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4NCL (British Team Championship), Season 1995/96
Rd 1 - Cheltenham - 25 November 1995
Rd 2 - Cheltenham - 26 November 1995
Rd 3 -
Abergavenny - 20 January 1996
Rd 4 - Abergavenny - 21
January 1996
Rd 5 - Birmingham - 17 February 1996
Rd 6 - Birmingham - 18 February 1996
Rd 7
- Ware, Hertford - 16 March 1996
Rd 8 - Ware, Hertford - 17 March
Rd 9 - Newcastle - 27 April 1996
Rd 10 - Newcastle - 28 April 1996
Rd 11 -
Warwick - 25 May 1996
Rd 12 - Warwick - 26 May 1996
Rd 13 - Warwick - 27 May 1996
Final Crosstable
Rd 1 - Cheltenham, 25 November, 1995
SW Dragons v BCM Newcastle v Slough Wood Green v Guildford
1 D Cummings 0-1 M Chandler C Storey 1-0 A Sum'scale J Emms 1/2 A Kinsman
2 S Zeidler 0-1 J Levitt T Wall 1-0 M Hennigan M Pein 0-1 N Povah
3 DJ James 0-1 D Friedgood D Ledger 1/2 J Richardson P Lit'wood 1-0 M Ferguson
4 C Morris 1/2 B Cafferty S Bell 1/2 Mi Houska B Martin 1/2 B Connell
5 A Spice 1-0 R Edwards J King 1/2 AP Smith A Law 1/2 R Abayasekera
6 J Saunders 1-0 I Lauterbach B Clissold 0-1 A Brameld P Sowray 1/2 M Forster
7 Ma Adams 1/2 D Anderton C Waters 1/2 R Noyce G Lee 1-0 M Anderton
8 J Richmond 1-0 M Johnson L Barnes 0-1 J Houska S Jackson 1/2 A-M Ashby
4-4 4-4 4.5-3.5
Croydon v NW Eagles Hertford v Midland Ms Witney v Bristol
1 J Pigott 1-0 J Lit'wood C Pritchett 0-1 K Arkell S Ansell 1-0 C Beaumont
2 A Harley 1/2 G Quillan S Knott 0-1 J Howell J Cobb 1/2 I Thompson
3 J Wilson 1/2 J Merriman C Duncan 0-1 A Ledger C Baker 1-0 R Phillips
4 J Naylor 0-1 DR James D Coleman 0-1 M Turner S Taulbut 1/2 T Mordue
5 S Lazarus 1-0 D Wolsten'ft S Swanson 1/2 R Tozer C Cobb 1-0 J Rudd
6 A Harakis 0-1 D Bull G Kenworthy 0-1 H Hunt R Haydon 1-0 P Helbig
7 J Marley 0-1 S McGrane P Byway 1-0 L Cooper M Truran 1-0 D Collier
8 S Turvey 1/2 R Reeves C Forbes 0-1 G Lawton F Cohen 1/2 M Buckley
3.5-4.5 1.5-6.5 6.5-1.5
Richmond v Na Fianna
1 R Bates 1-0 C O'Shaughnessy
2 G Wall 1-0 R McMichael
3 A Trif'vic 1-0 M Lyell
4 J Burke 1/2 P Wallace
5 CB Baker 1d Default
6 A Faller 1-0 C Costello
7 Ru Bates 1d Default
8 Default 0-0 Default
Rd 2 - Cheltenham, 26 November, 1995
Slough v SW Dragons Guildford v Newcastle Bristol v Croydon
1 A Sum'scale 1/2 D Cummings A Kinsman 1-0 C Storey C Beaumont 1/2 J Pigott
2 M Hennigan 1/2 S Zeidler N Povah 0-1 T Wall I Thompson 1/2 A Harley
3 J Richardson1/2 DJ James M Ferguson 1/2 D Ledger R Phillips 1/2 J Wilson
4 Mi Houska 1-0 P Richmond B Connell 0-1 S Bell T Mordue 1/2 J Naylor
5 AP Smith 1-0 A Spice R Abay'kera 1-0 J King J Rudd 0-1 S Lazarus
6 A Brameld 1/2 J Saunders M Forster 1/2 B Clissold P Helbig 0-1 A Harakis
7 R Noyce 1/2 L Williams M Anderton 1-0 C Waters D Collier 1-0 J Marley
8 J Houska 0-1 J Richmond A-M Ashby 1-0 L Barnes M Buckley 1/2 S Turvey
4.5-3.5 5-3 3.5-4.5
Midland Ms v Richmond NW Eagles v Witney BCM v Wood Green
1 K Arkell 0-1 Ri Bates J Lit'wood 0-1 S Ansell M Chandler 0-1 J Emms
