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Tournament: 5th Manchester Benedictine Open • 111 games available from a possible 270 (approx) plus 6 stubs
Venue: Manchester • Dates: 8-16 September 1982 • Download PGNuploaded Thursday, 13 February, 2025 9:39 AM

5th Benedictine Open, Manchester, 8-16 September 1982

(crosstable taken from 1982/83 BCF Yearbook)

1982 Manchester Benedictine Fed Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  Total 
1 Sergey Kudrin USA 2480m b42+ w27+ w19+ b22+ b4= w2+ w5+ b3– w14+
2 Anthony J Miles ENG 2565g b55+ w18+ b6= w7+ b24+ b1– w20+ w5+ w3+
3 Nigel D Short ENG 2485m w21+ b19– w25+ b29= w14+ b40+ w7+ w1+ b2–
4 Gyozo V Forintos HUN 2410g w59+ b25+ w16= b26+ w1= b5– w8+ b10+ w6=
5 Jeff Horner ENG 2360 w37+ w30= b12+ w24= b11+ w4+ b1– b2– w21+ 6
6 Mark L Hebden ENG 2415 w20+ b38+ w2= b9= w19– b29= w40+ b24+ b4= 6
7 Orest Popovych USA 2305f w14= b57+ w13+ b2– w47+ w19+ b3– b26+ w9= 6
8 Alan A Smith ENG 2245 b19– b31= w57+ w35+ b30+ w9+ b4– b20= w23+ 6
9 Paul A Motwani SCO 2255f b44= w11+ b28+ w6= w20= b8– b15+ w35+ b7= 6
10 Tiruchi N Parameswaran IND 2390m b24= w54+ b15= w41= b12= w28+ b19+ w4– w20+ 6
11 Aleksander Sznapik POL 2480m w56= b9– w33+ b13+ w5– b22+ w14– b43+ w26+
12 Eric Prié FRA 2205 w51+ b13= w5– b56+ w10= b26= w42+ b14– w29+
13 Glenn C Flear ENG 2365f b49+ w12= b7– w11– w23= b56+ b46+ w19+ b16=
14 Praveen M Thipsay IND 2430 b7= w28= b18= w55+ b3– w41+ b11+ w12+ b1–
15 Byron A Jacobs ENG 2205 w22= b33+ w10= b19– w21= b36+ w9– b47+ w34+
16 Andrzej Filipowicz POL 2395m w36+ w41+ b4= b20– w26= b46+ w24= b21= w13=
17 Daniel J King ENG 2430 w25– b51+ w20– b52= w57+ b43+ w26– b36+ w24+
18 Damir Levacic FRA 2255 w43+ b2– w14= b36+ w22+ b20– w29= b23– b25+ 5
19 Colin A McNab SCO 2360 w8+ w3+ b1– w15+ b6+ b7– w10– b13– w42+ 5
20 Timothy J Upton SCO 2295 b6– w48+ b17+ w16+ b9= w18+ b2– w8= b10– 5
21 Johannes A J Van Mil NED 2315 b3– w49+ b27– w39+ b15= w30+ b34+ w16= b5– 5
22 Richard Britton ENG 2320f b15= w50+ b30+ w1– b18– w11– b41+ w27= bye+ 5
23 Krzysztof Pytel POL 2405m b46– w35= b54+ w28– b13= w38+ b39+ w18+ b8– 5
24 Frank Behrhorst FRG 2250 w10= b52+ w38+ b5= w2– b27+ b16= w6– b17–
25 Herman Grooten NED 2305 b17+ w4– b3– w50+ b34– b52+ w45+ b29= w18–
26 Malcolm Pein ENG 2245 b34+ w46= b39+ w4– b16= w12= b17+ w7– b11–
27 Marc Leski FRA 2250 w31+ b1– w21+ b47= w29= w24– b28= b22= w32=
28 Walter J Shipman USA 2345f w48+ b14= w9– b23+ w46= b10– w27= b42= w33=
29 Janos Flesch HUN 2410g b35= w53+ b46= w3= b27= w6= b18= w25= b12–
30 Yair Kraidman ISR 2435g w47+ b5= w22– b31+ w8– b21– w36– b51+ w46+
31 Julian M Hodgson ENG 2385f b27– w8= b53+ w30– b44+ w34= b35– w39= w47+
32 Victor W Knox ENG 2305 w45= b40= b41– w34– b50= w44= w52+ b48+ b27=
33 Anthony C Kosten ENG 2340 b50= w15– b11– w42– b53+ w55+ w48+ b37= b28=
34 Jacek B Bednarski POL 2380m w26– b47– w60+ b32+ w25+ b31= w21– b40+ b15–
35 Mark J Orr IRL   w29= b23= w56= b8– w51+ b45= w31+ b9– def– 4
36 Andreas Fehrig FRG 2255 b16– b60+ w45= w18– b55+ w15– b30+ w17– b44= 4
37 Alan E Hanreck ENG 2290 b5– b58= w43= w44= b38= w39– b49+ w33= b45= 4
38 Klaus Berg DEN 2335 w58+ w6– b24– b45= w37= b23– w56+ w44= b41= 4
39 Richard F Holmes ENG 2240 w40= b45+ w26– b21– w52– b37+ w23– b31= w43= 4
40 Andrew J Muir SCO 2225 b39= w32= b42+ w46= b41+ w3– b6– w34– b49= 4
41 Simon R Gillam SCO   w60+ b16– w32+ b10= w40– b14– w22– b50+ w38= 4
42 Graham D Lee ENG 2310 w1– b59+ w40– b33+ w43= b47+ b12– w28= b19– 4
43 Vaidyanathan Ravikumar IND 2395m b18– w55= b37= w49+ b42= w17– b50+ w11– b39= 4
44 Robert G Hartoch NED 2390m w9= b56= w47– b37= w31– b32= w58+ b38= w36= 4
45 Jonathan Tisdall USA 2435m b32= w39– b36= w38= b48+ w35= b25– w46= w37= 4
46 Greg Hjorth AUS 2270 w32+ b26= w29= b40= b28= w16– w13– b45= b30–
47 Julian T Farrand ENG   b30– w34+ b44+ w27= b7– w42– b57+ w15– b31–
48 (Sinclair) Thomas Banks ENG 2220 b28– b20– w51= b58+ w45– w60+ b33– w32– b59+
49 Alex Casa FRA 2230 w13– b21– w59+ b43– w56= b57= w37– b58+ w40=
50 Alan T Ludgate IRL 2220 w33= b22– w52= b25– w32= b51+ w43– w41– b57+
51 Simon W Small ENG   b12– w17– b48= w54+ b35– w50– b53+ w30– w56+
52 Jean Pierre Mercier FRA   b53= w24– b50= w17= b39= w25– b32– w59+ b54=
53 Kenneth W Lloyd ENG   w52= b29– w31– b57– w33– b59= w51– b60+ w58+ 3
54 Clare E Whitehead ENG 1955 w57= b10– w23– b51– w59= b58– b60+ w55= w52= 3
55 Ruud J Maliangkay NED   w2– b43= w58+ b14– w36– b33– w59= b54= w60– 2½
56 Bruce W Leverett USA 2310 b11= w44= b35= w12– b49= w13– b38– w57= b51–
57 Bozena Pytel POL 2035wm b54= w7– b8– w53+ b17– w49= w47– b56= w50–
58 Oliver A Jackson ENG 2220 b38– w37= b55– w48– b60= w54+ b44– w49– b53– 2
59 David Lees ENG   b4– w42– b49– w60= b54= w53= b55= b52– w48– 2
60 Ronald A Doney ENG   b41– w36– b34– b59= w58= b48– w54– w53– b55+ 2

