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John Saunders


BRITBASE - British Chess Game Archive

Tournament: 47th British Chess Championship • all 198 Championship games, plus 18 games + 2 part-games from other sections
Venue: Leicester • Dates: 15-26 August 1960 • Download PGN • Last Edited: Friday 27 December, 2024 9:49 AM

1960 British Chess Championship, Leicester, 15-26 August 1959« »1961

1960 British Chess Championship Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  Total 
1 Jonathan Penrose London ◊ 1/13 ♦ 1/18 ◊ ½/2 ♦ ½/7 ◊ 1/24 ◊ 1/6 ♦ 1/4 ♦ ½/5 ◊ ½/3 ♦ 1/16 ◊ ½/8
2 C Hugh O'D Alexander Cheltenham ♦ 1/23 ◊ 1/14 ♦ ½/1 ◊ ½/5 ♦ ½/4 ♦ 1/11 ◊ 0/6 ◊ ½/3 ♦ 1/9 ◊ 1/7 ♦ ½/12
3 Michael John Haygarth Leeds ♦ ½/4 ◊ ½/15 ◊ 1/35 ♦ ½/30 ◊ 0/11 ♦ 1/8 ◊ 1/13 ♦ ½/2 ♦ ½/1 ◊ 1/6 ◊ 1/5
4 Harry Golombek Chalfont St Giles ◊ ½/3 ♦ 1/24 ◊ ½/7 ♦ 1/16 ◊ ½/2 ♦ 1/13 ◊ 0/1 ◊ 1/15 ♦ ½/6 ♦ ½/5 ◊ ½/11 7
5 Leonard William Barden London ◊ 1/29 ♦ 1/22 ◊ 1/11 ♦ ½/2 ♦ 0/6 ◊ 1/9 ♦ 1/25 ◊ ½/1 ♦ ½/7 ◊ ½/4 ♦ 0/3 7
6 Kenneth William Lloyd Birmingham ◊ 1/33 ♦ ½/12 ◊ ½/8 ♦ 1/18 ◊ 1/5 ♦ 0/1 ♦ 1/2 ◊ ½/7 ◊ ½/4 ♦ 0/3 ♦ 1/14 7
7 Peter Hugh Clarke Ilford ♦ ½/15 ◊ 1/31 ♦ ½/4 ◊ ½/1 ♦ 1/14 ♦ ½/30 ◊ 1/11 ♦ ½/6 ◊ ½/5 ♦ 0/2 ◊ 1/17 7
8 Gerald Abrahams Liverpool ♦ ½/10 ◊ 1/21 ♦ ½/6 ◊ ½/25 ♦ ½/26 ◊ 0/3 ♦ 1/31 ◊ 0/9 ♦ 1/15 ◊ 1/12 ♦ ½/1
9 Adrian Swayne Hollis London ♦ 0/12 ◊ 1/33 ♦ ½/22 ◊ 1/17 ◊ 1/21 ♦ 0/5 ◊ ½/14 ♦ 1/8 ◊ 0/2 ♦ ½/10 ◊ 1/16
10 Thomas John Beach Liverpool ◊ ½/8 ♦ ½/17 ♦ 0/21 ◊ 1/32 ♦ 1/34 ◊ 0/25 ♦ 1/26 ◊ ½/18 ♦ ½/14 ◊ ½/9 ◊ 1/19
11 James Macrae Aitken Cheltenham ◊ 1/19 ♦ 1/26 ♦ 0/5 ◊ ½/12 ♦ 1/3 ◊ 0/2 ♦ 0/7 ♦ ½/24 ◊ ½/13 ◊ 1/25 ♦ ½/4 6
12 Bernard Cafferty Birmingham ◊ 1/9 ◊ ½/6 ♦ ½/25 ♦ ½/11 ◊ 0/13 ♦ ½/24 ◊ ½/16 ♦ 1/30 ◊ 1/17 ♦ 0/8 ◊ ½/2 6
13 Dr. Stefan Fazekas Buckhurst Hill ♦ 0/1 ◊ 1/27 ♦ 1/15 ◊ ½/14 ♦ 1/12 ◊ 0/4 ♦ 0/3 ◊ ½/19 ♦ ½/11 ◊ ½/23 ◊ ½/20
14 Roland Payne Southend-on-Sea ◊ 1/32 ♦ 0/2 ◊ 1/26 ♦ ½/13 ◊ 0/7 ◊ 1/20 ♦ ½/9 ♦ ½/16 ◊ ½/10 ♦ ½/19 ◊ 0/6
15 Frank Parr Sutton ◊ ½/7 ♦ ½/3 ◊ 0/13 ♦ 1/19 ◊ ½/16 ♦ 1/17 ◊ 1/30 ♦ 0/4 ◊ 0/8 ♦ ½/20 ◊ ½/23
16 Andrew Rowland Benedick Thomas Tiverton ♦ ½/25 ◊ 1/34 ♦ ½/17 ◊ 0/4 ♦ ½/15 ◊ 1/21 ♦ ½/12 ◊ ½/14 ♦ 1/18 ◊ 0/1 ♦ 0/9
17 Raymond Brunton Edwards Harrogate ♦ ½/20 ◊ ½/10 ◊ ½/16 ♦ 0/9 ♦ 1/22 ◊ 0/15 ♦ 1/28 ◊ 1/25 ♦ 0/12 ◊ 1/18 ♦ 0/7
18 John William Naylor Liverpool ◊ 1/28 ◊ 0/1 ♦ 1/34 ◊ 0/6 ♦ ½/20 ◊ ½/26 ♦ 1/29 ♦ ½/10 ◊ 0/16 ♦ 0/17 ◊ 1/33
19 Baruch Harold Wood Sutton Coldfield ♦ 0/11 ◊ 1/36 ♦ 0/20 ◊ 0/15 ♦ ½/28 ◊ 1/22 ♦ 1/21 ♦ ½/13 ◊ 1/24 ◊ ½/14 ♦ 0/10
20 Richard Hilary Newman London ◊ ½/17 ♦ ½/30 ◊ 1/19 ♦ 0/21 ◊ ½/18 ♦ 0/14 ◊ ½/24 ◊ 1/29 ♦ ½/25 ◊ ½/15 ♦ ½/13
21 David Brine Pritchard Louth ◊ ½/24 ♦ 0/8 ◊ 1/10 ◊ 1/20 ♦ 0/9 ♦ 0/16 ◊ 0/19 ♦ 0/27 ◊ 1/35 ◊ 1/36 ♦ 1/34
22 John H Beaty Doncaster ♦ 1/27 ◊ 0/5 ◊ ½/9 ♦ 0/24 ◊ 0/17 ♦ 0/19 ◊ 1/36 ♦ ½/28 ◊ 1/31 ♦ ½/26 ◊ 1/35
23 Michael Fallone Hamilton ◊ 0/2 ♦ 0/32 ♦ ½/29 ◊ 0/31 ♦ ½/33 ◊ 1/35 ◊ ½/27 ♦ 1/34 ◊ 1/30 ♦ ½/13 ♦ ½/15
24 Ronald A Fuller Ilford ♦ ½/21 ◊ 0/4 ♦ 1/31 ◊ 1/22 ♦ 0/1 ◊ ½/12 ♦ ½/20 ◊ ½/11 ♦ 0/19 ♦ ½/27 ◊ ½/29 5
25 Owen Mark Hindle Sutton Coldfield ◊ ½/16 ♦ 1/28 ◊ ½/12 ♦ ½/8 ◊ ½/30 ♦ 1/10 ◊ 0/5 ♦ 0/17 ◊ ½/20 ♦ 0/11 ◊ ½/26 5
26 David Edward Lloyd London ◊ 1/35 ◊ 0/11 ♦ 0/14 ♦ 1/36 ◊ ½/8 ♦ ½/18 ◊ 0/10 ♦ ½/31 ◊ ½/27 ◊ ½/22 ♦ ½/25 5
27 George W Wheeler Plymouth ◊ 0/22 ♦ 0/13 ♦ 0/36 ◊ 1/33 ♦ 1/32 ◊ 0/31 ♦ ½/23 ◊ 1/21 ♦ ½/26 ◊ ½/24 ◊ ½/28 5
28 Ronald Mackay Bruce Plymouth ♦ 0/18 ◊ 0/25 ♦ 1/33 ♦ 0/29 ◊ ½/19 ♦ 1/36 ◊ 0/17 ◊ ½/22 ♦ ½/34 ◊ 1/30 ♦ ½/27 5
29 Patrick Bennett Newport, Mon ♦ 0/5 ♦ 0/35 ◊ ½/23 ◊ 1/28 ♦ ½/31 ◊ 1/34 ◊ 0/18 ♦ 0/20 ♦ 0/33 ◊ 1/32 ♦ ½/24
30 Edward Guthlac Sergeant Kingston Hill ♦ ½/31 ◊ ½/20 ♦ 1/32 ◊ ½/3 ♦ ½/25 ◊ ½/7 ♦ 0/15 ◊ 0/12 ♦ 0/23 ♦ 0/28 ◊ ½/36 4
31 Arthur Hall Kenton ◊ ½/30 ♦ 0/7 ◊ 0/24 ♦ 1/23 ◊ ½/29 ♦ 1/27 ◊ 0/8 ◊ ½/26 ♦ 0/22 ♦ ½/35 ◊ 0/32 4
32 David G Levens Harrow ♦ 0/14 ◊ 1/23 ◊ 0/30 ♦ 0/10 ◊ 0/27 ♦ 1/33 ◊ 0/34 ♦ 0/35 ◊ 1/36 ♦ 0/29 ♦ 1/31 4
33 John Hubert Watts Coventry ♦ 0/6 ♦ 0/9 ◊ 0/28 ♦ 0/27 ◊ ½/23 ◊ 0/32 ♦ 1/35 ♦ 0/36 ◊ 1/29 ◊ 1/34 ♦ 0/18
34 John B Hawson London ◊ 1/36 ♦ 0/16 ◊ 0/18 ♦ 1/35 ◊ 0/10 ♦ 0/29 ♦ 1/32 ◊ 0/23 ◊ ½/28 ♦ 0/33 ◊ 0/21
35 Colin M Malcolm Glasgow ♦ 0/26 ◊ 1/29 ♦ 0/3 ◊ 0/34 ◊ ½/36 ♦ 0/23 ◊ 0/33 ◊ 1/32 ♦ 0/21 ◊ ½/31 ♦ 0/22 3
36 Marshall William J Thompson Southampton ♦ 0/34 ♦ 0/19 ◊ 1/27 ◊ 0/26 ♦ ½/35 ◊ 0/28 ♦ 0/22 ◊ 1/33 ♦ 0/32 ♦ 0/21 ♦ ½/30 3

