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10th Monarch Assurance International Chess Tournament, 29 Sept - 7 Oct 2001
The Monarch Assurance 10th International Chess Tournament is being held at the Cherry Orchard Hotel, Port Erin, Isle of Man, from 29 September to Sunday 7 October 2001.
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Rd 5 Results | Rd 5 Crosstable
Round 5 (3 October 2001)
The Great Laxey Wheel
Today's treat at the Monarch Assurance International was the annual coach trip. Our indefatigable tournament director, Dennis Hemsley, lays this on so that competitors and others don't leave the Isle of Man with just a memory of the inside of the tournament hall. This is one of those nice touches that is so typical of our TD - rather like that Heiniken beer commercial, Dennis refreshes the parts that other TDs don't reach. Incidentally, he is even better known for his habit of making jokey presentations to all and sundry at the prizegiving, usually tied in with some perceived eccentricity or unconventional habit on the part of that person. I'm hoping that Dennis will take the hint from that reference to Heiniken and present me with a crate of beer, but I expect he's got some other weird and wonderful idea in mind (e.g. an extradition order if I don't watch my p's and q's).
I won't give you a full travelogue - suffice to say that the Isle of Man is a superb place for a touring holiday, especially if you enjoy scenery, history, sea views and the quiet life in general. If you like to get away from it all, including other people, this is the place to do it. Tourist commercial over, back to the coach trip: we stopped off at a tourist attraction called the Great Laxey Wheel. This is a stupendous piece of mid-Victorian engineering, built to extract gallons of water from a deep lead/silver mine, and also lower equipment and miners down into the bowels of the earth.
Great Laxey Wheel - the three figures seen together at the top are Rudy Van
Kemenade, Chris Dossett and Andrew Smith
Forty of us decanted from the coach to visit this impressive left-over from the Industrial Revolution. But it did involve a certain test of energy and determination. Some of the party fell at the first fence on seeing the slope they would be required to walk up to reach the great wheel itself. The next hurdle was the turnstile through which it was necessary to pass. One or two members of the party baulked at the £2.75 entrance fee, and so dropped out of the ascent at that point. Next, the ascent of the wheel itself. A narrow stairway wound round the body of the structure, all the way up to a vertiginous platform offering stunning views down at the machinery and surrounding countryside. Actually that's just guesswork on my part as I only got to 'first base' before fear of heights kicked in. Three members of the party - Andrew Smith, Rudy Van Kemenade and Chris Dossett - were courageous enough to go all the way to the top. You might just see them as three dots on the skyline in the above photo, looking down at the cowardly cameraman.
But there is no moral to this little
anecdote. Fortune evidently does not always favour the brave, as the three
intrepid people in the picture scored 0/3 between them in their subsequent
round five games. Nor did the great wheel of fortune turn significantly in the
other games; once again the weak were crushed mercilessly underfoot by the
strong. It's a pity that I didn't return from the excursion with a nice picture
of a duck swimming on a lake or, perhaps better, a photo of a native breed such
as the Manx Shearwater, as that would have presented a better (if somewhat
trite) analogy with what occurred: quiet serenity above the water line, but
much furious paddling going on below it. If you check the results table below,
you will see that there were five draws on the top boards, but none on the next
twelve, where the lower-rated player succumbed in every case. As a result, Petr
Kiriakov retains his sole lead, but there are no less than 17 players half a
point behind him. In the next group are two players, Colin Crouch and Ketevan
Arakhamia, who started with 0/2 but now find themselves within a point of the
lead. There were some hard-luck stories amongst boards 6-17, with Petr
Marusenko giving a good account of himself against Alexander Galkin but missing
out, and Martin Simons losing on time against Ketevan Arakhamia in a decent
position. Pictured left, Bogdan Lalic - whose taste in shirts seems to
indicate that he has got the Isle of Man confused with Hawaii - showed incisive
form to dismiss Robert Willmoth's challenge.