2 J Howell 1/2 G Wall G Quillan 1-0 J Cobb J Levitt 1-0 M Pein
3 A Ledger 1/2 A Trifunovic J Merriman 1-0 CW Baker D Friedgood 1-0 P Lit'wood
4 M Turner 1/2 P Johnstone DR James 1/2 S Taulbut B Cafferty 1-0 B Martin
5 R Tozer 0-1 J Burke D Wolst'ft 0-1 C Cobb R Edwards 0-1 A Law
6 H Hunt 1/2 CB Baker D Bull 0-1 T Headlong I Lauterbach 0-1 P Sowray
7 G Lawton 1-0 A Faller S McGrane 0-1 M Truran D Anderton 1/2 G Lee
8 L Cooper 1-0 Ru Bates R Reeves 0-1 F Cohen M Johnson 1/2 S Jackson
4-4 2.5-5.5 4-4
Na Fianna v Hertford
1 C O'Sh'ssy 1/2 C Pritchett
2 R McMichael 0-1 S Knott
3 M Lyell 0-1 C Duncan
4 C Costello 0-1 D Coleman
5 G Copeland 0-1 S Swanson
6 N Jones 0-1 G Kenworthy
7 S Buckley 0-1 P Byway
8 D Helbig 0-1 C Forbes
Rd 3 - Abergavenny, 20 January, 1996
Midland Ms v SW Dragons Newcastle v NW Eagles Wood Green v Richmond
1 J Cooper 1/2 K Arkell D Ledger 0-1 G Quillan J Emms 1/2 R Bates
2 D Cummings 1-0 J Parker C Storey 1-0 J Litt'wood M Pein 1/2 L McShane
3 S Zeidler 0-1 A Ledger S Bell 1-0 J Merriman P Litt'wood 1-0 G Wall
4 DJ James 0-1 M Turner C Gray 0-1 G House B Martin 0-1 A Trif'vic
5 C Morris 1-0 R Tozer J King 1/2 D Tebb A Law 1-0 M Franklin
6 L Williams 0-1 A Collinson D Henderson 0-1 DR James P Sowray 1-0 J Burke
7 Ma Adams 0-1 H Hunt C Waters 1-0 D Wol'croft M Rubery 1-0 J Bass
8 D Furmage 0-1 S Dishman L Barnes 0-1 E Howard S Jackson 1-0 Ru Bates
2.5-5.5 3.5-4.5 6-2
Croydon v Guildford Hertford v Bristol Witney v Na Fianna
1 T Wall 0-1 A Martin C Pritchett 1/2 C Beaumont S Ansell 0-1 D King
2 J Wilson 0-1 A Kinsman S Knott 1-0 R Phillips J Cobb 0-1 C O'S'nessy
3 N Dickenson 0-1 N Povah C Duncan 1-0 T Mordue CW Baker 1-0 R McMichael
4 A Harley 1/2 M Ferguson D Coleman 1-0 M Binks S Taulbut 0-1 M Lyell
5 J Naylor 1/2 B Connell S Swanson 1/2 D Collier C Cobb 0-1 P Wallace
6 G Moore 0-1 R Granat P Byway 0-1 P Helbig T Headlong 1-0 S Connolly
7 S Ledger 0-1 R Abay'kera B Cheal 1-0 J Rudd M Truran 1-0 M O'Siochru
8 S Turvey 0-1 A-M Ashby C Forbes 1-0 M Buckley F Cohen 1-0 A Walden-Jones
1-7 6-2 4-4
Slough v BCM
1 A Kosten 1-0 J Mestel
2 M Hebden 1/2 M Chandler
3 A Sum'scale 1-0 D Friedgood
4 M Hennigan 1/2 B Cafferty
5 J Poulton 1-0 S Giddins
6 R Webb 1-0 R Wade
7 Mi Houska 1-0 D Anderton
8 J Houska 1-0 I Lauterbach
Rd 4 - Abergavenny, 21 January, 1996
Richmond v SW Dragons Guildford v Slough Bristol v Newcastle
1 Ri Bates 1-0 J Cooper A Martin 1/2 M Hebden C Beaumont 1-0 D Ledger
2 L McShane 1/2 D Cummings A Kinsman 0-1 A Kosten R Phillips 1-0 C Storey
3 G Wall 1-0 S Zeidler N Povah 1/2 A Sum'scale T Mordue 1/2 S Bell
4 A Trif'vic 1/2 DJ James B Connell 0-1 M Hennigan M Binks 1/2 C Gray
5 M Franklin 1/2 C Morris M Ferguson 0-1 J Poulton D Collier 1/2 J King
6 J Burke 0-1 A Spice R Granat 1/2 R Webb P Helbig 1/2 D Henderson
7 J Bass 1-0 Ma Adams R Abay'kera 1/2 Mi Houska J Rudd 1/2 C Waters