1960 British Ladies' Chess Championship, Leicester 1959« »1961

1960 British Ladies Championship Draw Order Resid. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  Total 
1 Rowena Mary Bruce (née Dew) 2 Plymouth
1 1 1 1 1 1 ½ 1 1
2 (Patricia) Anne Sunnucks (later Mothersill) 7 London 0
1 1 ½ 1 1 1 1 1
3 Leah Margaret Hogarth 9 Glasgow 0 0
½ 1 1 ½ 1 1 0 5
4 Margaret Eileen Elizabeth Wood (later Clarke) 1 Newbury 0 0 ½
½ 0 1 1 1 1 5
5 Mary Araluen Elizabeth Anne Henniker-Heaton 4 London 0 ½ 0 ½
½ ½ ½ 1 1
6 Sheila A Corbyn (later Robinson) 8 Birmingham 0 0 0 1 ½
0 1 1 1
7 Sarah Margaret Steedman (née Wilson) 6 Bothwell 0 0 ½ 0 ½ 1
0 1 1 4
8 Jane Sadler Rees (née Davidson) 5 Derby ½ 0 0 0 ½ 0 1
0 1 3
9 Dr Maria Maclean 10 Abertillery 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 2
10 Evaline Emily Feavyour (née Cleveland) 3 Saxmundham 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Women's championship: the draw order was 1 Wood, 2 Bruce, 3 Feavyour, 4 Henniker-Heaton, 5 Rees, 6 Steedman, 7 Sunnucks, 8 Corbyn, 9 Hogarth, 10 Maclean. Rounds 1-5 were played Monday 15 - Friday 19 August, then rounds 6-9 were played Monday 22 - Thursday 25 August.