Marusenko,P (2362) - Galkin,A (2583) [A08]
Assurance International Port Erin (5.8), 03.10.2001
1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 e6 3 d3 d5 4 Nbd2 Nc6 5 g3 Bd6 6 Bg2 Nge7 7 0-0 0-0 8 Re1 Bc7 9 exd5 exd5 10 d4 c4 11 Nf1 Rb8 12 h4 h6 13 N1h2 b5 14 h5 f5
A fairly normal set-up at this stage, though 14...f5 looks a little unusual. 15 Ne5 Nxe5 16 dxe5 d4 17 Bf4 Be6 18 Nf3 Bb6 19 Qc1 Kh7 20 Rd1 Nc6 21 Nh4 Rc8 22 Ng6 Most people would run a mile before allowing their opponent a hole for a knight like g6, but 'Sacha' Galkin doesn't seem unduly fazed by the cuckoo in his nest. 22 ..Rf7 23 Qd2 Ne7 24 Nh4 Nd5 25 Ng6 Ne7 26 Nh4 Nd5 27 Ng6 Ah, so White would be content with a draw. Small wonder, given the 200+ rating difference. 27 ..c3 28 bxc3 Nxc3 29 Re1 Ba5 Black has also established a strongpoint for his knight, but, with the bishop on a5, his has a bit more bite to it. 30 Qd3 Na4 31 Bd2 Nc3 32 Bh3 Bb6 33 Nf4 Qe8 34 g4 [White was probably reluctant to trade in his knight, but perhaps he should have done so with 34 Nxe6 Qxe6 35 f4 resulting in a reasonably balanced position.] 34 ..Bc4 35 Qf3 Ne4 36 Rxe4 Best, otherwise the e5 pawn drops without compensation. 36 ..fxe4 37 Qxe4+ Kg8 38 g5!? [If 38 e6 Rxf4 39 Bxf4 Qxe6 and White's pawns are very vulnerable.] 38 ..hxg5
39 e6?? [Having played 'a', Marusenko unaccountably fails to play 'b'. If 39 Bxc8 Qxc8 (39 ..gxf4 40 Bg4 Be6 41 Bf3 is nothing special) 40 Ng6 and White has a fair position, though it is very complex. If 40 ..d3!? 41 Bxg5 Bxf2+ 42 Kh2 dxc2 43 Rc1 it is far from clear what is happening.] 39 ..Rxf4 40 Bxf4 gxf4 41 Re1 Qxh5 42 e7 Re8 43 Bd7 f3! The threat of mate takes precedent over White's attack on e8. A pity for Marusenko who fought well. 0-1
Willmoth,R (2239) - Lalic,B (2528) [C24]
Assurance International Port Erin (5.9), 03.10.2001
1 e4 e5 2 Bc4 Nf6 3 d3 c6 4 Nf3 Be7 5 0-0 d6 6 Re1 Nbd7 7 a4 7 h3 or 7 c3 are more conventional moves here. 7 ..Nf8 8 Ng5 In his eagerness to get the pieces off the board, White hands over the initiative to Black. 8 ..Ne6 9 Nxe6 Bxe6 10 Bxe6 fxe6 11 d4 exd4 12 Qxd4 0-0 13 a5 Nd7 14 Nc3 d5 Black is now a fair bit better. White hasn't a good square to develop his bishop. 15 Qd1 Bf6 16 Bd2 [16 Be3 Ne5 presents White with a different set of awkward problems, but at least it avoids the weakening of the a1-h8 diagonal.] 16 ..Ne5 17 b3 Ng6 18 Qg4
18 ..Bd4! Black decides to let the e-pawn go and stake all on an onslaught against the f2 pawn. 19 Qxe6+ [White may as well take on e6. If 19 Rf1 Qf6 20 Qg3 h5 21 Bg5 Qe5 22 Qxe5 Nxe5 23 Bd2 Fritz produces the melodramatic 23 ..Rf3!? but there are more mundane ways of playing it.] 19 ..Kh8 20 Rf1 Qh4 21 g3 Qh5 Now the threat is Ne5-f3, and there is not a lot that White can do about it. 22 Ra4 Ne5! [22 ..Rf6 would have served equally well.] 23 h4 Nf3+ 24 Kg2 Nxd2 25 Rxd4 Qf3+ 0-1
Round 5 Results
