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John Saunders


BRITBASE - British Chess Game Archive

Tournament: Glasgow Invitational Tournament (all 48 games) • Updated Sunday 9 February, 2025 6:15 PM
Venue: Glasgow, Langside Halls • Dates: 28-30 September 1968 • Download PGN

7th Glasgow Invitational, 28-30 September 1968

1968 Glasgow Invitational 1 2 3 4 5 6  Total 
1 Michael John Basman w8+ b7+ w2+ b3- b6+ w5+ 5
2 Craig William Pritchett b12+ w14+ b1- w6= b10+ w3+
3 Daniel Wright w15+ b11= w13+ w1+ b5= b2- 4
4 Roderick McIntosh McKay w7- b8= w15+ b11= w9+ b13+ 4
5 Harry Golombek b10= w6= b14+ b9+ w3= b1-
6 Kenneth B McAlpine w9= b5= w7+ b2= w1- b10= 3
7 David Neil Lawrence Levy b4+ w1- b6- w12+ w11= b8= 3
8 Robert D Waugh b1- w4= b16= w10= b14+ w7= 3
9 James P L Lumsden b6= w10= b12+ w5- b4- w16+ 3
10 Edward Davis w5= b9= w11= b8= w2- w6=
11 Michael MacDonald-Ross b13= w3= b10= w4= b7= w12-
12 Roger Lancaster w2- b16+ w9- b7- w15= b11+
13 Michael Partis w11= b15= b3- w14= b16+ w4-
14 Michael Flannan Littleton w16+ b2- w5- b13= w8- b15= 2
15 David Anthony Watt b3- w13= b4- w16- b12= w14=
16 D Bryan A Hunter b14- w12- w8= b15+ w13- b9-

A full report by Harry Golombek appears in BCM, November 1968, pps 311-313. Time limit: 45 moves in 2 hours.

Open tournament/Glasgow League Individual Championship: (1-5) MJ Brodie, Philip M Giulian, CJ Hamilton, Alan Scrimgour, Alastair F White 4½/6. 246 players took part in all sections.

Further information on the 1968 Glasgow Invitational may be found at the Chess Scotland site.

File Updated

Date Notes
27 February 2020 First uploaded. The games were sent to me by Alan McGowan, who entered them from the bulletin. One score is missing (Lumsden-Hunter, from the last round) and another couldn't be entered completely because of errors in the bulletin (Hunter-Lancaster, Rd 2). If anyone can help with either of those scores, I would be grateful. Many thanks to Alan for providing this file for BritBase.
11 October 2021 I'm grateful to Jim Anderson who responded to my request (see above) and sent me the relevant game scores from the bulletin. I have entered the moves of the missing game Lumsden-Hunter (rd 6) though the last few moves required some interpretation and I'm not 100% sure of my reconstruction. I have also amended Hunter-Lancaster (rd 2) which now makes sense after reinterpreting an ambiguous move (20...Rxb2 rather than 20...Rxf4). My thanks to Jim Anderson.