8 Ru Bates 1-0 D Furmage A-M Ashby 1/2 J Houska M Buckley 1/2 L Barnes
5.5-2.5 2.5-5.5 5-3
Midland Ms v BCM Witney v Croydon Wood Green v Hertford
1 K Arkell 1/2 M Chandler S Ansell 1-0 T Wall J Emms 1-0 C Pritchett
2 J Parker 1-0 J Mestel J Cobb 0-1 J Wilson M Pein 1-0 S Knott
3 A Ledger 1/2 B Cafferty CW Baker 1-0 N Dickenson P Litt'wood 1-0 C Duncan
4 M Turner 1-0 D Friedgood C Cobb 1/2 A Harley B Martin 1-0 D Coleman
5 R Tozer 1-0 R Wade S Taulbut 0-1 J Naylor A Law 1-0 S Swanson
6 A Collinson 1-0 S Giddins M Truran 0-1 G Moore P Sowray 1-0 P Byway
7 H Hunt 1-0 I Lauterbach T Headlong 1/2 S Ledger M Rubery 1/2 B Cheal
8 S Dishman 0-1 D Anderton F Cohen 1-0 S Turvey S Jackson 1-0 C Forbes
6-2 4-4 7.5-0.5
Na Fianna v NW Eagles
1 D King 1/2 G Quillan
2 C O'S'nessy 1/2 J Litt'wood
3 R McMichael 0-1 J Merriman
4 M Lyell 1-0 G House
5 P Wallace 1/2 D Tebb
6 S Connolly 0-1 DR James
7 M O'Siochru 0-1 D Wol'croft
8 A Walden-J 0-1 E Howard
Rd 5 - Birmingham, 17 February, 1996
SW Dragons v Bristol Newcastle v Na Fianna Croydon v Richmond
1 J Cooper 1-0 C Beaumont C Storey 0-1 C O'S'nessy Default 0d R Bates
2 D Cummings 0-1 G Burgess S Bell 1/2 M Lyell A Harley 1/2 L McShane
3 C Morris 1-0 R Phillips D Ledger 1-0 J Rich'son D Gormally 0-1 G Wall
4 JR Smith 0-1 T Mordue J King 0-1 R McMichael G Moore 1/2 A Trif'vic
5 A Spice 1-0 M Binks D Henderson 1-0 P Wallace S Lazarus 1/2 P Johnstone
6 R Dineley 1/2 P Helbig R Doyle 0-1 A Cromb'lme A Harakis 0-1 K Norman
7 D Martin 0-1 D Collier C Waters 0-1 L Grinsell R James 1/2 J Burke
8 J Richmond 1-0 M Buckley L Barnes 0-1 S Connolly S Turvey 0-1 D Norman
4.5-3.5 2.5-5.5 2-6
BCM v Guildford Hertford v Witney Midland Ms v Wood Green
1 M Chandler 1-0 A Kinsman C Pritchett 1/2 S Ansell J Parker 0-1 J Emms
2 R Bellin 1/2 N Povah S Knott 0-1 CW Baker J Howell 1/2 C Ward
3 D Friedgood 0-1 B Connell C Duncan 1/2 S Taulbut K Arkell 1/2 M Pein
4 B Cafferty 0-1 R Abay'kera D Coleman 1/2 C Cobb A Ledger 0-1 B Martin
5 S Giddins 1/2 M Forster S Swanson 1-0 J Cobb M Turner 1-0 A Law
6 J Bellin 1-0 M Anderton P Byway 1/2 R Haydon G Lawton 1/2 P Sowray
7 D Anderton 1-0 M Singleton B Cheal 0-1 M Truran H Hunt 1-0 M Rubery
8 I Lauterbach1-0 A-M Ashby C Forbes 1/2 F Cohen A Collinson 1-0 S Jackson
5-3 3.5-4.5 4.5-3.5
NW Eagles v Slough
1 G Quillan 0-1 Mi Adams
2 J Litt'wood 1/2 B Lalic
3 J Merriman 1-0 A Kosten
4 D Tebb 1-0 J Poulton
5 DR James 0-1 S Lalic
6 S Clarke 1-0 Mi Houska
7 D Wol'croft 1/2 C Cubitt
8 E Howard 0-1 R Noyce
Rd 6 - Birmingham, 18 February, 1996
NW Eagles v SW Dragons Guildford v Hertford Bristol v Wood Green
1 J Merriman 1/2 J Cooper A Kinsman 1-0 C Pritchett C Beaumont 0-1 J Emms
2 J Litt'wood 1/2 D Cummings N Povah 0-1 S Knott G Burgess 0-1 C Ward
3 G Quillan 1-0 C Morris B Connell 1/2 C Duncan R Phillips 0-1 M Pein
4 S Clarke 1/2 R Dineley R Abay'kera 0-1 D Coleman T Mordue 1/2 B Martin
5 D Tebb 1-0 A Spice M Forster 1/2 S Swanson M Binks 0-1 A Law