Biographical note: Jane Sadler Rees (née Davidson, b 25 May 1884, d 1974)

1960 BCF Major Open

1960 BCF Major Open Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  Total 
1 John A Lawrence Birmingham 1/26 ½/17 1/20 ½/11 ½/2 1/8 1/4 1/6 1/9 ½/13 ½/5
2 Percy B Cook London 1/23 ½/4 1/21 1/19 ½/1 ½/6 1/17 ½/9 1/8 0/5 1/13 8
3 Robert H Northage Leicester ½/24 0/13 1/29 ½/14 0/25 1/21 0/15 1/18 1/16 1/17 1/10 7
4 John Edwin Povey Horsforth 1/11 ½/2 ½/25 ½/13 1/14 1/22 0/1 ½/15 1/12 ½/9 ½/6 7
5 David Graham Wells Bristol ½/12 0/25 1/7 0/10 0/16 1/28 1/20 1/22 1/17 1/2 ½/1 7
6 Paul R Bielby Huddersfield ½/19 1/27 1/14 ½/9 1/12 ½/2 ½/10 0/1 ½/13 ½/8 ½/4
7 D Gould Leicester 0/17 ½/29 0/5 1/27 ½/21 0/13 1/23 1/30 1/20 ½/11 1/25
8 Peter G Moore Cheadle 0/15 1/28 ½/12 1/20 1/13 0/1 1/14 1/10 0/2 ½/6 ½/9
9 Ivor B N Smith Leicester 1/28 ½/10 1/22 ½/6 0/17 1/30 1/25 ½/2 0/1 ½/4 ½/8
10 Philip Edward Collier Leicester 1/29 ½/9 0/19 1/5 1/11 ½/17 ½/6 0/8 ½/15 1/14 0/3 6
11 Roy D Hollands Normanton 0/4 1/26 1/15 ½/1 0/10 1/19 0/12 ½/14 1/25 ½/7 ½/17 6
12 James R Nicolson Manchester ½/5 ½/20 ½/8 1/30 0/6 1/18 1/11 ½/17 0/4 ½/25 ½/15 6
13 Roger S Scowen Leicester ½/18 1/3 ½/17 ½/4 0/8 1/7 ½/22 1/25 ½/6 ½/1 0/2 6
14 Roger J Stockwell Croydon 1/30 1/15 0/6 ½/3 0/4 1/16 0/8 ½/11 1/22 0/10 1/19 6
15 John Anthony Sutton Stafford 1/8 0/14 0/11 1/24 1/19 0/25 1/3 ½/4 ½/10 ½/18 ½/12 6
16 B Howard Blackpool ½/27 0/21 0/30 1/28 1/5 0/14 1/19 ½/24 0/3 1/26 ½/20
17 John Denley Mills Pontypridd 1/7 ½/1 ½/13 1/25 1/9 ½/10 0/2 ½/12 0/5 0/3 ½/11
18 F Norman Stephenson Middlesbrough ½/13 0/19 1/27 1/21 0/22 0/12 ½/24 0/3 1/28 ½/15 1/26
19 David Lees Oldham ½/6 1/18 1/10 0/2 0/15 0/11 0/16 1/29 ½/21 1/22 0/14 5
20 Philip Lawrence Roe Cambridge ½/21 ½/12 0/1 0/8 1/23 ½/24 0/5 1/27 0/7 1/28 ½/16 5
21 Philip E Walker Weston-super-Mare ½/20 1/16 0/2 0/18 ½/7 0/3 1/30 ½/26 ½/19 ½/24 ½/23 5
22 E Young New Zealand ½/25 1/24 0/9 1/23 1/18 0/4 ½/13 0/5 0/14 0/19 1/29 5
23 Colin M Bloodworth Pontypridd 0/2 ½/30 ½/24 0/22 0/20 1/26 0/7 ½/28 ½/27 1/29 ½/21
24 D H Long Gloucester ½/3 0/22 ½/23 0/15 1/29 ½/20 ½/18 ½/16 0/26 ½/21 ½/27
25 Philip B Sarson Harrow ½/22 1/5 ½/4 0/17 1/3 1/15 0/9 0/13 0/11 ½/12 0/7
26 Charles Reuben Gurnhill Sheffield 0/1 0/11 ½/28 1/29 0/30 0/23 1/27 ½/21 1/24 0/16 0/18 4
27 Norman Toon Leicester ½/16 0/6 0/18 0/7 0/28 1/29 0/26 0/20 ½/23 1/bye ½/24
28 Herbert Francis Gook Croydon 0/9 0/8 ½/26 0/16 1/27 0/8 0/29 ½/23 0/18 0/20 1/bye 3
29 Charles Hatch Southport 0/10 ½/7 0/3 0/26 0/24 0/29 1/28 0/19 1/bye 0/23 0/22
30 B T H Smith Leicester 0/14 ½/23 1/16 0/12 1/26 0/9 0/21 0/7 withdrew 2½/8

From the table in the 1960/61 BCF Yearbook, p91, which contained a number of errors. I have attempted to correct them. JS

