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John Saunders


BRITBASE - British Chess Game Archive

Tournament: Craigside Tournament • 20 games, 2 part-games • updated: Monday 3 June, 2024 7:46 AM
Venue: Craigside Hydro, Llandudno • Dates: 4-12 January 1897 • Download PGN

1897 Craigside Cup Tourney

1897 Craigside Cup
Class 1
Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  Total 
 1  George Edward Horton Bellingham Dudley
½ 1 ½ 1 1 1 1 1 1 8
2 Amos Burn Liverpool ½
1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1d
3 Charles Hugh Sherrard Stourbridge 0 0
1 ½ 1 ½ 1 1 1d 6
4 William Hewison Gunston Cambridge ½ 0 0
1 ½ 0 1 1 1 5
5 Edmund Macdonald Hereford 0 0 ½ 0
1 1 1 ½ 1d 5
6 Edward Owen Jones London 0 1 0 ½ 0
0 1 1 1
7 Ernest Jones-Bateman London 0 0 ½ 1 0 1
0 ½ 1 4
8 Rev. John Owen Liverpool 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 1 3
9 Rev. Arthur Bolland Skipworth Horncastle 0 0 0 0 ½ 0 ½ 0
1d 2
10 Arthur Rutherford1 Liverpool 0 0d 0d 0 0d 0 0 0 0d

1st prize: the Craigside Cup for one year & £10; 2nd prize: £7; 3rd prize: £5; 4th prize £3 (and £2 10s under the Gelbfuhs system, i.e. add the scores of every opponent the player beats and half of the score of every opponent the player draws); non-prizewinners: shared £10.

1 Arthur Rutherford withdrew after five rounds. He was left out of the crosstable given in BCM (February 1897, p58) but included in the crosstable that appeared in the (Worcestershire & Staffordshire) County Express of 16 January 1897 (chess column by G Bellingham).

1897 Craigside Cup Class 2

1897 Craigside Cup
Class 2
Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  Total 
 1  Climenson Yelverton Charles Dawbarn Liverpool
1 ½ 1 ½ 1 1 1 6
2 Arthur John Mackenzie Birmingham 0
1 0 1 ½ 1 1
3 Daniel Powell Liverpool ½ 0
0 1 1 1 1
4 John Rogers St Albans 0 1 1
0 ½ 1 1
5 William Hamilton Supple Dublin ½ 0 0 1
½ 1 1 4
6 Charles Frederick Lewis1 Birmingham 0 ½ 0 ½ ½
1 1
7 William Collins Hereford 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1
8 Edmund Shorthouse2 Birmingham 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

n.b. there were a number of disparities between the crosstables of this section given in BCM (February 1897, p58) and the crosstable that appeared in the (Worcestershire & Staffordshire) County Express of 16 January 1897 (chess column by G Bellingham). BCM excluded E Shorthouse altogether, but newspaper reports indicate that he played at least some of his scheduled games.

1 Charles Frederick Lewis (1847- 14 March 1907, both in Bristol) - death reported in Birmingham Daily Post, 19 March 1907 & Bristol Times and Mirror, 23 March 1907, p13
2 Edmund Shorthouse (1838-1916) - his obituary appeared in BCM, 1916, p128.

1897 Craigside Handicap Section A

1897 Craigside Handicap
Section A
Handicap 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  Total 
1 Charles Hugh Sherrard scratch
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
 2  William Hewison Gunston scratch 0
0 1 1 ½ 1 1
3 James Lister (Liverpool?)1 knight 0 1
0 1 1 1 ½
4 Climenson Yelverton Charles Dawbarn pawn & 2 0 0 1
0 0 1 1 3
5 Arthur Firth (Llandudno)2 knight 0 0 0 1
1 1 0 3
6 Edward Owen Jones scratch 0 ½ 0 1 0
0 1
7 William Collins pawn & 2 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 2
8 Rev. Arthur Bolland Skipworth scratch 0 0 ½ 0 1 0 0