6 DR James 1-0 J Richmond M Anderton 0-1 P Byway P Helbig 0-1 P Sowray
7 D Wol'croft 1/2 D Martin M Singleton 1/2 B Cheal D Collier 1/2 M Rubery
8 E Howard 0-1 A Fish A-M Ashby 1/2 C Forbes M Buckley 1/2 S Jackson
5-3 3-5 1.5-6.5
Midland Ms v Croydon BCM v Newcastle Richmond v Witney
1 J Howell 1-0 D Gormally M Chandler 1-0 C Storey R Bates 0-1 S Ansell
2 J Parker 1/2 A Harley R Bellin 1/2 S Bell L McShane 1-0 CW Baker
3 K Arkell 1-0 S Lazarus B Cafferty 0-1 D Ledger G Wall 1/2 S Taulbut
4 M Turner 1-0 G Moore D Friedgood 1-0 J King A Trif'vic 0-1 J Cobb
5 A Ledger 1-0 R James J Bellin 1/2 D Henderson P Johnstone 1/2 C Cobb
6 G Lawton 1-0 A Harakis S Giddins 1-0 R Doyle K Norman 0-1 M Truran
7 A Collinson 1-0 R O'Brien I Lauterbach0-1 C Waters J Burke 1/2 R Haydon
8 H Hunt 1-0 S Turvey D Anderton 1-0 L Barnes D Norman 1/2 F Cohen
7.5-0.5 5-3 3-5
Na Fianna v Slough
1 C O'S'nessy 0-1 Mi Adams
2 M Lyell 0-1 B Lalic
3 J Rich'son 0-1 A Kosten
4 R McMichael 1/2 J Poulton
5 P Wallace 1/2 S Lalic
6 A Cromb'lme 0-1 Mi Houska
7 C Hibbard 1/2 C Cubitt
8 S Connolly 0-1 R Noyce
Rd 7 - Hertford, 16 March, 1996
Wood Green v SW Dragons Guildford v NW Eagles Richmond v Slough
1 C Ward 0-1 J Cooper A Martin 1-0 G Quillan R Bates 0-1 A Miles
2 P Litt'wood 0-1 D Cummings A Kinsman 1/2 J Litt'wood L McShane 0-1 B Lalic
3 B Martin 1-0 J Saunders N Povah 1-0 J Merriman G Wall 0-1 M Hebden
4 A Law 1-0 C Morris M Ferguson 1-0 D Tebb A Trif'vic 0-1 M Hennigan
5 P Sowray 0-1 A Spice R Granat 0-1 S Clarke M Franklin 1/2 A Mortazavi
6 G Lee 1-0 L Williams R Abay'kera 1-0 DR James J Burke 0-1 S Lalic
7 M Rubery 1/2 F Rayner M Anderton 1/2 J Marley J Bass 0-1 Mi Houska
8 S Jackson 0-1 J Richmond A-M Ashby 0-1 E Howard Ru Bates 0-1 R Noyce
3.5-4.5 5-3 0.5-7.5
Hertford v Croydon Na Fianna v Midland Ms Witney v Newcastle
1 C Pritchett 0-1 N McDonald C O'S'nessy 1/2 K Arkell S Ansell 1-0 S Bell
2 C Duncan 1/2 A Harley M Lyell 0-1 J Howell CW Baker 1-0 D Ledger
3 S Knott 1-0 J Wilson R McMichael 1/2 J Parker C Cobb 1-0 C Storey
4 D Coleman 1/2 N Dickenson J Rich'son 0-1 A Ledger J Cobb 0-1 J King
5 S Swanson 1/2 D Gormally P Wallace 0-1 M Turner R Haydon 1-0 D Henderson
6 P Byway 0-1 G Moore D McMahon 0-1 H Hunt T Headlong 1-0 C Waters
7 B Cheal 0-1 C Dunworth A Cromb'lme 0-1 G Buckley P Cooksey 1-0 C Doyle
8 Mrs B Cheal 0-1 S Turvey Default 0d G Lawton F Cohen 1-0 S Drummond
2.5-5.5 1-7 7-1
Bristol v BCM
1 G Burgess 0-1 M Chandler
2 C Beaumont 1/2 J Levitt
3 I Thompson 1/2 R Bellin
4 R Phillips 1/2 D Friedgood
5 D Collier 1-0 B Cafferty
6 P Helbig 0-1 S Giddins
7 G Copeland 1/2 J Bellin
8 M Buckley 0-1 D Anderton
Rd 8 - Hertford, 17 March, 1996
SW Dragons v Hertford Newcastle v Wood Green NW Eagles v Bristol
1 J Cooper 0-1 S Knott S Bell 1/2 C Ward G Quillan 1-0 G Burgess
2 D Cummings 1/2 C Duncan D Ledger 0-1 P Litt'wood J Litt'wood 1/2 C Beaumont
3 S Zeidler 1/2 A Hanreck C Storey 0-1 B Martin J Merriman 0-1 A Cooper