1960 British Boys' (Under 18) Championship

1960 British Under-18
Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12  Total 
1 Derek Ross Thomson Glasgow 1/15 1/31 1/28 1/7 ½/10 1/19 1/4 ½/5 1/13 ½/9 ½/2 0/3 9
2 Nicholas J Argyris London 0/19 1/39 1/56 1/27 ½/7 1/29 ½/10 1/25 0/51 1/11 ½/1 1/9
3 David A Smith Stockton-on-Tees 1/48 1/40 0/7 1/46 1/17 0/4 0/5 1/30 ½/25 1/27 1/13 1/1
4 Graham Coleridge Taylor Birmingham 1/35 ½/50 ½/13 ½/30 1/28 1/3 0/1 0/22 1/46 1/32 1/17 1/10
5 Keith Bevan Richardson Nottingham 1/9 1/11 0/17 ½/36 ½/8 1/26 1/3 ½/1 1/21 0/10 1/19 ½/7 8
6 (Rex) Frank T Wood Sutton Coldfield ½/41 ½/52 0/11 1/62 ½/15 0/55 1/48 ½/38 1/28 1/23 1/22 1/18 8
7 George Michael Sheldrick Huddersfield 1/63 1/53 1/3 0/1 ½/2 1/20 ½/23 0/13 1/22 1/12 ½/9 ½/5 8
8 (Frederick) Michael Akeroyd Whitby 1/44 ½/25 ½/46 ½/12 ½/5 1/11 ½/22 1/29 ½/17 ½/19 ½/10 ½/14
9 Richard A Beach Liverpool 0/5 ½/32 1/40 0/29 1/56 1/37 1/54 1/15 1/10 ½/1 ½/7 0/2
10 Alan Roy Fersht London 1/61 1/56 ½/12 1/17 ½/1 ½/13 ½/2 1/23 0/9 1/5 ½/8 0/4
11 D S James Whitley Bay 1/49 0/5 1/6 1/42 0/19 0/8 1/59 1/32 1/23 0/2 1/21 ½/12
12 James E Scholes Sheffield ½/26 1/38 ½/18 ½/8 1/45 0/23 1/47 ½/19 1/16 0/7 1/33 ½/11
13 M Alcock Stoke-on-Trent ½/14 1/27 ½/4 1/49 1/36 ½/10 ½/25 1/7 0/1 ½/17 0/3 ½/16 7
14 John D T Boyers Middlesbrough ½/13 0/23 ½/33 1/60 ½/50 ½/44 0/32 ½/45 1/52 1/31 1/26 ½/8 7
15 Philip Christopher Chatwin Preston 0/1 0/42 1/51 1/58 ½/6 1/54 1/38 0/9 ½/35 ½/16 1/70 ½/19 7
16 Tudor Rickards Pontypridd 1/18 ½/19 0/36 ½/22 1/32 0/17 1/31 1/46 0/12 ½/15 1/29 ½/13 7
17 S Rowe Stoke-on-Trent 1/22 1/57 1/5 0/10 0/3 1/16 ½/19 1/20 ½/8 ½/13 0/4 ½/27 7
18 Peter George Wann Coulsdon 0/16 1/61 1/44 ½/23 0/34 ½/50 1/26 1/42 0/19 1/35 1/25 0/6 7
19 Robert H Wildig Bristol 1/2 ½/16 ½/20 1/50 1/11 0/1 ½/17 ½/12 1/18 ½/8 0/5 ½/15 7
20 G H Davies Bristol ½/36 1/41 ½/47 1/31 ½/29 0/7 ½/30 0/17 ½/27 1/34 ½/24 ½/25
21 Keith R Emerton Leicester ½/40 ½/26 0/30 ½/58 0/44 1/41 1/57 ½/47 1/38 1/33 0/11 ½/22
22 Steven John Groak London 0/17 1/51 ½/34 ½/16 1/53 1/42 ½/8 1/4 0/7 ½/25 0/6 ½/21
23 David R Hopkin Gloucester ½/27 1/14 ½/25 ½/18 1/55 1/12 ½/7 0/10 0/11 0/6 1/35 ½/24
24 David Cyril Jarrett Bristol ½/47 ½/30 0/42 0/53 ½/59 ½/33 1/52 ½/26 1/45 1/50 ½/20 ½/23
25 Ralph H Mellor Stockport 1/42 ½/8 ½/23 ½/45 1/30 1/34 ½/13 0/2 ½/3 ½/22 0/18 ½/20
26 Christopher C Parsons Yatton ½/12 ½/21 ½/52 ½/39 1/31 0/5 0/18 ½/24 1/48 1/55 0/14 1/41
27 Julian Ivan Peter Simpole Brighton ½/23 0/13 ½/47 0/2 1/60 1/51 ½/50 ½/34 ½/20 ½/36 1/42 ½/17
28 M J [M S?] Taylor Banston 1/51 1/60 0/1 ½/55 0/4 ½/35 0/42 1/59 0/6 1/49 1/54 ½/29
29 Roger A M Allison Prescot 1/54 ½/45 ½/50 1/9 ½/20 0/2 1/34 0/8 1/36 0/3 0/16 ½/28 6
30 J G Cooper Nottingham ½/46 ½/24 1/21 ½/4 0/25 1/45 ½/20 0/3 ½/50 ½/41 ½/32 ½/31 6
31 Andrew F Footner Oxford 1/43 0/1 1/57 0/20 0/26 1/39 0/16 1/51 ½/34 0/14 1/50 ½/30 6
32 Anthony J Gillam Derby 0/45 ½/9 1/43 ½/38 0/16 1/49 1/14 0/11 1/42 0/4 ½/30 ½/36 6
33 R Hazlewood Coventry ½/61 0/36 ½/14 ½/59 0/37 ½/24 1/49 1/40 1/47 0/21 0/12 1/48 6
34 Richard G Jones Aberdare 0/50 1/bye ½/22 1/52 1/18 0/25 0/29 ½/27 ½/31 0/20 ½/44 1/55 6
35 (David) Ian Wishart Reynolds Wallasey 0/4 1/37 1/53 ½/56 0/46 ½/28 1/44 ½/36 ½/15 0/18 0/23 1/54 6
36 Norman B Stockman Hove ½/20 1/33 1/16 ½/5 0/13 ½/47 ½/46 ½/35 0/29 ½/27 ½/41 ½/32 6
37 P Bracey Liverpool 0/57 0/35 1/bye ½/44 1/33 0/9 ½/45 0/41 0/40 1/51 1/58 ½/52
38 P Dawson Norwich ½/55 0/12 1/59 ½/32 1/49 ½/46 0/15 ½/6 0/21 ½/54 ½/48 ½/44
39 Robert A Faint Bristol ½/58 0/2 1/60 ½/26 0/47 0/31 0/57 1/62 ½/44 ½/52 1/59 ½/43
40 R A Fenn Bristol ½/21 0/3 0/9 1/43 ½/57 ½/53 ½/54 0/33 1/37 1/47 0/15 ½/42
41 Alexander Gobran/Cobran Pinner ½/6 0/20 ½/58 ½/54 0/42 0/21 1/63 1/37 1/61 ½/30 ½/36 0/26
42 Baruch (Barry) Noel Green Altrincham 0/25 1/15 1/24 0/11 1/41 0/22 1/28 0/18 0/32 1/46 0/27 ½/40
43 Ian Roebuck Sheffield 0/31 ½/59 0/32 0/40 ½/48 0/60 1/bye 1/63 1/51 ½/44 ½/55 ½/39
44 Anthony Sadler Wolverhampton 0/8 1/48 0/18 ½/37 1/21 ½/14 0/35 ½/61 ½/39 ½/43 ½/34 ½/38
45 Graham Kenneth Sandiford Altrincham 1/32 ½/29 ½/55 ½/25 0/12 0/30 ½/37 ½/14 0/24 ½/59 ½/52 1/60
46 Andrew N Walker Nottingham ½/30 1/58 ½/8 0/3 1/35 ½/38 ½/36 0/16 0/4 0/22 1/53 ½/27
47 Andrew J Whiteley Oxford ½/24 0/55 ½/27 1/48 1/39 ½/36 0/12 ½/21 0/33 0/40 1/49 ½/46
48 Colin J Byrne Liverpool 0/3 0/44 1/63 0/47 ½/43 1/58 0/6 1/53 0/26 1/61 ½/38 0/33 5
49 John G Calvert Durham 0/11 1/63 1/54 0/13 0/38 0/32 0/37 1/60 1/57 0/28 0/47 1/bye 5
50 C J Coombes Malvern 1/34 ½/4 ½/29 0/19 ½/14 ½/18 ½/27 ½/55 ½/30 0/24 0/31 ½/56 5
51 Peter David Goodstein Leicester 0/28 0/22 0/13 1/bye 1/62 0/27 1/56 0/31 0/49 0/37 1/61 1/57 5
52 P Jeal Stockport ½/33 ½/6 ½/26 0/34 0/54 1/56 0/24 1/58 0/14 ½/29 ½/45 ½/37 5
53 B McDonagh Cheadle 1/bye 0/7 0/35 1/24 0/22 ½/40 0/39 0/21 ½/48 1/59 0/62 1/46 5
54 Robin A E Shaw Grays 0/29 1/62 0/49 ½/41 1/52 0/15 ½/40 1/57 ½/55 ½/38 0/28 0/35 5
55 Alastair G Summers York ½/38 1/47 ½/45 ½/28 0/23 1/6 0/9 ½/50 ½/54 0/26 ½/45 0/34 5
56 G B Taylor Manchester 1/59 0/10 0/2 ½/35 0/9 0/52 0/51 1/bye 0/60 1/63 1/62 ½/50 5
57 Roland E Graf Leicester 1/37 0/17 0/31 ½/21 ½/40 0/59 1/39 0/45 0/39 ½/60 1/63 0/51
58 Kenneth McNeill Grigor Glasgow ½/39 0/46 ½/41 0/15 ½/24 0/48 ½/62 0/52 1/63 1/bye 0/37 ½/61
59 James V Hodgson Castleton IOM 0/56 ½/43 0/38 ½/33 1/61 1/57 0/11 0/28 ½/53 ½/45 0/39 ½/62
60 Michael March Portsmouth 1/62 0/28 0/39 0/14 0/27 1/43 0/61 0/49 1/56 ½/57 1/bye 0/45
61 J/S G Jones Sheffield 0/10 0/18 0/62 1/63 0/59 1/bye 1/60 ½/44 0/41 0/48 0/51 ½/58 4
62 B L Burton Ulverston 0/60 0/54 1/61 0/6 0/51 ½/63 ½/58 0/39 1/bye 0/53 0/56 ½/59
63 K T Attenborough Kirkby 0/7 0/49 0/48 0/61 1/bye ½/62 0/41 0/43 0/58 0/56 0/57 0/53