1 It seems probable that this was James Lister (1830 - 29 October 1913), a patron of Liverpool Chess Club (obit. Liverpool Daily Post, 30 October 1913, p9 - it does not mention his connection to chess), though none of the sources (giving either Lister or J Lister) refers to his residence or club. Coincidentally someone called James Lister was the proprietor of another hydro(pathic hotel) at the same time in Ilkley but there doesn't appear to be a connection.
2 Arthur Firth (13 February 1862 - 9 October 1943) was the founder/proprietor of the Craigside Hydro and acted as secretary of the chess tournaments held there. See Steve Mann's detailed account of his life and works; also Martin Smith's well researched and entertaining article at the Streatham & Brixton Blog about Arthur Firth.

1897 Craigside Handicap Section B

1897 Craigside Handicap
Section B
Handicap 1 2 3 4 5 6 7  Total 
 1  George Edward Horton Bellingham scratch
0 1 ½ 1 1 1
2 Amos Burn scratch 1
0 0 1 1 1 4
3 Edmund Macdonald scratch 0 1
0 1 1 1 4
4 William Hamilton Supple pawn & 2 ½ 1 1
½ 0 1 4
5 Rev. John Owen scratch 0 0 0 ½
1 1
6 Reginald Solly Owen1 knight 0 0 0 1 0
1 2
7 John Rogers pawn & 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 Reginald Solly Owen (6 November 1861 - 25 October 1922) was a son of the Rev. John Owen who played in the same section. Educ. Westminster School, Christ Church, Oxford (B.A. 1884, M.A. 1890). Became a schoolmaster at Blundell's, Tiverton, where Andrew Rowland Benedick Thomas later taught.

BCM, February 1897, ppn 54-60


One of the most successful amateur meetings of recent years was that recently concluded at the Craigside Hydro, Llandudno. For some few years holiday contests have taken place at this establishment once or twice in the year, during the Christmas
and Whitsuntide vacations; and these, to some extent, took the place of the gatherings organised by the old Counties’ Association, which has been completely dormant lately.

The amalgamation of the chess association of the Craigside Chess Association with that of the Counties Asso., which was brought about a few months since, contributed in very great measure to the enhanced success of the Tournament under notice. Additional interest and importance were gained by the entry in the Open Tournament for the Challenge Cup (until Christmas held by Mr. E. O. Jones) of a master of international fame, Mr. Amos Burn, of Liverpool, to wit. Nine other entries were obtained for this event, many of whose names are already well known in connection with the Craigside Tourneys. These were: the Revs. J. Owen and A. B. Skipworth, Messrs. G. E. H. Bellingham, W. H. Gunston, E. O. Jones, E. Jones-Bateman, E. Macdonald, A. Rutherford, and C. H. Sherrard. This, it must be conceded on all hands, was a very fine entry, and very representative of English amateur chess.

An Open Tourney (class II.) for lesser lights, secured a very fair list, as follows: Messrs. W. Collins, C. V. C. Dawbarn, C. F. Lewis, A. J. Mackenzie, D. Powell, J. Rogers, E. Shorthouse, and W. H. Supple.

The programme as first put forth included a Ladies’ event, and a competition for the championship of Wales, but both of these fell through owing to lack of entrants.

Early in the contest Mr. Rutherford (in class I.) and Mr. Shorthouse (in class II.) were called away, and their remaining games had to be scored against them by default. Play commenced fairly punctually on Monday evening, January 4th, in the Recreation Room of the Hydro, which bore signs of recent Christmas festivities. The room, as is the whole establishment, is lighted electrically, and was on the whole well suited to its purpose. A slight hitch occurred at the commencement of play, through there not being a sufficiency of clocks, while not all those available were in good working order, not having been touched since their last use some months before. This no doubt will receive attention in the future. Their use was not missed in this instance; but this cannot always be depended upon.