Bd WHITE Result BLACK 1 HEBDEN,Mark 2559 (3) 1/2 KIRIAKOV,Petr 2548 (3½) 2 TIVIAKOV,Sergei 2618 (3) 1/2 FLEAR,Glenn C 2489 (3) 3 ULIBIN,Mikhail 2583 (3) 1/2 SHAW,John 2478 (3) 4 STOCEK,Jiri 2530 (3) 1/2 YAKOVICH,Yuri 2577 (3) 5 BRODSKY,Michail 2528 (3) 1/2 GORMALLY,Danny 2481 (2½) 6 WILLIAMS,Simon 2369 (2½) 0-1 GLEIZEROV,Evgeny 2587 (2½) 7 BABURIN,Alexande 2584 (2½) 1-0 HANLEY,Craig A 2278 (2½) 8 MARUSENKO,Petr 2362 (2½) 0-1 GALKIN,Alexander 2583 (2½) 9 WILLMOTH,Robert 2239 (2½) 0-1 LALIC,Bogdan 2528 (2½) 10 JACKSON,Adrian 2230 (2½) 0-1 GALLAGHER,Joe 2516 (2½) 11 RYAN,Joe 2305 (2½) 0-1 HILLARP-PERSSON, 2438 (2½) 12 MCNAB,Colin 2437 (2½) 1-0 VALENTI,Richard 2143 (2½) 13 CHERNIAEV,Alexan 2437 (2½) 1-0 COLLINS,Sam 2194 (2½) 14 KIRSANOV,Oleg 2365 (2½) 1-0 SMITH,Andrew P 2234 (2) 15 ARAKHAMIA-GRANT, 2446 (2) 1-0 SIMONS,Martin 2215 (2) 16 CROUCH,Colin S 2407 (2) 1-0 GOODGER,Martyn 2136 (2) 17 HOWELL,David WL 2193 (2) 0-1 SOWRAY,Peter J 2334 (2) 18 BISBY,Daniel L 2285 (2) 1/2 YURENOK,Maria S 2088 (2) 19 KEMENADE,R van 1992 (1½) 0-1 AFEK,Yochanan 2381 (1½) 20 SPENCE,David 2185 (1½) 1/2 BOUSBOURAS,Spiro 2102 (1½) 21 COATHUP,Roger 2130 (1½) 1/2 ORMSBY,Alan 1720 (1½) 22 BOLT,Graham 2124 (1½) 1/2 MCNALLY,Bruce 2010 (1½) 23 MAY,Frank 2125 (1) 1-0 ELLISON,D George 2104 (1½) 24 LUTTON,J Ezra 2093 (1) 1/2 ALLEN,Keith 2289 (1) 25 DOSSETT,Chris 1768 (1) 0-1 ISHERWOOD,Paul 2172 (1) 26 NICHOLSON,John 1865 (1) 0-1 CLARK,Stephen P 2112 (1) 27 WAUGH,Jonathan 1672 (0) 0-1 SPANTON,Tim 2051 (0) 28 BENSON,Paul 2046 (0) 1-0 MAHER,Frank ---- (-) 29 STUART,E Leslie 2039 (1) 1/2 Bye
Round 5 Crosstable
Monarch Assurance Isle Of Man (ENG), IX 2001 - X 2000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Kiriakov, Petr g RUS 2548 =23 +29 +25 + 9 =12 . . . . 4.0 /5 2662 2 Galkin, Alexander g RUS 2583 +18 = 7 =14 =17 +25 . . . . 3.5 /5 2585 3 Stocek, Jiri g CZE 2530 +17 = 4 +26 = 8 = 6 . . . . 3.5 /5 2618 4 Gleizerov, Evgeny g RUS 2587 +21 = 3 = 7 =13 +23 . . . . 3.5 /5 2611 5 Ulibin, Mikhail g RUS 2583 +13 -19 +24 +20 =16 . . . . 3.5 /5 2550 6 Yakovich, Yuri g RUS 2577 +22 =14 +23 =11 = 3 . . . . 3.5 /5 2631 7 Brodsky, Michail g UKR 2528 +20 = 2 = 4 +34 =19 . . . . 3.5 /5 2589 8 Hillarp Persson, Tiger g SWE 2438 = 9 +40 =12 = 3 +28 . . . . 3.5 /5 2581 9 Baburin, Alexander g IRL 2584 = 8 +34 +19 - 1 +24 . . . . 3.5 /5 2541 10 Lalic, Bogdan g ENG 2528 =25 +31 =18 =28 +29 . . . . 3.5 /5 2463 11 Tiviakov, Sergei g NED 2618 =16 +35 +36 = 6 =14 . . . . 3.5 /5 2531 12 Hebden, Mark g ENG 2559 =26 +42 = 8 +35 = 1 . . . . 3.5 /5 2507 13 Cherniaev, Alexander m RUS 2437 - 5 +30 +41 = 4 +27 . . . . 3.5 /5 2476 14 Flear, Glenn C g ENG 2489 +49 = 6 = 2 +36 =11 . . . . 3.5 /5 2589 15 Gallagher, Joseph G g SUI 2516 +28 -23 +27 =29 +31 . . . . 3.5 /5 2416 16 Shaw, John m SCO 2478 =11 =27 +38 +42 = 5 . . . . 3.5 /5 2487 17 Kirsanov, Oleg RUS 2365 - 3 +44 +45 = 2 +35 . . . . 3.5 /5 2465 18 McNab, Colin A g SCO 2437 - 2 +39 =10 +48 +30 . . . . 3.5 /5 2434 19 Gormally, Daniel m ENG 2481 +33 + 5 - 9 =30 = 7 . . . . 3.0 /5 2496 20 Sowray, Peter J f ENG 2334 - 7 +37 +44 - 5 +42 . . . . 