n.b. in order to accommodate 12 rounds, two games were played on the first Wednesday (17 August)

1960 British Boys' Under-15 Championship

1960 British Under-15
Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12  Total 
1 Victor W Knox Wallasey 1/34 1/27 1/2 1/21 ½/3 ½/6 ½/8 1/13 1/10 ½/9 1/15 ½/4
2 Kenneth B McAlpine Glasgow 1/25 1/37 0/1 1/4 1/18 0/8 1/6 1/5 1/3 ½/12 1/9 ½/7 9
3 David Parr Sutton 1/17 ½/15 1/22 1/19 ½/1 1/14 1/5 1/8 0/2 0/6 1/11 1/16 9
4 Philip Almond Blackburn ½/7 ½/9 1/38 0/2 ½/16 1/25 ½/14 1/21 ½/8 1/23 1/6 ½/1 8
5 R G Lee Nottingham 1/42 1/16 0/19 1/11 ½/15 1/23 0/3 0/2 1/33 ½/7 1/12 1/18 8
6 Graham Chesters, jnr Crewe 0/11 1/29 1/32 1/10 1/19 ½/1 0/2 1/15 ½/9 1/3 0/4 ½/8
7 C North Northwood ½/4 1/28 0/18 1/40 ½/26 1/20 ½/15 0/9 1/17 ½/5 1/21 ½/2
8 W A/N Gregory Leicester 1/39 ½/10 ½/11 1/17 1/21 1/2 ½/1 0/3 ½/4 0/15 ½/23 ½/6 7
9 Thomas D Hughes Liverpool ½/18 ½/4 1/37 0/23 1/32 ½/13 1/26 1/7 ½/6 ½/1 0/2 ½/10 7
10 Roger Lancaster London 1/14 ½/8 1/13 0/6 1/33 ½/15 ½/12 1/23 0/1 0/11 1/19 ½/9 7
11 Michael H Miller Leicester 1/6 ½/35 ½/8 0/5 1/17 ½/26 ½/18 1/14 ½/12 1/10 0/3 ½/15 7
12 Peter W Murphy Blackburn ½/26 ½/13 ½/14 1/35 ½/23 1/21 ½/10 ½/18 ½/11 ½/2 0/5 1/27 7
13 Ivan J Myall Bath ½/16 ½/12 0/10 1/31 1/36 ½/9 1/19 0/1 0/32 ½/33 1/25 1/21 7
14 Alan R Prince Liverpool 0/10 1/42 ½/12 1/27 1/40 0/3 ½/4 0/11 0/21 1/20 1/32 1/23 7
15 Christopher Francis Woodcock Liverpool 1/36 ½/3 1/35 ½/18 ½/5 ½/10 ½/7 0/6 1/26 1/8 0/1 ½/11 7
16 Paul Blackman Rotherham ½/13 0/5 ½/25 1/30 ½/4 ½/33 0/21 ½/20 1/36 1/29 1/27 0/3
17 Robert J Butcher Liverpool 0/3 1/25 1/31 0/8 0/11 1/24 1/32 ½/33 0/7 0/19 1/26 1/28
18 Roger Keely Wolverhampton ½/9 1/24 1/7 ½/15 0/2 ½/19 ½/11 ½/12 0/23 1/26 1/33 0/5
19 Ian W Sharpe Nottingham 1/41 1/31 1/5 0/3 0/6 ½/18 0/13 ½/28 ½/27 1/17 0/10 1/32
20 John Thomas Hearson Nottingham 0/35 1/36 0/28 1/34 1/38 0/7 0/23 ½/16 ½/29 0/14 1/41 1/30 6
21 David Neil Laurence Levy Barnet 1/34 1/23 1/26 0/1 0/8 0/12 1/16 0/4 1/14 1/32 0/7 0/13 6
22 C Needham Leicester ½/28 1/40 0/3 0/26 ½/35 0/36 ½/30 0/29 ½/34 1/41 1/33 1/31 6
23 Geoffrey Alan E Wright Wirral 1/38 0/21 1/27 1/9 ½/12 0/5 1/26 0/10 1/18 0/4 ½/3 0/14 6
24 Louis de Veauce Eaglesfield Green 0/1 0/18 0/34 1/41 1/31 0/17 0/27 1/42 ½/38 ½/37 1/29 1/36 6
25 M Wagstaff(e) Scunthorpe 0/2 0/17 ½/16 1/39 1/28 0/4 ½/36 0/26 1/35 1/30 0/13 1/33 6
26 Gordon Stuart Challand Nottingham ½/12 1/33 0/21 1/22 ½/7 ½/11 0/9 1/25 0/15 0/18 0/17 1/22
27 P S Gregory Stockton-on-Tees 1/30 0/1 0/23 0/14 1/37 0/32 1/24 1/35 ½/19 1/28 0/16 0/12
28 Christopher T Kent Nottingham ½/22 0/7 1/20 0/33 0/25 1/42 1/29 ½/19 ½/30 0/27 1/34 0/17
29 M J Busby Leicester 0/37 0/6 0/30 ½/42 1/39 1/34 0/28 1/22 ½/21 0/16 0/24 1/40 5
30 R J Neat Leicester 0/27 0/32 1/29 0/16 0/34 1/41 ½/22 1/37 ½/28 0/25 1/bye 0/20 5
31 Peter Parr Sutton 1/32 0/19 0/17 0/13 0/24 1/39 ½/34 0/36 1/41 ½/38 1/37 0/22 5
32 Marcus Walsh Leeds 0/31 1/30 0/6 1/37 0/9 1/27 0/17 1/38 1/13 0/21 0/14 0/19 5
33 B Whitehouse Oldbury ½/40 0/26 1/41 1/28 0/10 ½/16 1/35 ½/17 0/5 ½/13 0/8 0/25 5
34 Melvyn Jack Young Nottingham 0/21 0/38 1/24 0/20 1/30 0/29 ½/31 0/39 ½/22 1/bye 0/28 1/37 5
35 G H Morley Leicester 1/20 ½/11 0/15 0/12 ½/22 1/38 0/33 0/27 0/25 1/39 ½/40 0/26
36 Charles N Prince Liverpool 0/15 0/20 1/42 0/38 0/13 1/22 ½/25 1/31 0/16 ½/40 ½/39 0/24
37 R Fenn Leicester 1/29 0/2 0/29 0/32 0/27 ½/40 1/41 0/30 1/39 ½/24 0/31 0/34 4
38 A Huxley Stockport 0/23 1/34 0/4 1/36 0/20 0/35 1/40 0/32 ½/24 ½/31 0/22 0/39 4
39 Dennis W McNamara Leicester 0/8 ½/41 0/46 0/25 0/29 0/31 1/42 1/34 0/37 0/35 ½/36 1/38 4
40 D Pratt Leicester ½/33 0/22 1/39 0/7 0/14 ½/37 0/38 0/41 1/bye ½/36 ½/35 0/29 4
41 P Lefley Leicester 0/19 ½/39 0/33 0/24 0/42 0/30 0/37 1/40 0/31 0/22 0/20 1/bye
42 Brian Henshaw Leicester 0/5 0/14 0/36 ½/29 1/41 0/28 0/39 0/24 withdrew 1½/8