Most of the games in the Class 1. tourney were adjourned on the Monday evening, after about three hours’ play, and this suggests another point in which the management might make a slight improvement. The first sitting in the day was from 10-30 a.m. to 1-30 p.m., and several of the competitors were of the opinion that a four hour sitting would have been better, were it possible to be arranged. By far the large majority of games were adjourned over the first sitting, when a four-hour term would have finished them outright. In this way it would be possible to get the Congress finished in a week, and many would be attracted by this fact alone. The prospectus of the meeting held this out, but the terms were not adhered to. The only game finished was between Messrs. Burn and Gunston, the latter, when in some difficulty, making a blunder about the twentieth move, which lost outright.

Several games in Class II. were finished, about the smartest being the defeat of Mr. Mackenzie by Mr. Dawbarn, through an excellent sacrifice of the exchange. see viewer/download]

In the second round Mr. Bellingham drew with Mr. Burn, but the game was not of absorbing interest, consisting of little more than exchanging pieces. A little piquancy was added to the contest by one or two friendly wagers on side issues, and to one of these Mr. Bellingham was a party ; he, with characteristic modesty, offering to take 10 to i against him not losing a game throughout the Class I. tourney. No single individual was to be found to take up this challenge—ten shillings being half-a-sovereign in these hard times; but the responsibility was eventually shared by a small syndicate, who, however, had
to mourn the loss of their money in the end.

In the third round Mr. Sherrard received a short sharp shock at the hands of Mr. Burn, in a lively Ruy Lopez. [see viewer/download]

The game between Messrs. Bellingham and Rutherford produced a very fine finish, Mr. Rutherford somewhat contributing by original but weak opening moves (a Queen's Gambit Declined). [see viewer/download] This competes for the brilliancy prize of £3 3s., presented by Sir George Newnes. Another smart ending was that in a game between Mr. E. O. Jones and the Rev. A. B. Skipworth. [see viewer/download]

Mr. Burn overlooked a neat trap in his game with Jones, when he had rather the best of it. The opening was the Ruy Lopez. [see viewer/download]

One of the finest things during the week was unfortunately overlooked by Mr. Gunston in his game with Mr. Macdonald. The annexed position occurred, and White to move overlooked a mate in five. Mr. Gunston, in looking through the sacrifice, failed to notice Rg7+. A few moves earlier, Mr. Macdonald had refused a draw. The actual finish had considerable interest [see viewer/download]

Jones v. Bellingham was one of the finest games occurring. Black’s last move, ...Nf4 sacrifices a Pawn The soundness is just questionable, but a fine attack results. The remainder of the game (a Queen’s Gambit Declined) was [see viewer/download]

Mr. Burn finished off with 7½, having drawn with Bellingham and lost to Jones. Mr. Bellingham’s score was 5, with 3 to play, and his winning these three under such circumstances speaks volumes for his nerve under trying conditions. Mr. Burn’s uniucky slip against Jones lost him the first prize. The full score, omitting Mr. Rutherford’s name, is shown [above].

Mr. Bellingham thus took first prize, £10, and carried off the Challenge Cup. Mr. Burn took second prize, £7; Mr. Sherrard third, £5; while the fourth prize of £3 was divided between Messrs. Gunston and Macdonald. Some surplus funds, distributed on the ‘Gelbfus’ system, increased the nominal prizes all round slightly, and also rewarded the non-prize winners in proportion to their measure of success.

Class 2

The first prize therefore went to Mr. Dawbarn, whose performance was exceedingly good. The second and third were divided between Messrs. Powell, Rogers, and Mackenzie.


A Handicap with fourteen entrants was arranged during the week. The players were arranged into sections of eight and six. In the A section, Mr. Sherrard accomplished the fine performance of w inning all his 7 games from scratch, beating Jones, Gunston, and Skipworth (scratch) ; Dawbarn and Collins (Pawn and two); and Firth and Lister (Kt). Mr. Gunston took second prize with 4½.