4 C Morris 1/2 D Coleman J King 1/2 A Law D Tebb 1-0 R Phillips
5 A Spice 0-1 S Swanson D Henderson 0-1 P Sowray S Clarke 1-0 D Collier
6 L Williams 1-0 P Byway C Waters 0-1 G Lee DR James 1/2 P Helbig
7 J Saunders 1/2 B Cheal R Doyle 0-1 M Rubery R James 1/2 F Appleton
8 J Richmond 1-0 C Forbes S Drummond 0-1 S Jackson E Howard 1/2 M Buckley
4-4 1-7 5-3
Midland Ms v Guildford Slough v Witney BCM v Richmond
1 K Arkell 1-0 A Kinsman A Miles 1-0 S Ansell M Chandler 1-0 R Bates
2 J Howell 1-0 N Povah B Lalic 1/2 CW Baker J Levitt 0-1 L McShane
3 J Parker 0-1 M Ferguson M Hebden 1-0 C Cobb R Bellin 1-0 G Wall
4 A Ledger 1/2 R Abay'kera M Hennigan 1-0 J Cobb D Friedgood 1/2 A Trif'vic
5 M Turner 1-0 M Anderton A Mortazavi 1/2 R Haydon B Cafferty 1/2 M Franklin
6 G Lawton 1-0 M Singleton S Lalic 1/2 T Headlong S Giddins 0-1 K Norman
7 G Buckley 1-0 A Punnett C Cubitt 1-0 P Cooksey J Bellin 1/2 J Burke
8 H Hunt 1/2 A-M Ashby Mi Houska 1/2 F Cohen D Anderton 1-0 Ru Bates
6-2 6-2 4.5-3.5
Croydon v Na Fianna
1 N McDonald 1-0 C O'Shaughnessy
2 A Harley 1/2 M Lyell
3 J Wilson 1-0 R McMichael
4 N Dickenson 1/2 J Richardson
5 D Gormally 1-0 P Wallace
6 G Moore 0-1 D McMahon
7 D Rosen 1-0 A Crombleholme
8 S Turvey 1-0 J Houska
Rd 9 - Newcastle, 27 April, 1996
SW Dragons v Newcastle Wood Green v NW Eagles Croydon v Slough
1 D Cummings 1/2 S Bell J Emms 1-0 J Litt'wood N McDonald 1-0 M Adams
2 S Zeidler 0-1 C Storey M Pein 1-0 J Merriman A Harley 0-1 B Lalic
3 DJ James 1/2 T Wall P Litt'wood 1-0 B Lund J Wilson 1/2 A Sum'scale
4 A Spice 1-0 D Ledger B Martin 1-0 G Quillan D Gormally 0-1 M Hennigan
5 JR Smith 1/2 J King A Law 1/2 D Tebb S Ledger 0-1 J Poulton
6 D Martin 1/2 C Waters P Sowray 1-0 DR James S Lazarus 1/2 S Lalic
7 L Williams 1/2 D Henderson G Lee 1-0 D Bul R Coathup 1/2 RM Webb
8 J Richmond 1-0 L Barnes S Jackson 1-0 E Howard S Turvey 0-1 AP Smith
4.5-3.5 7.5-0.5 2.5-5.5
Hertford v BCM Na Fianna v Bristol Witney v Midland Ms
1 S Knott 0-1 M Chandler C O'S'nessy 1-0 S Conquest CW Baker 1/2 K Arkell
2 A Hanreck 1/2 R Bellin M Lyell 0-1 C Beaumont R Haydon 0-1 J Howell
3 C Duncan 1-0 B Cafferty J Rich'son 1-0 T Mordue S Ansell 1/2 A Ledger
4 S Swanson 1/2 D Friedgood R McMichael 1/2 R Phillips T Headlong 1/2 M Turner
5 P Byway 1/2 J Bellin P Wallace 1-0 J Rudd P Cooksey 0-1 J Parker
6 B Cheal 1/2 S Giddins S Connolly 1-0 D Collier D Hackett 0-1 R Tozer
7 B Savage 1-0 I Lauterbach M O'Siochru 0-1 M Binks F Cohen 0-1 J Nelson
8 J Seymour 0-1 D Anderton M Ridings 1/2 M Buckley A Short 0-1 H Lang
4-4 5-3 1.5-6.5
Richmond v Guildford
1 L McShane 0-1 N Povah
2 G Wall 1-0 M Ferguson
3 A Trif'vic 1/2 C Kennaugh
4 M Franklin 1/2 R Abay'kera
5 B Beake 1-0 D Bisby
6 D Stew'son 0-1 M Forster
7 J Bass 0-1 M Anderton
8 Ru Bates 1/2 A-M Ashby
Rd 10 - Newcastle, 28 April, 1996
Guildford v SW Dragons Newcastle v Croydon NW Eagles v Midland Ms