1960 British Girls’ [Under 18] Championship

1960 British Girls Under 18 Championship Resid. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  Total 
 1  Verina Horsnell (m. Powers) London
½ 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 Brita Junker (later m. Ivor Smith) Wellington ½
½ 1 ½ ½ 1 1 5
3 Marie Rita Tozer1 Taunton 0 ½
½ 1 1 1 1 5
4 Jean Pickles Preston 0 0 ½
1 1 1 1
5 Gillian A Moore Southampton 0 ½ 0 0
1 1 1
6 Marcia Syme (later Morgan) Wallasey 0 ½ 0 0 0
0 1
7 Josephine Bradbury Leicester 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 1
8 Breeda Heron Leicester 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

1 Marie Rita Tozer (1943-1996)

BCF First Class

1960 BCF First Class Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  Total 
1 Alan Edgar Nield New Zealand 1/14 1/16 1/9 0/20 0/2 1/6 1/3 1/5 ½/4 1/12 ½/7 8
2 Richard A A Brockington Knutsford ½/5 1/12 ½/3 1/6 1/1 1/4 1/10 1/15 ½/13 0/7 ½/11 8
3 Terence Owen Marsden Greenfield 1/17 ½/7 ½/2 1/11 1/20 ½/5 0/1 1/13 1/8 ½/4 1/6 8
4 Rodney C Lovett Leicester 1/18 0/20 1/14 ½/9 1/8 0/2 1/6 1/10 ½/1 ½/3 0/5
5 Alfred Milner Manchester ½/2 ½/8 1/19 1/7 ½/10 ½/3 ½/13 0/1 1/15 0/6 1/4
6 Robin Humphries Rushton Luton 1/22 1/13 ½/20 0/2 1/9 0/1 0/4 1/14 1/10 1/5 0/3
7 Arthur T Watson Worthing 1/21 ½/3 ½/11 0/5 ½/15 ½/12 0/8 1/19 1/16 1/2 ½/1
8 Rev. Henry Middleton Blackett Hastings ½/11 ½/5 ½/15 1/12 0/16 ½/17 1/7 ½/16 0/3 1/14 ½/10 6
9 John A Feavyour Saxmundham 1/10 1/23 0/1 ½/4 0/6 0/15 0/16 1/21 1/17 1/13 ½/12 6
10 S Roberts Southport 0/9 1/17 1/16 1/13 ½/5 1/20 0/2 0/4 0/6 1/22 ½/8 6
11 J P Whitehouse Leicester ½/8 1/18 ½/7 0/3 0/19 0/14 1/21 ½/12 1/22 1/15 ½/2 6
12 M Amey Isleworth ½/16 0/2 1/22 0/8 1/18 ½/7 ½/19 ½/11 1/21 0/1 ½/9
13 Geoffrey Chesters Crewe 1/15 0/6 1/17 0/10 1/14 1/19 ½/5 0/3 ½/2 0/9 ½/16
14 Truman Victor Parrott Barnstaple 0/1 1/21 0/4 ½/15 0/13 1/11 1/17 0/6 1/17 0/8 1/22
15 Ernest George Exell Hemel Hempstead 0/13 1/22 ½/8 ½/14 ½/7 1/9 1/20 0/2 0/5 0/11 ½/15 5
16 P/F Griffith(s) Warrington ½/12 0/1 0/10 0/21 1/22 1/18 1/9 ½/8 0/7 ½/17 ½/13 5
17 Gregory Owen John Melitus London 0/3 0/13 0/13 1/22 1/21 ½/8 0/14 1/18 0/9 ½/16 1/bye 5
18 A Archer Stoke-on-Trent 0/4 0/11 1/21 0/19 0/12 0/16 1/22 0/17 0/14 1/bye ½/15
19 C J Arthur Stafford 0/20 1/bye 0/5 1/18 1/11 0/13 ½/12 0/7 withdrew 3½/8
20 B J Ellis Boston 1/19 1/4 ½/6 1/1 0/3 0/10 0/15 withdrew 3½/7
21 R Owen Dorchester 0/7 0/14 0/18 1/16 0/17 1/22 0/11 0/9 0/12 withdrew 2/9
22 W H Thomas Newport 0/6 0/15 0/12 0/17 0/16 0/21 0/18 1/bye 0/11 0/10 0/14 1
23 D Wilkie Cambridge 1/bye 0/9 disqualified / expunged -