The B section was won by Mr. Bellingham, who beat Owen and Macdonald (scratch); Rogers (Pawn and two); Owen jun. (Kt); drew with Supple (Pawn and two), and lost to Burn; this last was after the first prize was assured to him. Messrs. Burn,
Macdonald, and Supple tied for second prize with 4 each. Mr. Burn played even with the other first-class players, but conceded one grade more of odds to the odds-receivers. Mr. Bellingham’s double success is most remarkable, and places him in the very front rank of British amateurs.

Altogether the meeting was pronounced a distinct success, and Messrs. Firth and Skipworth (the joint hon. secs.) and the committee are to be congratulated on the prosperous conduct and termination of the congress. We venture to prophesy still further popularity for future meetings of this character.

Mr. G[eorge]. E[dward]. H[orton]. Bellingham, whose portrait we have pleasure in presenting to our readers, was born at Dudley, Worcestershire, in [26] September, 1874, and is therefore in his twenty-third year. He was taught to play chess by his father, when about eight years old. In his fifteenth year he joined the Dudley Chess Club, and from that time his strength of play has steadily improved to its present status.

1897 G E H Bellingham
George Edward Horton Bellingham (1874-1949) - photo BCM, February 1897, p60, colourised by John Saunders

In November, 1889, he was the only player who defeated Mr. Blackburne in a simultaneous performance at the Dudley Club, when the English champion won 20, lost 1, and drew 8 games. In 1891-2, Mr. Bellingham played in the correspondence tourney of the Dublin Mail, and won the second prize, with ½ point less than Mr. J. H. Blake, of Southampton.

He won the Worcester Championship Challenge Cup in 1894-5, and again in the season 1895-6; he still holds this trophy.
At the Craigside Xmas. 1894 meeting, he competed in the Open Cup Tourney, but was not placed; he, however, tied for second prize with Mr. H. Jacobs, in the Handicap. At Craigside Xmas. 1895 meeting, Mr. Bellingham tied with Mr. E. O. Jones, London, in the Cup Tourney, and defeated him by 2 to 1, and 1 draw, in the play-off match. In the Handicap, Mr. Jones was first, and Mr. Bellingham second. In the Cup Tourney, Whitsuntide, 1896, he was second, a point below Mr. E. O. Jones, who was first. In the Handicap, Messrs. Jones and Bellingham divided the first two prizes.

In 1896 (early part), Mr. Bellingham played a match with F. Hollins, of Birmingham, for the championship of the Midlands, and won by 7 to 5, and 10 drawn games.

Mr. Bellingham is a member of the City of London Club, for which he has played in club matches several times with success. He was chosen one of eight to represent the City Club against a team of "Masters" headed by Herr Lasker. He opposed Mr. J. Mason at board 4, but fell into a trap in the opening and lost his game.

During the last six years, Mr. Bellingham has played at board No. 1 in all matches for the Dudley Chess Club, and has not lost a single game. He is also an adept in the art of blindfold play, and has given exhibitions of his skill sans voir against eight opponents, both in London and Birmingham, winning most of his games. He edited a column in the Dudley Herald for some two or three years, and conducted both problem and solution tourneys. He now edits a column in the [Worcestershire & Staffordshire] County Express with conspicuous ability.

File Updated

Date Notes
15 May 2024 First upload. 16 games and 4 part-games, crosstables, report from BCM, plus a photo of Bellingham colourised by me.
17 May 2024 Andy Ansel has contributed three game scores. These comprise two new games from the Class 1 tournament (A.Rutherford 0-1 E.Jones-Bateman, rd 1, and J.Owen 0-1 E.Macdonald, rd 2) plus a complete game from Class 2, C.Dawbarn 1-0 A.Mackenzie, which was previously given as a part-game. Many thanks to Andy. Running total now 19 complete games plus 3 part-games.
3 June 2024 The game E.O.Jones 0-1 E.Macdonald now has all the moves, while the game W.Supple 0-1 E.Macdonald (Handicap event) now has further source material and should now work properly in the viewer window. Many thanks to Brian Denman for his input.