1 N Povah 1-0 D Cummings S Bell 1-0 N McDonald J Litt'wood 1/2 J Howell
2 M Ferguson 1/2 DJ James C Storey 1-0 A Harley J Merriman 0-1 K Arkell
3 C Kennaugh 1/2 A Spice T Wall 1-0 J Wilson B Lund 1/2 A Ledger
4 R Abay'kera 1-0 JR Smith D Ledger 0-1 D Gormally G Quillan 0-1 M Turner
5 D Bisby 1/2 L Williams J King 0-1 S Ledger D Tebb 0-1 J Parker
6 M Forster 1-0 D Martin C Waters 0-1 S Lazarus DR James 1-0 R Tozer
7 M Anderton 1-0 WN Saunders D Henderson 0-1 R Coathup D Bull 0-1 J Nelson
8 A-M Ashby 1-0 J Richmond L Barnes 1-0 S Turvey E Howard 0-1 H Lang
6.5-1.5 4-4 2-6
Richmond v Hertford Slough v Bristol Witney v Wood Green
1 L McShane 1/2 S Knott M Adams 1-0 S Conquest CW Baker 1/2 J Emms
2 G Wall 1/2 A Hanreck B Lalic 1/2 C Beaumont S Ansell 0-1 P Litt'wood
3 A Trif'vic 1/2 C Duncan A Sum'scale 1-0 R Phillips R Haydon 1/2 M Pein
4 M Franklin 1-0 S Swanson M Hennigan 1/2 T Mordue T Headlong 1/2 B Martin
5 B Beake 0-1 P Byway J Poulton 1/2 D Collier D Hackett 0-1 A Law
6 J Bass 1-0 B Cheal S Lalic 1-0 J Rudd P Cooksey 1/2 P Sowray
7 D Stew'son 1-0 B Savage RM Webb 1-0 M Binks A Short 0-1 G Lee
8 Ru Bates 1/2 J Seymour AP Smith 1/2 M Buckley F Cohen 1/2 S Jackson
5-3 6-2 2.5-5.5
Na Fianna v BCM
1 C O'S'nessy 0-1 M Chandler
2 M Lyell 0-1 R Bellin
3 J Rich'son 1-0 D Friedgood
4 R McMichael 1/2 B Cafferty
5 P Wallace 0-1 S Giddins
6 S Connolly 0-1 J Bellin
7 M O'Siochru 1/2 D Anderton
8 M Ridings 0-1 I Lauterbach
Rd 11 - Warwick, 25 May, 1996
SW Dragons v Na Fianna Guildford v Witney Slough v Hertford
1 J Cooper 0-1 D King A Martin 1-0 S Taulbut M Adams 1-0 S Knott
2 D Cummings 1/2 C O'S'nessy A Kinsman 0-1 CW Baker A Miles 1-0 C Duncan
3 S Zeidler 0-1 J Rich'son N Povah 0-1 S Ansell J Hodgson 0-1 A Hanreck
4 DJ James 1d Default R Abay'kera 1-0 R Haydon M Hebden 1-0 S Swanson
5 J Saunders 1/2 A Crombleholme M Anderton 1/2 T Headlong M Hennigan 1-0 P Byway
6 F Rayner 1-0 L Grinsell A Punnett 0-1 M Truran Mi Houska 1/2 B Savage
7 A Dyce 1-0 S Connolly J Shepley 1/2 P Cooksey AP Smith 1-0 B Cheal
8 J Richmond 1-0 M O'Siochru A-M Ashby 0-1 F Cohen J Houska 1d
5-3 3-5 6.5-1.5
Croydon v Wood Green Bristol v Richmond Midland Ms v Newcastle
1 D Gormally 1/2 J Emms G Burgess 1-0 R Bates J Howell 1-0 C Storey
2 J Wilson 1-0 C Ward R Phillips 0-1 L McShane K Arakhamia 1-0 S Bell
3 A Harley 1/2 M Pein T Mordue 1/2 G Wall A Collinson 1-0 D Ledger
4 G Moore 1/2 P Litt'wood D Collier 1/2 P Johnstone G Buckley 0-1 T Wall
5 S Ledger 1/2 B Martin G Copeland 1/2 M Franklin A Ledger 1-0 J King
6 D Rosen 0-1 P Sowray S Buckley 0-1 K Norman R Tozer 0-1 C Waters
7 S Lazarus 0-1 G Lee M Buckley 1/2 J Bass J Grant 1-0 D Henderson
8 S Turvey 0-1 S Jackson F Appleton 1d Default J Nelson 1-0 L Barnes
3-5 4-4 6-2
BCM v NW Eagles
1 M Chandler 1-0 G Quillan
2 K Bischoff 1/2 J Litt'wood
3 J Mestel 1-0 J Merriman
4 R Bellin 1-0 DR James
5 D Friedgood 1-0 S McGrane
6 B Cafferty 1d Default
