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John Saunders


BRITBASE - British Chess Game Archive

Event: 11th Stevenson Memorial Tournament • 50 Stevenson Memorial games, 2 part-games, plus 17 from subsidiary events
Venue: Bognor Regis • Dates: 17-27 April 1963 • Download PGN • last updated: Tuesday February 4, 2025 1:02 PM

1963 (11th) Stevenson Memorial, Bognor Regis - 17-24 April (Prince's Ballroom, Butlins, Bognor Regis) • 1962«»1964

1963 Bognor Regis
11th Stevenson Memorial
Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  Total 
1 Nikola Karaklajic Yugoslavia b32+ w18+ b26+ b6= w5+ w7+ b3+ w4= b2= w8= b13+ 9
2 Wolfram Bialas West Germany w9- b35+ w27= b33+ w28+ b11+ w5+ b24+ w1= b3- b7+ 8
3 Hans Joachim Hecht West Germany b18- w32+ b39+ w26+ b37+ w6+ w1- b7= b13+ w2+ b4= 8
4 Ronald A Fuller Ilford b39+ w41+ w11= b7= w24= b17+ w18+ b1= w5= b12= w3=
5 Branko Grosek Slovenia b36+ w22+ b8+ w37= b1- w25+ b2- w40+ b4= w14= b12+
6 Vojko Musil Slovenia b21+ w19+ b15+ w1= w11= b3- w24- b18= w9+ b17+ w8= 7
7 Robert G Wade Ilford, NZ b46= w23+ b52+ w4= w18+ b1- w19+ w3= b8= b11+ w2- 7
8 Cenek Kottnauer London w51+ b12+ w5- b28= w29+ b24= w11= b20+ w7= b1= b6= 7
9 Harry Gethin Thorp Matchett Bexhill b2+ w46= b25- w21- b44+ w22+ b37+ w11= b6- w34+ w19+ 7
10 John C Cock Cheltenham w11- b42- w51= b50+ w52+ b12- b22= w39+ w36+ b18+ w21+ 7
11 Keith Bevan Richardson Nottingham b10+ w30+ b4= w25+ b6= w2- b8= b9= w24+ w7- b14=
12 Ronald A Harris Croydon b47+ w8- b20- w39+ b36+ w10+ b28- w34+ b19+ w4= w5-
13 Arthur Hall Hastings b30- w16= b49+ w44+ b21= w37= b25+ b28+ w3- b27+ w1-
14 Michael J Basman Esher b20= w25- b23= w32- b45+ w41+ b15= w16+ w28+ b5= w11=
15 Dr. Paul Dean Sutton w27= b31+ w6- b52+ w17= b18- w14= w25+ b23= b24= w29+
16 Roger Leslie Paige Cosham w33- b13= w50+ b29- w31+ b40= w26= b14- w35+ b28+ w24+
17 (William) Arthur Winser Hastings b52= w49+ b28= w42+ b15= w4- b29= w37+ b27= w6- b26+
18 David Parr Sutton w3+ b1- b46+ w19+ b7- w15+ b4- w6= b20= w10- b37+ 6
19 Fernando Pérez Conde Ewell / Spain w35+ b6- w22+ b18- b30+ w32+ b7- b36+ w12- w20+ b9- 6
20 Charles Ambrose Scott Damant Hastings w14= b27= w12+ b24= b25- w23+ b21+ w8- w18= b19- w33+ 6
21 Alan K May Richmond w6- b43+ w33= b9+ w13= b27= w20- b26= b31+ w23+ b10- 6
22 Peter M Collins Southsea w42+ b5- b19- w41+ b23= b9- w10= w32= b25= w46+ b34+ 6
23 Richard Arnold Collins Hayes w48= b7- w14= b47+ w22= b20- w42+ b29+ w15= w21- w27+ 6
24 Michael Macdonald-Ross London b45+ w34+ b37= w20= b4= w8= b6+ w2- b11- w15= b16-