BCF Second Class

1960 BCF Second Class Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  Total 
1 (George) Alexander Mills (Alec) Boswell Liverpool
0 1 0 ½ 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 Frederick Charles Shorter London 1
½ ½ ½ 0 1 ½ 1 1 1 7
3 A T Watts Leicester 0 ½
1 ½ ½ ½ 1 1 1 1 7
4 Miss N F Harris Surbiton 1 ½ 0
0 1 1 0 ½ 1 1 6
5 J T Ralph Leicester ½ ½ ½ 1
0 0 1 1 1 ½ 6
6 Harold Mervyn Ilsley Leicester 0 1 ½ 0 1
0 1 0 0 1
7 Denis J A Strange Leicester 0 0 ½ 0 1 1
0 0 1 1
8 A Terrett Norwich 0 ½ 0 1 0 0 1
1 0 1
9 Lionel Benton Leicester 0 0 0 ½ 0 1 1 0
0 1
10 Rev. Eric Gilbert-Wood Rye 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
0 3
11 F H Bath Leicester 0 0 0 0 ½ 0 0 0 0 1


[Sunday Times, 14 August 1960] "Chess Test for Boys - By BRUCE HAYDEN - A new record for schoolboy chess is set up in this year’s British Chess Federation’s 13-day Congress which opens tomorrow at Leicester University with 103 competing in the championships for boys under 18 and under 15. A Federation official said: "The Sunday Times national schools championship has undoubtedly encouraged keenness and fostered new interest. It has become one of the Federation’s mainstays in junior chess." In the ten tournaments there are more than 240 players, also a record. The British championship of 11 rounds on the Swiss pairing system has attracted the maximum of 36 competitors. The prize money for the winner is now swollen to £200 by the William Sims bequest. Jonathan Penrose will defend his title against a strong entry oi seasoned experts and ambitious young players. The two former champions, H. Golombek and C. H. O'D. Alexander, are again competing."

[The Times, 15 August 1960] "225 ENTER FOR CHESS CONGRESS - PENROSE THE FAVOURITE - FROM OUR CHESS CORRESPONDENT LEICESTER, Aug. 14 - There is an entry of 225 competitors in the various sections of the annual British Chess Federation Congress which opens tomorrow at Leicester University. The following 34 players are competing in the British championship:—G. Abrahams (Liverpool), Dr. J. M. Aitken (Cheltenham), C. H. O’D. Alexander (Cheltenham), L. W. Barden (London), T. J. Beach (Liverpool), J. H. Beaty (Doncaster), P. Bennett (Newport), R. M. Bruce (Plymouth), B. Cafferty (Birmingham), P, H. Clarke (Ilford), R. B. Edwards (Harrogate), M. Fallone (Hamilton), Dr. S. Fazekas (Buckhurst Hill), R. A. Fuller (Ilford), H. Golombek (Chalfont St Giles), A. Hall (Kenton), J. B. Hawson (London), M. J. Haygarth (Leeds), A. S. Hollis (London), D. G. Levens (Harrow), D. E. Lloyd (London), K. W. Lloyd (Birmingham), C. M. Malcolm (Glasgow), J. W. Naylor (Liverpool), R. H. Newman (London), F. Parr (Sutton), R. Payne (Southend), J. Penrose (London), D. B. Pritchard (Lough), E. G. Sergeant (Kingston Hill), A. R. B. Thomas (Tiverton), M. Thompson (Southampton), G. W. Wheeler (Plymouth), and B. H. Wood (Sutton Coldfield).

"This is a representative entry of almost the full strength of Britain's best players and it should be noted that the three players who tied for first place last year, Golombek, Haygarth, and Penrose, are again competing this time. As well as the defending champion, no fewer than four former champions are playing—Alexander, Barden, Dr. Fazekas and Golombek. Whether the chief opposition to Penrose will come from this group or from such younger players as Clarke, Haygarth or Cafferty only the next two weeks can show. Eleven rounds are to be played on the Swiss system by which players of equal scores are paired against each other.

"The entry for the British ladies’ championship is: Miss M. E. E. Wood (Newbury), Mrs. R. M. Bruce (Plymouth), Mrs. E. Feavyour (Saxmundham), Miss M. Henniker-Heaton (London), Mrs. J. S. Rees (Derby), Miss D. Colmer (London), Mrs. S. M. Steedman (Bothwell), Miss P. A. Sunnucks (London), Miss S. A. Corbyn (Birmingham), Miss L. M. Hogarth (Glasgow), Mrs. D. Bourdillon (London), and Dr. Maria Maclean (Abertillery)."

[Manchester Guardian, 15 August 1960 - Leonard Barden] "Alexander at his best could oust Penrose - From our Chess Correspondent - Leicester, Sunday [14 August] - There is a record entry of 230 for the British Chess Federation’s annual congress which begins here tomorrow. The main event, the British championship, is again being run as a tournament on the Swiss system, with 34 players and 11 rounds. Pairings for the first round are made by lot, and thereafter players with equal or similar scores are drawn together. The effect is that the leaders have to meet all their strongest rivals, although cunning competitors have been known to skulk in the rear for several rounds and come up with a rush at the end with wins against weak opponents. The man to beat will be Jonathan Penrose, aged 26, a psychology research student at London University who has held the title for the last two years and is recognised—after his performances in the world team championships and in the recent Madrid zonal contest—as one of the strongest masters in Europe. The world champion Botvinnik advocated several days rest from chess as essential preparation for a tournament, and for the last ten days Penrose has been holidaying in Scotland far from any chess board. - Some outside chances - His most dangerous rivals will probably be Hugh Alexander, of the Foreign Office, Harry Golombek, the referee of the recent world championship match, and Peter Clarke, a London University student. Golombek has the valuable habit of defeating weaker players rapidly and consistently, and last year he almost ran away with the championship until Penrose caught him in the last two rounds. Alexander has recently been prone to rest on his international laurels, but a good result in Switzerland at Easter has revived his enthusiasm. At his best, he is the one player with the talent to outshine Penrose. Clarke could well finish unbeaten, but on previous form he will draw too many games to do better than a place among the four prize winners. Haygarth will be the main Northern hope, while Cafferty is improving year by year and could well reach the prize list. Dr Aitken, Barden, and Parr have an outside chance, but if any of the other players win it will be a dramatic surprise and an uncomfortable moment for the selectors, who have already chosen the team for the next world championships."