7 J Bellin 1d Default
8 I Lauterbach1-0 P Mills
Rd 12 - Warwick, 26 May, 1996
Croydon v SW Dragons Hertford v Newcastle Na Fianna v Guildford
1 J Wilson 1/2 J Cooper C Pritchett 1/2 C Storey D King 1-0 A Martin
2 D Gormally 1/2 D Cummings S Knott 1/2 S Bell C O'S'nessy 0-1 A Kinsman
3 A Harley 1/2 S Zeidler C Duncan 1-0 D Ledger J Rich'son 0-1 N Povah
4 S Ledger 1-0 A Spice A Hanreck 1/2 T Wall M Lyell 1/2 R Abay'kera
5 G Moore 0-1 J Saunders S Swanson 1-0 J King A Crombleh'me 0-1 M Anderton
6 S Lazarus 0-1 F Rayner B Cheal 1-0 C Waters L Grinsell 1-0 A Punnett
7 R James 0-1 L Williams P Byway 1-0 D Henderson S Connolly 1/2 J Shepley
8 S Turvey 1-0 J Richmond J Badger 1-0 L Barnes M O'Siochru 1/2 A-M Ashby
3.5-4.5 6.5-1.5 3.5-4.5
Bristol v Midland Ms Wood Green v Slough Richmond v NW Eagles
1 G Burgess 0-1 J Howell J Emms 0-1 J Speelman R Bates 1-0 G Quillan
2 T Mordue 0-1 K Arakhamia C Ward 0-1 M Adams L McShane 1/2 J Litt'wood
3 R Phillips 1/2 A Collinson M Pein 1/2 J Hodgson G Wall 1-0 J Merriman
4 A Cooper 0-1 A Ledger P Litt'wood 0-1 A Miles M Franklin 0-1 DR James
5 D Collier 0-1 G Buckley B Martin 1/2 M Hebden K Norman 0-1 D Bull
6 G Copeland 1/2 R Tozer A Law 1/2 M Hennigan T Middleton 0-1 S McGrane
7 M Buckley 1/2 J Grant R Pert 0-1 S Lalic J Bass 1-0 P Garrett
8 S Buckley 0-1 J Nelson S Jackson 0-1 Mi Houska M Vann 1-0 E Howard
1.5-6.5 1.5-6.5 4.5-3.5
Witney v BCM
1 CW Baker 0-1 M Chandler
2 S Taulbut 0-1 K Bischoff
3 S Ansell 0-1 J Mestel
4 M Truran 1/2 R Bellin
5 T Headlong 1/2 D Friedgood
6 R Haydon 0-1 B Cafferty
7 P Cooksey 0-1 S Giddins
8 F Cohen 0-1 J Bellin
Rd 13 - Warwick, 27 May, 1996
SW Dragons v Witney BCM v Croydon Guildford v Bristol
1 D Cummings 1/2 CW Baker M Chandler 1-0 A Harley A Martin 0-1 G Burgess
2 J Cooper 0-1 S Ansell K Bischoff 1-0 J Wilson A Kinsman 1/2 T Mordue
3 DJ James 1/2 S Taulbut J Mestel 1-0 G Moore M Ferguson 1-0 R Phillips
4 A Spice 1/2 M Truran R Bellin 1-0 S Ledger R Abay'kera 1/2 A Cooper
5 C Morris 1-0 R Haydon D Friedgood 1-0 S Lazarus M Anderton 1/2 D Collier
6 J Richmond 0-1 D Hackett S Giddins 1-0 D Rosen A Punnett 1/2 G Copeland
7 A Dyce 1-0 P Cooksey J Bellin 1/2 R James J Shepley 1-0 M Buckley
8 L Williams 1-0 F Cohen I Lauterbach1/2 S Turvey A-M Ashby 0-1 S Buckley
4.5-3.5 7-1 4-4
Slough v Midland Ms NW Eagles v Hertford Newcastle v Richmond
1 A Miles 1-0 H Hunt G Quillan 1-0 C Pritchett C Storey 0-1 P Johnstone
2 M Hebden 1/2 J Howell J Litt'wood 1-0 S Knott S Bell 1-0 L McShane
3 M Adams 1-0 J Grant J Merriman 1/2 C Duncan T Wall 1/2 G Wall
4 J Speelman 1-0 G Buckley DR James 0-1 S Swanson D Ledger 1/2 M Franklin
5 J Hodgson 1/2 A Ledger D Bull 0-1 P Byway J King 1/2 K Norman
6 M Hennigan 1-0 K Arakhamia J Gillibrand0-1 B Savage C Waters 0-1 T Middleton
7 S Lalic 1/2 J Parker P Garrett 0-1 J Denton D Henderson 1-0 J Bass
8 M Houska 0-1 M Turner E Howard 1-0 J Seymour L Barnes 1/2 M Vann
5.5-2.5 3.5-4.5 4-4