25 Wilfred Henry Pratten Fareham w28= b14+ w9+ b11- w20+ b5- w13- b15- w22= b35+ w30=
26 David Edward Lloyd London b54+ b33+ w1- b3- w27= w29= b16= w21= b40= w37+ w17-
27 Michael John Dymond Portsmouth b15= w20= b2= w34+ b26= w21= b40= b35+ w17= w13- b23-
28 Peter W Hempson Hornsey b25= b48+ w17= w8= b2- b42+ w12+ w13- b14- w16- b38+
29 David Bruce Pennycuick Herne Hill b44- w36+ b30= w16+ b8- b26= w17= w23- b32+ w40+ b15-
30 Wilfred Evans Chorleywood w13+ b11- w29= b40= w19- b33+ b36- w51+ b34- w48+ b25=
31 Lewis Johnstone Mills Haslemere b49= w15- b44= w45= b16- w52= b47+ b46+ w21- w38= b40+
32 Frank C May London w1- b3- w43+ b14+ w51+ b19- w35- b22= w29- b39= w47+ 5
33 Michael T Partis Leicester Uni b16+ w26- b21= w2- b34= w30- b39- w52+ b51+ w36+ b20- 5
34 Andrew P Sombor London w38+ b24- w40= b27- w33= b51+ w44+ b12- w30+ b9- w22- 5
35 George Harold Foster Tredinnick Beckenham b19- w2- b45- w49+ b39+ w46+ b32+ w27- b16- w25- b48+ 5
36 Robert Howard Williams Eastbourne w5- b29- w38+ b48+ w12- b50+ w30+ w19- b10- b33- w46+ 5
37 John G Brogden London b43+ w44+ w24= b5= w3- b13= w9- b17- w41+ b26- w18-
38 Arnolds Mazitis London b34- w39- b36- w43= b49= w47- w50+ w45+ b44+ b31= w28-
39 Peter Starling Middlesbrough w4- b38+ w3- b12- w35- b49+ w33+ b10- b43= w32= b41=
40 Norman B Stockman Hove b41- w45+ b34= w30= b42+ w16= w27= b5- w26= b29- w31-
41 (Patricia) Anne Sunnucks Woolwich w40+ b4- w42- b22- w48+ b14- w46- w47+ b37- b51+ w39=
42 J D Barham London b22- w10+ b41+ b17- w40- w28- b23- w43+ b46- w47- w50+ 4
43 Hugh Dowsett Ipswich w37- w21- b32- b38= w50- b48= w49+ b42- w39= w44+ b45= 4
44 John Crawford Muir Herring Oundle w29+ b37- w31= b13- w9- w45+ b34- b48= w38- b43- w52+ 4
45 P R Hindley Esher w24- b40- w35+ b31= w14- b44- w48= b38- w52+ b50= w43= 4
46 W McDevitt Saltdean w7= b9= w18- b51- w47+d b35- b41+ w31- w42+ b22- b36- 4
47 Michael J Lavender London w12- b51= w48= w23- b46-d b38+ w31- b41- w49+ b42+ b32- 4
48 Alan Lawrence Ayriss Brixton b23= w28- b47= w36- b41- w43= b45= w44= b50+ b30- w35-
49 Ernest George Exell St Albans w31= b17- w13- b35- w38= w39- b43- w50- b47- b52+ w51+ 3
50 Sydney Archer Gill Ghana b53= w52- b16- w10- b43+ w36- b38- b49+ w48- w45= b42- 3
51 Stanley Charles Love Wimbledon b8- w47= b10= w46+ b32- w34- b52+ b30- w33- w41- b49- 3
52 George William Henlen Ashtead w17= b50+ w7- w15- b10- b31= w51- b33- b45- w49- b44- 2
53 Baruch Harold Wood Sutton Coldfield w50= withdrew ½ / 1
54 Gordon Knott Christchurch w26- withdrew 0 / 1