3.0 /5 2359 21 Arakhamia, Ketevan m GEO 2446 - 4 -36 +51 +39 +34 . . . . 3.0 /5 2244 22 Crouch, Colin S m ENG 2407 - 6 -24 +52 +45 +36 . . . . 3.0 /5 2275 23 Williams, Simon m ENG 2369 = 1 +15 - 6 +47 - 4 . . . . 2.5 /5 2470 24 Hanley, Craig ENG 2278 =38 +22 - 5 +40 - 9 . . . . 2.5 /5 2372 25 Marusenko, Petr m UKR 2362 =10 +46 - 1 +38 - 2 . . . . 2.5 /5 2386 26 Afek, Yochanan m ISR 2381 =12 +41 - 3 -27 +47 . . . . 2.5 /5 2266 27 Collins, Sam IRL 2194 +55 =16 -15 +26 -13 . . . . 2.5 /5 2372 28 Ryan, Joseph IRL 2305 -15 +51 +39 =10 - 8 . . . . 2.5 /5 2293 29 Willmoth, Robert ENG 2239 +48 - 1 +50 =15 -10 . . . . 2.5 /5 2357 30 Valenti, Richard FRA 2143 +47 -13 +55 =19 -18 . . . . 2.5 /5 2264 31 Jackson, Adrian ENG 2230 +50 -10 =48 +49 -15 . . . . 2.5 /5 2306 32 Yurenok, Maria S ENG 2088 -34 +58 -35 +46 =33 . . . . 2.5 /5 2139 33 Bisby, Daniel L ENG 2285 -19 -47 +58 +50 =32 . . . . 2.5 /5 2220 34 Simons, Martin ENG 2215 +32 - 9 +37 - 7 -21 . . . . 2.0 /5 2259 35 Smith, Andrew Philip f IRL 2234 +45 -11 +32 -12 -17 . . . . 2.0 /5 2276 36 Goodger, Martyn ENG 2136 +53 +21 -11 -14 -22 . . . . 2.0 /5 2324 37 McNally, Bruce SCO 2010 +46 -20 -34 =41 =44 . . . . 2.0 /5 2123 38 Bousbouras, Spyridon GRE 2102 =24 +49 -16 -25 =40 . . . . 2.0 /5 2246 39 May,Frank WLS ---- +43 -18 -28 -21 +48 . . . . 2.0 /5 2130 40 Spence, David ENG 2185 +51 - 8 =47 -24 =38 . . . . 2.0 /5 2127 41 Coathup, Roger ENG 2130 +52 -26 -13 =37 =43 . . . . 2.0 /5 2003 42 Howell, David WL ENG 2193 +54 -12 +43 -16 -20 . . . . 2.0 /5 2161 43 Ormsby,Alan IOM ---- -39 +55 -42 =44 =41 . . . . 2.0 /5 2124 44 Bolt, Graham ENG 2124 +58 -17 -20 =43 =37 . . . . 2.0 /5 1963 45 Clark, Stephen P ENG 2112 -35 +52 -17 -22 +53 . . . . 2.0 /5 2063 46 Isherwood, Paul ENG 2172 -37 -25 +53 -32 +52 . . . . 2.0 /5 1927 47 Van Kemenade,Rudy ENG ---- -30 +33 =40 -23 -26 . . . . 1.5 /5 2123 48 Ellison, Derek George ENG 2104 -29 +54 =31 -18 -39 . . . . 1.5 /5 2151 49 Allen, Keith IOM 2289 -14 -38 +54 -31 =50 . . . . 1.5 /5 2043 50 Lutton, J.Ezra ENG 2093 -31 +53 -29 -33 =49 . . . . 1.5 /5 2063 51 Stuart, E. Leslie ENG 2039 -40 -28 -21 +58 =56 . . . . 1.5 /5 52 Dossett,Chris ENG ---- -41 -45 -22 +54 -46 . . . . 1.0 /5 1933 53 Nicholson, John IRL 2021 -36 -50 -46 +55 -45 . . . . 1.0 /5 1872 54 Benson, Paul J ENG 2046 -42 -48 -49 -52 +57 . . . . 1.0 /5 55 Spanton, Timothy ENG 2051 -27 -43 -30 -53 +58 . . . . 1.0 /5 56 BYE1 ---- . . . . =51 . . . . 0.5 /1 57 Maher,Frank IOM ---- . . . . -54 . . . . 0.0 /1 58 Waugh,Jonathan IOM ---- -44 -32 -33 -51 -55 . . . . 0.0 /5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
START OF PLAY : 1330 (1.30pm)
RATE OF PLAY : 40 moves
in 2 hours, 60 moves in 3 hours then 30 minutes to each player to complete the
game. 7 hour playing session.
As well as Monarch Assurance plc, The Tournament is also sponsored by The Isle of Man Tourism, and The Cherry Orchard Hotel, plus the Erin Arts Centre, the Isle of Man Department of Tourism, Port Erin Commissioners and the Isle of Man Chess Association.