[BCM, November 1982, p485] "The Benedictine at the Allen Hall of Manchester University continues to bring top-class chess to the North of England. As usual the dramatis personae included many who had already sampled the tense atmosphere of the Lloyds Bank Masters of the week before, but new faces numbered amongst themselves Nigel Short and the leading Bolton player Jeff Horner, so that a local challenge to the Continental cracks was assured.

"In fact many more players had wished to take part, but expansion in numbers is rendered impossible by the limitations of space inevitable in sticking to the same large room at the Allen Hall. The advantages of this venue are the proximity of the sleeping accommodation and the excellence of the Hall cuisine (should mention be made too of the proximity of the bar?) So, aspiring entrants for the next year are advised to make early application.

"At the Lloyds Bank one of the key encounters was that between Miles and Kudrin in round 6, in which the former won in a complicated Queen’s Indian. We are inhibited in quoting the game score since there is an obvious error in the bulletin’s version — we hardly imagine Tony would overlook a crude mate in one by Qc7xf7! Here at Manchester the Russo-American took his revenge with the white pieces in round 6, after which the leading scores were Kudrin 5½, Horner 5, with Miles and Short with others on 4½. Short equalised matters in round 8 by beating Kudrin in 54 moves, so everything was set for a nail-biting finish.

"The tension was screwed to breaking point when it was seen that the top pairing in the last round was Miles v. Short, so setting the British Champion against his most difficult opponent. Meanwhile Kudrin was White against the Indian Thipsay. In the event experience finally had its way against youth, Miles beating Short in 62 moves.

"Thus final scores were: 1-2 Kudrin, Miles 7½(9) with the American well ahead on tie-break and possibly gaining a GM norm; 3-4 Short, GM Forintos (H) 6½; 5-10 Horner, Hebden, Popovych (USA), A.A. Smith, Motwani (SCO), Parameswaran (IND) 6; while notable names failing to make much impression lower down were Sznapik, Filipowicz (both POL) and IM King on 5½, Pytel (POL) 5, grandmasters Kraidman (ISR) and Flesch (H) on 4½ and Tisdall (USA) and Ravikumar (IND) on 4. All this in a field of 60. We note from the bulletin the rather unusual formulation of the time limit in the second session — 63 moves in 3½ hours."

File Updated

Date Notes
20 January 1999 Original upload as zipped file.
5 November 2020 The same 111 games (and 6 stubs) as previously. Now with crosstable.
15 December 2021 The note above the crosstable, acknowledging the source as the 1982/83 BCF Yearbook, formerly read "various errors corrected" but unfortunately they were heavily outnumbered by those errors introduced in the scanning process! The scanning software interpreted '=' as '–' in many cases. Culpa mea for not checking thoroughly enough. I have been through the table and now hopefully corrected all the errors. I am grateful to Gino di Felice for drawing my attention to this.