The source for the full crosstable of this tournament was from a scan of the tournament programme kindly provided by Jon Edwards. The competitors' names and place of residence were printed in the programme, and the scores, pairings and colours had been carefully recorded by the original owner of the programme (identity unknown). There were a few errors but corrections have been applied. Other sources for results were The Times, BCM and CHESS (which provided a partial crosstable). The names of three other players appeared in the list of prospective competitors in the tournament programme but withdrew. They were: Borislav Ivkov (Yugoslavia), J F Watson (Emsworth), A White (Bournemouth). I am very grateful to Jon Edwards for providing scans of the crosstables of this and other 1960s Bognor events.

BCM, July 1963, ppn 212-213

Bognor Regis International Congress - by Bruce Hayden

Despite the last-minute withdrawal of a number of international “big names,” a hazard faced by most tournament organizers, this year’s Bognor Congress, the eleventh in the series, can be adjudicated a success.

A fine crop of games resulted but with pressure on space by the World Championship report and an account of the Ilford Congress, room for a selection of these is a problem for our harassed Editor.

Winner of the chief event, the Stevenson Memorial Tournament, was thirty-six-year-old Nikolai Karaklaic, Yugoslav international master, disc jockey on Belgrade Radio’s Youth Programme, and co-secretary of the Yugoslav Chess Federation. His score over the eleven-round Swiss was 9 points without loss of a game.

Second and third prizes were shared by two twenty-four-year-old West German Berlin University students, H. J. Hecht and W. Bialas, with 8 points each. Fourth and fifth prizes went to twenty-three-year-old B. Grosek, of Yugoslavia, and the Essex County Champion, R. A. Fuller, twenty-eight, who tied with scores of 7½. Fuller, whose resourceful play in difficult situations also enabled him to go through the tournament without loss, became Southern Counties Champion with the highest score of eligible players, ahead of the two international masters, Wade and Kottnauer, whose scores were 7.

This year, organizer Norman Fishlock-Lomax obtained the use of the luxurious Princess Ballroom at Butlin’s Holiday Camp. This is so vast that players were engulfed in silence but at times the heating-cum-cooling system varied so widely as to cause jackets to be discarded to overcoats and even mufflers being donned.

As compensation, however, there were the beautiful swimming pool, nearby tennis courts, and ample facilities for refreshments and food.

Details of final scores—

(1) N. Karaklaic (Yugoslavia) 9; (2-3) W. Bialas and H. J. Hecht (both West Germany) 8; (4-5) B. Grosek (Yugoslavia) and R. A. Fuller 7½; (6-10) V. Musil (Yugoslavia), R. G. Wade, C. Kottnauer, H. G. T. Matchett, and J. C. Cock 7; (11-17) K. B. Richardson, R. A. Harris. A. Hall, M. J. Basman, Dr. P. Dean, R. L. Paige, and W. A. Winser 6½; (18-23) D. Parr, F. P. Conde, C. A. S. Damant, A. K. May, P. M. Collins, and R. A. Collins 6; (24-31) M. Macdonald-Ross, W. H. Pratten, D. E. Lloyd, M. J. Dymond, P. W. Hempson, D. Pennycuick, W. Evans, and L. J. Mills 5½; (32-36) F. C. May, M. T. Partis, G. [sic] P. Sombor, G. H. F. Tredinnick. and R. H. Williams 5; (37-41) J. G. Brogden, A. Mazitis, P. Starling, N. Stockman, and Miss A. Sunnucks 4½; (42-47) J. D. Barham, H. Dowsett, J. M. Herring, P. R. Hindley, W. McDevitt and M. J. Lavender 4; (48) A. Ayriss 3½; (49-51) E. G. Exell, S. A. Gill, and S. C. Love 3; (52) G. W. Henlen 2.

The Championship Reserve (ten-day, double-round) was a walk-over for the former New Zealand Champion, Alan Edgar Nield, who scored 9½ out of a possible 10. D. F. Parrett took second prize with 7.

The Southern Counties Ladies’ Championship was a victory for Miss Dinah Dobson of Northwood, Middlesex, a sixteen-year-old pupil at Rickmansworth Grammar School, who won all four of her games. She was also awarded the Southern Championship for Girls Under Eighteen, for which she was the sole entrant. [Dinah Dobson scored 4/4; Gillian Moore was runner-up with 3 in the SCCU Women's Championship - SCCU Bulletin]

Results of the remaining S.C.C.U. Junior Championships [BCM gave only the winners, inaccurately, but now supplemented with results found in the SCCU Bulletin]

SCCU Boys Under 18.—(1) David N L Levy (East Barnet Grammar School, London) 5½/7; (2-4) Stephen R Curry (Middlesex), William R Hartston (Middlesex), Terry C Fox (Surrey) 5.

SCCU Boys Under 16.—(1-2) (Paul) John Patience (Southampton), Raymond D Keene (Dulwich College, London) 6/7. [a subsequent SCCU Bulletin suggests Mark G Fountain was a third joint winner - BCM gives only Keen (sic) but this is wrong]

SCCU Boys Under 14.—(1) Terry D Baldwin (Battersea Grammar School, London) 6/7; (2-3) Ivor Adrian Friedlander, Peter F Rosman 5½.