[Sunday Times, 21 August 1960 - by C. H. O'D. Alexander] "CHAMPIONSHIP CHANCES - By the time readers see this year’s forecast, the British championship will be halfway through so they can check its accuracy to date. Jonathan Penrose, the twenty-seven-year-old holder, is unquestionably the strongest player, and if he plays in his best form, or near it, should win: I think he will but his slightly uncertain temperament may let him down and—fortunately for the rest of us—there is always luck. Golombek and Clarke have the next best chance. Golombek usually plays well in the championship—he has won three times since the war and is deadly against the weaker players—and Clarke is perhaps the hardest man to beat in the tournament. Golombek has, however, a very bad recent record in individual games with Penrose (four losses in succession) and Clarke draws too many games for a tournament winner. Next I would rate Barden, Haygarth and myself. Barden, like Golombek, usually does well in the championship but I feel some doubts as to his ability to retain the lead if he gets it: he is apt to be unduly nervous in such situations. Haygarth is a vigorous, aggressive player with an excellent temperament and might win: my doubts are whether the quality of his play is quite good enough to score sufficiently heavily against the other strong players. My own play is perhaps a little better than in the last year or two but I do not usually do well in the championship and may be overrating my chances in putting them equal to Barden’s and Haygarth’s. In a strong entry, I do not think anyone else quite good enough to have much chance of winning—but, as I have found in the past, it is very easy to be wrong. Final forecast: 1, Penrose; 2, Golombek and Clarke; 4, Haygarth and Barden."

[Sunday Times, 4 September 1960 - by C. H. O'D. Alexander] "From the point of view of the prospects of British chess there were several good features in this year’s championship. First, there was the victory of Penrose for the third year running, a more decisive win than either of his others, firmly establishing him as the best player in the country. Not since the days of Atkins fifty years ago has anyone won three times in succession and Penrose, still only twenty-six, has clearly not yet reached his full strength. It is an excellent thing for chess in England to have an unquestioned champion for the rest of us to try to unseat: it will be better still if, as is quite possible, Penrose can make a further improvement to reach grandmaster strength. Secondly, there was the general success of the recognised leading players. Haygarth shared second-place with me, and Barden, Clarke and Golombek were fourth equal, with K. W. Lloyd the only "outsider” to get into the prize list. We now have four players in the age range 25 to 31: Haygarth (25), Clarke (26), Penrose (26) and Barden (31) to form a nucleus of our team for many years to come. Finally there were signs of further good young players coming along. K. W. Lloyd (24) did very well indeed: he played all six of the other leaders, winning two, losing two and drawing two, and showed imagination and determination in his play. Payne (23) also played well: he must however show more courage in his play if he is to develop his potential ability fully. Hollis (20) may be potentially the best of the three: he is an imaginative player with a good temperament, but needs more practice against players stronger than himself. These were the good features of the 1960 championship—I will deal with the bad one next Sunday."

[Sunday Times, 11 September 1960 - by C. H. O'D. Alexander] "Last Sunday I discussed the encouraging aspects of this year’s championships and left till this Sunday the one really bad feature—the continued tendency to quick draws, often without any real struggle, between the leading players. Penrose, Haygarth, Clarke, Barden, Golombek and myself in our fourteen games had no fewer than eleven draws: some were hard-fought, but in a number of cases there was a great deal more play left when a draw was agreed. Further there were signs of this disease spreading and, among the younger players, of some draws being agreed without a fight. One reason is that the leading players are all on friendly terms; playing to win against strong players is very hard work, and absence of strong feelings of personal rivalry removes one of the incentives to undertaking it. A second reason is that none of the leading players, among the middle and younger generation, has a highly developed killer-instinct. But to my mind the most important reason is the Swiss system, under which, with thirty to thirty-six players competing in the championship, the leading players can always hope for a number of easier games; this greatly increases the temptation to be quite satisfied to draw with one’s leading rivals and reserve one's real efforts for others. I mentioned above that the six leading competitors scored eleven draws in their fourteen games among themselves; against K. W. Lloyd, who shared fourth place, they scored 2 wins, 2 losses and 2 draws (a fine performance by Lloyd) and against the rest 24 wins, 1 loss and 7 draws—figures that speak for themselves."

File Updated

Date Notes
29 April 2018 Uploaded for the first time.
04 March 2020 Updated to give full name of Marshall William J Thompson, who finished in last place in the British Championship. Biographical note - born 1935, died 1989, both in Southampton, he was nine times Hampshire champion.
12 May 2020 Added a game from the First-Class, Geoffrey Chesters vs CJ Arthur. Thanks to Brian Denman.
9 June 2021 Added full name of John Hubert Watts (6 June 1934 - 25 March 2018). Obit at English Chess Forum.
9 June 2021 Seven more complete Championship games (replacing one part-game) with the addition of all the games played by Dr JM Aitken in this event. Thanks to Geoff Chandler for all his assiduous input work.
23 November 2022 Added one game from the Major Open: P.Collier 0-1 P.Moore (rd 8). My thanks to Gerard Killoran for supplying the score. I've also added a crosstable for the Major Open.
25 April 2023 Added one game from the Championship: G.Abrahams 0-1 M.Haygarth, rd 6. Source for the game was a press cutting posted on the English Chess Forum by Ingrid Ives for which many thanks.
8 May 2023 Added the game L.Barden 1-0 P.Bennett, found on the StarBase 4.56 database.
16 December 2023 Added the game O.Hindle ½-½ A.Thomas (Championship, rd 1).
4 February 2024 A major update: after previously having just 45 games plus 8 part-games from the Championship, we now have the scores of all 198 Championship games, thanks to Eric Fisher's booklet and Andy Ansel kindly entering the scores. There are now 17 games and 2 part-games from other sections with the addition of Ian Reynolds's 12 games from Under 18 Championship and some other scores.
12 December 2024 Added the game V Knox 1-0 K McAlpine, British U15, rd 3.