) 32 9 12 Kazhgaleyev, Murtas..... 2606 (1½) 1 - 0 Hanley, Craig A......... 2419 (1½) 10 41 13 Postny, Evgeny.......... 2591 (1½) 1 - 0 Vasilevich, Tatiana..... 2412 (1½) 14 47 14 Yakovich, Yuri.......... 2583 (1½) 1 - 0 Sarakauskas, Gediminas.. 2414 (1½) 18 45 15 Ledger, Andrew J........ 2411 (1½) 0 - 1 Golod, Vitali........... 2576 (1½) 48 19 16 Ferguson, Mark.......... 2389 (1½) ½ - ½ Stocek, Jiri............ 2561 (1½) 51 22 17 Kononenko, Tatiana...... 2387 (1) ½ - ½ Kiriakov, Petr.......... 2554 (1½) 52 24 18 Iordachescu, Viorel..... 2603 (1) 1 - 0 Quillan, Gary........... 2344 (1) 12 62 19 Ashton, Adam G.......... 2329 (1) ½ - ½ Bobras, Piotr........... 2535 (1) 63 28 20 Hebden, Mark L.......... 2532 (1) 0 - 1 Zozulia, Anna........... 2352 (1) 29 59 21 Dworakowska, Joanna..... 2359 (1) 0 - 1 Wells, Peter K.......... 2480 (1) 57 33 22 Paehtz, Elizabeth....... 2456 (1) 1 - 0 Szieberth, Adam......... 2328 (1) 37 64 23 Haslinger, Stewart G.... 2423 (1) ½ - ½ Eggleston, David J...... 2232 (1) 40 67 24 Cox, John J............. 2418 (1) 1 - 0 Spence, David J......... 2205 (1) 42 69 25 Siebrecht, Sebastian.... 2417 (1) 1 - 0 Collier, David O........ 2175 (1) 43 71 26 Palliser, Richard JD.... 2413 (1) 1 - 0 Majer, Chris E.......... 1991 (1) 46 87 27 Grant, Alan G........... 2193 (1) 0 - 1 Sriram, Jha............. 2408 (1) 70 49 28 Mohota, Nisha........... 2313 (1) ½ - ½ Peek, Marcel............ 2367 (1) 65 55 29 Meenakshi, Subbaraman... 2310 (½) 1 - 0 Sahl, Bjarke............ 2364 (1) 66 56 30 Walton, Alan J.......... 2222 (½) 0 - 1 Vijayalakshmi, Subbarama 2417 (½) 68 44 31 Groffen, Hans........... 2171 (½) 0 - 1 Roy Chowdhury, Saptarshi 2394 (½) 72 50 32 Hutchinson, Norman A.... 2107 (½) ½ - ½ Devereaux, Maxim L...... 2377 (½) 75 53 33 Zimmerman, Yuri......... 2374 (½) 1 - 0 Fraser-Mitchell, Jeremy 2077 (½) 54 82 34 Sharma, Dinesh K........ 2358 (½) 1 - 0 Savory, Richard J....... 2101 (½) 58 77 35 Mannion, Steve R........ 2346 (½) 1 - 0 Ormsby, Alan............ 1939 (½) 60 93 36 Cafolla, Peter.......... 2062 (0) 0 - 1 Sarakauskiene, Zivile... 2158 (0) 85 73 37 De Lagontrie, Jean...... 1974 (0) ½ - ½ Fox, Anthony............ 2117 (0) 88 74 38 Henrichsen, Jens........ 2106 (0) ½ - ½ Henderikse, Bert........ 2019 (0) 76 86 39 Nicholson, John......... 1945 (0) 0 - 1 Fairbairn, Stephen...... 2088 (0) 90 80 40 Lunn, Timothy........... 2079 (0) 1 - 0 Marks, Ian A............ 1944 (0) 81 91 41 Spanton, Tim R.......... 2075 (0) 0 - 1 Fabri, Henrik........... 1940 (0) 83 92 42 Minor, Harry............ 1500d (0) 0 - 1 Werner, Gert............ 2069 (0) 94 84 Monarch Assurance Isle of Man Open Venue: Ocean Castle Hotel Port Erin Date: 23 Sep 06 to 01 Oct 06 Timings: First 40 moves in 120 mins. Next 20 moves in 60 mins. 30 mins to completion.
Tournament Director/Organiser: Dennis HemsleyWebmaster: John Saunders
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