SCCU Boys Under 12.—(1-2) Tony J Denman (Neville Grammar School, Hove) and Roger L Gittins (Dulwich College, London) 6/7; (3-4) S Firman, J Threw 5½.

SCCU Girls Under 16.—Carol B(e)auchop (Southampton). [n.b. 'Carol' is the name recorded in BCM but I think she may have been Christine A Bauchop]

SCCU Girls Under 14.—(1-2) Linda Bott (Eardley School, Streatham), Lynne Crew-Smith (Ribston, Gloucs)

SCCU Girls Under 12.—Janice Richardson (Roehampton, London).

Championship Reserves.—(1) Alan Edgar Nield (St Leonards, NZL) 9½

Five-Day Major.—Otto H Hardy (Loughborough) 4½/5

Second Class.—(1) Valerie Pockett (Gloucestershire) 4/5; (2-3) J B Widdowson (Dean Close School, Gloucs), Anna Woolley (Gloucs) 3½

CHESS, Vol.28/no.432, p226

Young entrants do well in Bognor Regis’s Luxury Congress

Handicapped for the second year in succession by a late Easter, Norman Lomax yet managed to repeat last year’s record entry.

When the calendar gives him a chance, he should reach great heights, for Butlins’ (to which he promises to take us again next year) provides the most spacious and sumptuous venue to which any chess congress has yet attained. There were teething troubles: wild oscillations of temperature; difficulties of access. The shutdown from mid-day Saturday hit week-end visitors. The warmed swimming bath was the chief of many outside amenities, not always as easily available as expected. These troubles, however, were progressively ironed out.

Karaklaic headed the Stevenson Memorial again. The weakest entry for years gave youth a chance which was seized with both hands. K. B. Richardson’s rather awaited success was matched by R. A. Harris’s: less expected though he had won last year’s Southern Counties’ Junior title and finished runner-up in the British Boys’ Championship. M. J. Basman, R. L. Paige, D. Parr all advanced their reputations. Fifteen-year-old Raymond Keene from Clapham Common distinguished himself in lightning chess by drawing with Grosek and beating Karaklaic.

File Updated

Date Notes
21 December 2022 Original upload, with 34 games plus 14 from subsidiary events, including some blitz games. 11 of the games in the download were played by Dick Collins; I am grateful to Sean Parker for submitting a collection of his games.
21 December 2022 Andy Ansel found four more games. From the Stevenson Memorial: (1) M.Basman 1-0 P.Hempson; (2) W.Pratten 0-1 A.Hall. And from the SCCU Under-18: (3) D.Levy 1-0 A.Whiteley (rd 3); (4) W.Hartston 1-0 A.Whiteley (rd 5). Many thanks to Andy. I have also found and uploaded a complete version of Bialas-Matchett (rd 1).
22 December 2022 Added 12 more Stevenson Memorial games, kindly submitted by Brian Denman. One is Winser 1-0 Brogden (rd 8). The other 11 were all played by Robert Howard Williams (1934-2019) whom Brian tells me lived in Eastbourne and was president of the Sussex Chess Association for about 35 years. The notes to some of his games are by him. Many thanks to Brian for submitting the games.
25 December 2022 Added one further game: J.Brogden 0-1 H.Hecht, submitted by Ulrich Tamm, for which many thanks. I've also added some results to the crosstable from info sent by Ulrich, plus a further search of the online British newspaper archive.
27 December 2022 Added one further game and one part-game: (1) J.Cock 0-1 K.Richardson (rd 1); (2) W.Winser 0-1 V.Musil (rd 10, part-game). Also, some more pieces in the crosstable jigsaw puzzle have been added. Many thanks to Ulrich Tamm for the games and the info.
10 April 2023 I am grateful to Jon Edwards for supplying me with scans of the tournament programme which has enabled me to compile a full crosstable of this tournament.
12 December 2024 Added S Edwards 1-0 P Withers, SCCU Girls U12.
4 February 2025 Added the first few moves of R Wade ½-½ H J Hecht, rd 8, contributed by Ulrich Tamm, for which many thanks.