Wood Green v Na Fianna
1 J Emms 0-1 D King
2 C Ward 1-0 C O'Shaughnessy
3 P Litt'wood 1/2 J Richardson
4 A Law 1-0 M Lyell
5 P Sowray 1-0 A Crombleholme
6 G Lee 1-0 L Grinsell
7 R Pert 1-0 S Connolly
8 S Jackson 1-0 M O'Siochru
4NCL Final Crosstable , 1995/6
1995/6 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
P |
W |
D |
L |
GPts |
MPts |
1 |
Slough |
5½ |
6½ |
7 |
6 |
4½ |
5½ |
7½ |
6½ |
4 |
5½ |
6½ |
6 |
4 |
13 |
11 |
2 |
0 |
75 |
24 |
2 |
Midland Monarchs |
2½ |
4½ |
6 |
6½ |
5½ |
6 |
4 |
6½ |
6 |
7½ |
7 |
6½ |
6 |
13 |
11 |
1 |
1 |
74½ |
23 |
3 |
Wood Green |
1½ |
3½ |
4 |
5½ |
3½ |
4½ |
6 |
7½ |
7½ |
5 |
6½ |
6½ |
7 |
13 |
9 |
1 |
3 |
68½ |
19 |
4 |
British Chess Magazine |
1 |
2 |
4 |
7 |
4 |
5 |
4½ |
4 |
7½ |
7 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
13 |
8 |
3 |
2 |
62 |
19 |
5 |
Witney |
2 |
1½ |
2½ |
1 |
3½ |
5 |
5 |
4½ |
5½ |
4 |
4 |
6½ |
7 |
13 |
6 |
2 |
5 |
52 |
14 |
6 |
South Wales Dragons |
3½ |
2½ |
4½ |
4 |
4½ |
1½ |
2½ |
4 |
3 |
4½ |
5 |
4½ |
4½ |
13 |
6 |
2 |
5 |
48½ |
14 |
7 |
Guildford |
2½ |
2 |
3½ |
3 |
3 |
6½ |
4½ |
3 |
5 |
7 |
4½ |
4 |
5 |
13 |
6 |
1 |
6 |
53½ |
13 |
8 |
Richmond |
½ |
4 |
2 |
3½ |
3 |
5½ |
3½ |
5 |
4½ |
6 |
6½ |
4 |
4 |
13 |
5 |
3 |
5 |
52 |
13 |
9 |
Hertford |
1½ |
1½ |
½ |
4 |
3½ |
4 |
5 |
3 |
4½ |
2½ |
7½ |
6 |
6½ |
13 |
5 |
2 |
6 |
50 |
12 |
10 |
North West Eagles |
4 |
2 |
½ |
½ |
2½ |
5 |
3 |
3½ |
3½ |
4½ |
5½ |
5 |
4½ |
13 |
5 |
1 |
7 |
44 |
11 |
11 |
Croydon 1859 |
2½ |
½ |
3 |
1 |
4 |
3½ |
1 |
2 |
5½ |
3½ |
6 |
4½ |
4 |
13 |
3 |
2 |
8 |
41 |
8 |
12 |
Na Fianna |
1½ |
1 |
1½ |
2 |
4 |
3 |
3½ |
½ |
½ |
2½ |
2 |
5 |
5½ |
13 |
2 |
1 |
10 |
32½ |
5 |
13 |
Bristol |
2 |
1½ |
1½ |
3 |
1½ |
3½ |
4 |
4 |
2 |
3 |
3½ |
3 |
5 |
13 |
1 |
2 |
10 |
37½ |
4 |
14 |
Newcastle |
4 |
2 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
3½ |
3 |
4 |
1½ |
3½ |
4 |
2½ |
3 |
13 |
0 |
3 |
10 |
36 |
3 |
The Round 1 match between Na Fianna and Richmond included a double default, hence the game points total 727.
Some players appeared for more than one club in the same season, which was permissible under the 4NCL rules of that time.
File Updated
Date |
Notes |
26 December 2022 |
First upload at BritBase.info of games played in the third season (1995/96) of the 4NCL (Four Nations' Chess League - the British Team Championship). The CB Mega Database 2022 has 173 complete games, with 555 stubs, of which 10 are defaults. I have now made available a further 94 complete game scores and two part-games, making a total of 267+2 games, with 459 stubs of which 10 are defaults. I have also made a number of other corrections to name information and the header data in the Mega Database games. |
29 August 2024 |
Added six more games played by Steve Giddins from rounds 3, 4, 5, 6, 12 and 13. Move order adjustments made to the games K.Norman 1-0 S.Giddins (rd 8) and S.Giddins ½-½ B.Cheal (rd 9). Many thanks to Steve Giddins. |